

Title: Regulations Governing the Advertising of Environmental Agents Ch
Date: 2006.07.25
Legislative: Six articles promulgated by
Environmental Protection Administration Order
Huan-Shu-Tu-Tzu No. 0950056210 on July 25, 20

Article 1

    These Regulations are determined pursuant to Article 33, Paragraph 2 of the Environmental Agents Control Act.

Article 2

     Environmental agent manufacturers, environmental agent vendors, and pest control operators

(herein referred to as "enterprises") when posting or circulating advertisements for environmental agents or pest control (herein referred to as "environmental agent advertising" shall be limited to the following methods:

I. Film and television (including movies, television, video cassettes, CD-ROM disks, etc.)

II. Radio broadcasts

III. Billboards

IV. Internet

V. Publications (including newspapers, magazines, flyers, diaries, calendars, phone books, etc.)

VI. Vehicle (carriage) advertising

Article 3

     Enterprises posting or disseminating environmental agent advertising shall list vendor name and environmental agent permit number, the environmental agent vendor license number or pest control operator license number.

     Dissemination as referred to in the foregoing paragraph that involves film and television, radio broadcast, and electronic banners may be exempt from listing environmental agent permit number, environmental agent vendor license number, or pest control operator license number.

Article 4

  The following methods may not be used in environmental agent advertising:

I. Advertising based on false endorsements and warranties

II. Making open claims or suggestions regarding environmental agent performance or characteristics that are misleading

Article 5

     The content of environmental agent advertising may not have incorrect suggestions for use or any of the following graphic depictions or language.

I. Exaggeration of safety features, such as making claims of having an environmentally friendly formula, of being absolutely safe, or of not being harmful to people or animals, of being non-toxic,that it can be used with peace of mind, or that it can be used without concern

II. Exaggeration of performance, such as making claims of immediate results, of thorough extermination, of complete extermination, that it completely kills, that it removes at the source, of guarantees, etc

III. Exaggeration of production methods, such as claims of special high quality, highest technology,

latest scientific findings or technology, most advanced production methods, etc

IV. Control or prevention of enterovirus, SARS, avian flu, Legioella Disease and other disease

Article 6

  These Regulations shall take effect on the date of promulgation.