

Title: The Organization Act of the Toxic and Chemical Substances Bureau, Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan Ch
Date: 2016.12.23
Legislative: Original 6 articles promulgated by Presidential Order No. Hua-Zong-Yi-Zi-10500161461 dated December 23, 2016.


Article 1
The Environmental Protection Administration shall establish the Toxic and Chemical Substances Bureau (hereinafter referred as the Bureau, TCSB) to take charge of toxic and chemical substances source management, inspection and audit and to protect public health. 

Article 2
The Bureau shall be charged with:
1.Formulating, implementing and supervising the policy and legislation for the toxic and chemical substances management.
2.Formulating, implementing and supervising the policy and legislation for the toxic and chemical substances accident prevention.
3.Formulating, implementing and supervising the policy and legislation for the environmental agent management.
4.Integrating toxic and chemical substances information and their applications, coordinating inspection or audit programs.
5.Administering interagency coordination of the tracking of toxic and chemical substances volume and distribution, and related national standards.
6.Conducting research and developing methodology for toxic and chemical substances hazard assessment and management.
7.Planning, promoting and coordinating international cooperation and technical research development for toxic and chemical substances management.
8.Managing other matters related to toxics and chemical substances management.

Article 3
The Bureau shall have one director-general of the rank equivalent to senior grade 13,or the rank of senior grade 12 to 13, and one deputy director-general of the rank of senior grade 12.

Article 4
The Bureau shall have one chief secretary of the rank of senior grade 11.

Article 5
The official ranks, grades, and headcounts of personnel at the Bureau shall be regulated by a separate Personnel Establishment Table.

Article 6
This Act shall come into force on the date prescribed by the Executive Yuan.
