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Ministry of Environment
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

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Title: Standards for Air Pollutant Emission from Stationary Pollution Sources Ch
Date: 2023.06.14
Legislative: Full text including 14 articles published by Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan by order Huan-Shu-Kong-Zi No. 013459 dated April 10, 1992
Full text including 14 articles amended by Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan by order Huan-Shu-Kong-Zi No. 16668 dated April 20, 1994
Article 1 and Table under Article 2 amended and published by Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan by order (1999) Huan-Shu-Kong-Zi No. 0039205 dated June 30, 1999
Table under Article 2 and Article 12 amended and published by Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan by order (2001) Huan-Shu-Kong-Zi No. 0074780 dated December 19, 2001
Table under Article 2 amended and published by Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan by order Huan-Shu-Kong-Zi No. 0910038996 dated July 3, 2002
Table under Article 2 amended and published by Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan by order Huan-Shu-Kong-Zi No. 0960068131 dated September 11, 2007.
Articles 2, 8, 9 and 14 and Table under Article 2 amended and published by Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan by order Huan-Shu-Kong-Zi No. 0990119639 dated January 5, 2011
Articles 2 Table 1 amended and published by Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan by order Huan-Shu-Kong-Zi No. 1020032301 dated April 25, 2012
Articles 3, 5, 8 and Table under Article 2 amended and published by Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan by order Huan-Shu-Kong-Zi No. 1101079351 dated Jun 29, 2021
Articles 2, 3 amended and published by Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan by order Huan-Shu-Kong-Zi No. 1121064054D dated Jun 14, 2023
Content: Please find the attached file.
Data Source:Ministry of Environment Laws and Regulations Retrieving System