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Title: Water Pollution Control Measures and Test Reporting Management Regulations Ch
Date: 2015.11.24
Legislative: Promulgation of provisions Amend 2、10、12、14~17、28、37、47、
、108、114, Add Chapter 10-1 and Articles 49-3、70-1~70-10、89-1
、92-1、106-1、111-1、113-2 , Delete Articles 60-1、113、113-1,by
Order of Huan-Shu-Shui-Zi No. 10400095824, November 24 2015,
Except for another implementation date, it will be implemented
since the release date, ,Environmental Protection Administration,
Executive Yuan
Content: Article 2
Terms used in these Regulations are defined as follows:
I. Jointly established wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment 
   facilities: The facilities refer to wastewater or sewage 
   treatment/pretreatment facilities that are jointly invested in, 
   established by, and jointly used by two or more enterprises.
II. Commissioned operator: The operator refers to the party 
    commissioned by an enterprise or sewage system to operate and 
    manage the wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment 
III. Soil treatment: It means the methods for the discharge of 
     wastewater or sewage via pipelines or ditches for irrigation 
     or percolation into the soil for the removal or reduction of 
IV. Commissioning wastewater or sewage treatment: It means discharge 
    of wastewater or sewage via pipelines or ditches to be treated 
    by a commissioned party (hereinafter referred to as 
   “Commissioning Treatment”).
V. Commissioned wastewater or sewage treatment: It means the 
   acceptance of wastewater or sewage treatment commissioned by 
   another party at established wastewater or sewage treatment/
   pretreatment facilities (hereinafter referred to as 
  “Commissioned Treatment”).
VI. Initial dilution ratio: It means the dilution multiples from 
    the mix of wastewater column or sewage column and the 
    surrounding seawater after the wastewater or sewage drains 
    from the pipeline into the sea and reaches a stable level in 
    the seawater.
VII. Discharging wastewater or sewage using a drainage pipe to 
     the sea (hereinafter referred to as a “Sea Drainage Pipe”): 
     It means the use of a pipeline to transport wastewater or 
     sewage to the sea; with an initial dilution ratio of 100:1 
     or greater.
VIII. Storing: It means delivery of wastewater or sewage to storage 
      facilities and then implementing reuse, Commissioning Treatment, 
      using containers, tank trucks or other non-pipelines or 
      ditches facilities to remove or transport wastewater or sewage 
      to the area outside the range of operations, or returning 
      water seepage in a landfill to the surface of the landfill.
IX. Recycling wastewater or sewage: It means collection of the 
    wastewater or sewage that has not been discharged into a water 
    body and has not undergone soil treatment to be reused for 
    other water resource purposes.
X. Non-continuous discharge: It means the effluent that is not 
   drained from a discharge point into the receiving water body 
   continuously for 24 hours every day, or that is not drained 
   from a discharge point approved by the sewage management 
   authority into a sewage system continuously for 24 hours every 
XI. Pure hot spring wastewater: It means wastewater from hot 
    spring baths with no other added substances.
XII. Plan for implementing liquor and fiber digestate as 
     fertilizer for farmlands: The liquor and fiber digestate 
     generated from livestock excrements after anaerobic 
     fermentation is used on farmlands for fertilization.
XIII. TUa: It means the reciprocal of LC50 (Lethal Concentration 
      50%) for bioacute toxicity test.

Article 10
Before proceeding to work at construction sites, the parties 
concerned shall present a plan for the reduction of pollutants 
from runoff wastewater (hereinafter referred to as “Reduction 
Plan”) to the special municipality, county or city competent 
authority for approval, and proceed as approved.
The Reduction Plan referred to in the preceding paragraph shall 
contain the following requirements:
I. Basic information;
II. Measures for the mitigation of pollution as mentioned in the 
    previous article and the engineering plan; and
III. A photocopy of the certification documents issued by the 
     competent authority.
If there is any change in the Reduction Plan or a concern that 
pollution is still possible as the competent authority reviews 
and finds the Reduction Plan insufficient to protect the 
quality of the water body and requires it to be improved within
a limited period, then the amended Reduction Plan shall be 
submitted, before the change or within the limited period, to 
the special municipality, county or city competent authority for 
approval,and be implemented as approved.

Article 12
The entities engaging in recycling, dilution, Commissioned 
Treatment or designated by a competent authority shall, in an 
upstream position of the wastewater or sewage treatment 
facilities, install independent and exclusive cumulative inflow 
water measurement facilities.
Where wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities are 
set up jointly for treatment of wastewater or sewage, it shall 
be transported through pipes or ditches.

Article 14
Wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities shall 
maintain normal operation and shall be maintained regularly and 
repaired in time. Records shall be made and retained as a 
reference for five years.

Article 15
Where the wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities
of an enterprise or sewage system does not maintain normal 
operation and a competent authority specifies a time frame for 
improvement, the normal operation of the existing facilities 
shall be maintained during the improvement period and measures 
shall be taken for reduction or discontinuation of the projection
/service or improvement of the wastewater or sewage treatment/
pretreatment facilities; such enterprises or sewage systems shall 
not go beyond the operating parameters according to which the 
competent authority gives a notice for improvement within a 
specific period of time, and other operating parameters shall be 
within the normal operation range. Otherwise, punishment will be 
imposed on each violation.
Registration for change with the Issuing Authority is required 
if the improvement referred to in the preceding paragraph may be 
made only after demolition of existing facilities.

Article 16
For the independent and exclusive electricity meters and 
operating parameter measuring facilities that are set up by the 
enterprise or sewage system for the wastewater or sewage 
treatment/pretreatment facilities and have a continuous automatic 
recording function, the record shall be made based on the design 
specification and frequency of the metering and measuring 
facilities; otherwise, the cumulative electricity consumption 
shall be recorded and the parameters shall be operated once a day. 
The amount of agent used for the wastewater or sewage treatment/
pretreatment facilities and the production, storage, and transport 
volume of sludge shall be recorded each time and statistics shall 
be prepared every month.
Where the Pollution Control Measures and permits (documents) 
contain any operation and treatment process for special 
circumstances, such as better quality of the original wastewater 
or sewage, lower quantity of the original wastewater or sewage, 
storm, or power outage, in their approval registration, the 
contents, start and end times, and duration of such a 
circumstance shall be recorded when it occurs; the parameters 
referred to in the preceding paragraph shall also be recorded.
The photocopies of the records, vouchers or invoices referred to 
in the preceding two paragraphs shall be retained as a reference 
for five years.

Article 17
The independent and exclusive electricity meters that 
enterprises or sewage systems set up for the wastewater or sewage 
treatment/pretreatment facilities shall meet the following 
I. The specifications shall meet relevant requirements of 
   The Weights and Measures Act, and the entire electricity 
   consumed for the wastewater or sewage treatment/
   pretreatment facilities shall be measured.
II. A transparent window shall be available.
III. The electricity meters shall be sealed with lead sealing 
     by a competent authority or electric power company; the 
     seal shall be confirmed by the competent authority 
     and shall not be destroyed.
IV. The source and destination of incoming and outgoing 
    circuits shall be marked explicitly.
For maintenance or replacement of the electricity meters 
referred to in the preceding paragraph, the seal may be torn 
off only after informing the competent authority. The 
electricity consumption shall be recorded during the 
maintenance or replacement; the recording method shall be 
subject to the consent of the competent authority. The 
competent authority shall be informed within one week after 
the maintenance or replacement.
In case no independent and exclusive electricity meters can be 
set up for wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment 
facilities, the facilities that have automatic control, 
measurement, and recording functions may be used to measure and 
record the consumption of electricity after being approved by 
the competent authority.

Article 28
Enterprises or sewage systems that take soil treatment measures 
shall set up sampling points before discharging wastewater or 
sewage into the soil.
The sampling points referred to in the preceding paragraph shall 
meet the following requirements:
I. A pathway that allows the personnel of the competent authority 
   to access to the sampling point;
II. Setup of independent and exclusive cumulative water 
    measurement facilities for measuring the volume of the 
    wastewater or sewage discharged into the soil; 
III. Setup of a sign marked with coordinates;
IV. Direct sampling shall be allowed. No facilities that may 
    avoid, hinder or refuse the competent authority's direct 
    sampling shall be set up without approval from the municipal 
    or county (city) competent authority
In case the competent authority finds that an enterprises or 
sewage system reroutes the discharge or conducts non-continuous 
wastewater or sewage discharge designated by the competent 
authority, the sampling point shall be set up at the collection 
pool that follows the final treatment units of pretreatment.
Setup of the sign referred to in Subparagraph III of Paragraph 2 
shall meet the following requirements:
I. The sign shall contain the name of the enterprise or sewage 
   system and its control number, sampling point number, and 
   maximum daily discharge volume based on the contents of the 
II. The sign shall be more than 32cm in length and more than 
    15cm in width with a white background. The texts shall be 
    black with visible fonts of 15cm or more, and no other 
    graphics shall be added without approval. (See attached 
    Figure 1.)
III. The sign shall be conspicuously fixed beside the sampling 
     point at a distance between 50cm and 2m from the ground.
IV. The sign shall be made of robust material.
V. The sign shall be mounted steadily and shall not be moved 

Article 37
Enterprises or sewage systems that may dilute wastewater or 
sewage under permission shall mix and dilute such wastewater or 
sewage using the blending facilities in the wastewater or sewage 
treatment/pretreatment facilities.
Independent and exclusive cumulative inflow water measurement 
facilities shall be set up for the blending facilities referred 
to in the preceding paragraph.
In case dilution is made to rescue personnel or salvage major 
treatment facilities recognized by the competent authority in 
an emergency specified in Paragraph 3 of Article 18-1 of the 
Act, the start and end times of the dilution, the reason for 
the dilution, the volume of water, and the reporting time shall 
be recorded, and a written report on the measures taken during 
the dilution shall be submitted to the special municipality, 
county or city competent authority and the Issuing Authority 
within 20 days.
The written report referred to in the preceding paragraph shall 
contain the following information:
I. Reasons for and time of the dilution;
II. The receiving party of the report and the reporting method 
    and time;
III. Measures taken during the dilution;
IV. Personnel involved in the measures and their tasks;
V. The water monitoring result as a measure to the dilution;
VI. Sequential measures and improvements;
VII. Others.

Article 47
To maintain normal supply of water, the water supply plant may 
take emergency response measures and discharge wastewater 
directly when the Central Weather Bureau issues a warning of 
torrential rain or when a natural disaster occurs and the 
concentration of the suspended solids in the raw water exceeds 
2,000 mg/l or the turbidity exceeds 2,000 NTU and, as a result, 
the wastewater treatment facilities cannot operate normally.
The water supply plan shall incorporate the emergency response 
measures referred to in the preceding paragraph in the approval 
documents or Permits (Documents) for Pollution Control Measures, 
and take actions according to the following requirements:
I. The settling basin and sludge thickener shall be cleared first.
II. A notice shall be sent to the downstream water users and the 
    local competent authority shall be informed.
III. Daily inspection shall be conducted for the turbidity and 
     suspended solid concentration of the raw water and the 
     suspended solid concentration of the effluent, and a record 
     shall be made for such inspection; the record shall be 
     retained as a reference for five years.

Article 49-3
In the event that, during the construction, sludge deposits 
clearly visible have been formed at the bottom of pipelines in 
the surrounding ditches, the entry point of the water body, and 
its surrounding areas at the construction site, the owner shall 
remove the sludge deposits on its own initiative or within three 
days pursuant to the order of the competent authority.
The owner shall use appropriate storage equipment to collect and 
treat the waste oil, lubricant, and diesel fuel left or spilled 
from construction machinery and vehicle servicing and/or 
maintenance, and shall not discharge or have them spill over into 
the place outside the work environment along with the wastewater 
or sewage or runoff wastewater.
For the removal of sludge deposits and the collection and 
treatment of waste fuel and oil referred to in the preceding two 
paragraphs, the owner shall record the time and method for each 
removal, collection and treatment, and the record as well as the 
certificate of appropriate treatment shall be retained for 
reference until the construction is completed and the control 
under the Act is removed by the special municipality, county or 
city competent authority.

Article 50 
Enterprises or sewage systems that set up the following water 
pollution control facilities and pipelines shall clearly and 
correctly mark their names in addition to the name and flow 
direction of the fluid in the pipe.
I. Pipelines and treatment units for collection, pretreatment, 
   treatment, backflow, discharge, and storage of water, 
   wastewater or sewage;
II. Rerouted pipelines for emergency response;
III. Pipelines and storage tank units for storage, dilution, 
     and recycle;
IV. Independent and exclusive cumulative water measurement 
    facilities and independent and exclusive electricity 
    meters for wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment 
V. Pipelines and treatment units for collection, treatment, and 
   storage of sludge.

Article 52 
In case rerouted discharge is conducted to rescue personnel or 
salvage major treatment facilities recognized by the competent 
authority in an emergency specified in Paragraph 3 of Article 
18-1 of the Act, the start and end times of the rerouted discharge, 
the reason for the rerouted discharge, the volume of water, and 
the reporting time shall be recorded, and a written report on the 
measures taken during the rerouted discharge shall be submitted 
to the special municipality, county or city competent authority 
and the Issuing Authority within 20 days.
The written report referred to in the preceding paragraph shall 
contain the following information:
I. Reasons for and time of the rerouted discharge;
II. The receiving party of the report and the reporting method 
    and time;
III. Measures taken during the rerouted discharge;
IV. Personnel involved in the measures and their tasks;
V. The water monitoring result as a measure to the rerouted 
VI. Sequential measures and improvements;
VII. Others.

Article 53
The discharge point of an enterprise or sewage system shall meet 
the following requirements:
I. The discharge point shall be located outside the work 
   environment and on the ground that the discharge flows 
   through before entering the receiving water body.
II. There shall be a pathway outside the work environment for 
    the sampling personnel to access the discharge point, and a 
    sampling platform the size of which is at least 1 square
    meter shall be set up.
III. Except for the case of a discharge point for wastewater 
     runoff, independent and exclusive cumulative water 
     measuring facilities shall be set up to measure the 
     discharge. However, this is not applicable to the 
     discharge point for runoff wastewater.
IV. A sign shall be erected at the discharge point and marked 
    with the coordinates of its location.
V. The discharge point shall be available for direct sampling. 
   Any facilities that prevent, hinder or deny the competent 
   authority from access to the discharge point for direct 
   sampling may not be installed without approval from the 
   competent authority.
VI. If the discharge point is established as a well, the well 
    water shall be adequately and equally mixed.
If the establishment of a discharge point has difficulty meeting 
the requirements in Subparagraphs I and II of the preceding 
paragraph, alternative solutions shall be taken as approved by 
the competent authority. In the event that at least one of the 
circumstances specified in Paragraph 1 of Article 56 applies, or 
In case of non-continuous wastewater or sewage discharge with 
the possibility of rerouted discharge, the discharge point shall 
be established at a location outside the work environment and 
designated by the competent authority.

Article 54
In the event that enterprises or sewage systems jointly discharge 
wastewater or sewage into the ocean through a marine outfall, the 
discharge point shall be set up at a proper location between the 
joint wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities and 
the marine outfall. In the absence of any joint wastewater or 
sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities, the discharge point 
shall be established at a proper location between the outside of 
the peripheral boundaries of the enterprise or sewage system and 
the marine outfall.
In the event that an enterprise or sewage system discharges 
wastewater or sewage through an attached pipeline along an 
irrigation or drainage channel, the discharge point shall be 
established at the location which wastewater or sewage flows 
through before entering the receiving water body. In the event 
that wastewater or sewage is discharged through a joint pipeline, 
a sampling point shall be established at a proper location 
between the outer boundary of the work environment of an 
enterprise or sewage system and the joint pipeline.
The provisions of Article 53 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the 
establishment of the sampling point referred to in the preceding 
paragraph. The same punishment for rerouted discharge shall be 
imposed on the discharge of wastewater or sewage from the 
sampling point.
In all cases of joint discharge before the Regulations were 
amended and promulgated, setup of sampling points and alteration 
of water pollution control Permits (Documents) shall be 
completed by March 31, 2016.

Article 56
If any of the following applies to the enterprise or sewage 
system, it shall complete the installation of water capacity 
automatic monitoring facilities, water quality automatic 
monitoring facilities, video surveillance facilities, online 
transmission facilities and independent electronic electric 
meters for the wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment 
facility within a provided period. Except the independent 
electronic electric meter for the wastewater or sewage treatment/
pretreatment facility, the above facilities and meters shall 
maintain normal online transmission functions with the special 
municipality, county or city competent authority. The enterprise 
or sewage system is not allowed to discharge wastewater or sewage 
if it fails to completion the installation within the provided 
I. The competent authority discovers that the discharge is 
II. It violates relevant provisions of the Regulations and is 
    ordered by the competent authority for discontinuation of 
    operation or business, or it declares discontinuation of 
    operation or business within the period of improvement 
    stipulated by the competent authority and then applies for 
    reinstatement of operation or business.
III. It discharges huge pollutants that the competent authority 
     deems critical in affecting the quality of the water body 
     in the surrounding area.
IV. The discharged wastewater or sewage contains the hazardous 
    substances to health announced under the Regulations and 
    there is a concern of the competent authority that these 
    substances are harmful to public health.
V. In the last year prior to the day on which the application 
   for the water pollution control plan or Permits (Documents) 
   is submitted, the enterprise located at the same address and 
   on the same location or land section has violated relevant 
   provisions of the Regulations and been ordered by the 
   competent authority to discontinue its operation or business, 
   or it has declared discontinuation of operation or business 
   within the period of improvement stipulated by the competent 
   authority, or has been found rerouting discharge.
VI. The function of the wastewater or sewage treatment/
    pretreatment facility is inadequate.
The enterprise or sewage system mentioned in the preceding 
paragraph shall complete the installation within 180 days after 
receiving the ruling of the special municipality, county or city 
competent authority. However, if any of the following applies, 
the applicable provisions shall be complied with.
I. Installation shall be completed before reinstatement of 
   operation is permitted as in the case of applying for 
   reinstatement of operation or business.
II. Installation shall be completed within 180 days from the day 
    of previous punitive action as in the case of administrative 
    remedy against the original ruling.
The enterprise or sewage system that fails to complete the 
installation within the period provided in the preceding 
paragraph may petition with the special municipality, county or 
city competent authority for an extension of the deadline within 
14 days prior to the expiration of the provided period except for 
situations under Subparagraph I, and complete the installation by 
the new deadline approved by the special municipality, county or 
city competent authority. The extension granted by the special 
municipality, county or city competent authority for the 
completion of installation shall not exceed 180 days 

Article 57
Enterprises or sewage systems that install automatic water 
quantity monitoring facilities, automatic water quality 
monitoring facilities, video surveillance facilities, online 
transmission facilities, and independent and exclusive 
electricity meters for wastewater or sewage treatment/
pretreatment facilities in accordance with the preceding article 
shall complete the installation pursuant to the following 
requirements and maintain their normal operation.
I. Automatic water quantity monitoring facilities: Independent 
   and exclusive cumulative water measurement facilities shall 
   be installed at water sources, discharge points and the 
   outfalls included as an integral part of sewage systems in 
   the working area.
II. Automatic water quality monitoring facilities: Automatic 
    monitoring facilities that monitor water temperature, 
    hydrogen ion concentration index and conductivity shall be 
    installed at inflow points and outflow points of each water 
    pollution control measure facility unit, discharge points, 
    and the outfalls included as an integral part of sewage 
    systems. However, for those water quality items separately 
    designated by the central competent authority, the 
    regulations of the central competent authority shall be 
III. Video surveillance facilities: Video surveillance facilities 
     that have functions of recording time and video footage 
     viewed clearly shall be installed at each water pollution 
     control measure facility unit and each discharge point and 
     shall be kept photographing and videotaping for 24 hours a 
IV. Online transmission facilities: The monitoring or 
    surveillance data referred to in the previous three 
    subparagraphs shall be transmitted to the special 
    municipality, county or city competent authority online 
    through transfer modules by Internet.
V. Independent and exclusive electricity meters for wastewater 
   or sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities: Specifications 
   shall meet applicable requirements provided by national 
   standards. The measurable scope for the entire electricity 
   consumed shall cover 1.2 times the volume of the maximum 
   electricity consumed by the wastewater or sewage treatment/
   pretreatment facilities. The meters shall be able to 
   automatically record the electricity resumed every 15 minutes 
   and store data for at least five years for further review.

Article 58
In case the competent authority finds, at discharge points 
located in a working area, that an enterprise or sewage system 
reroutes the discharge, the enterprise or sewage system shall 
complete the installation of the signboard for the automatic 
display of the capacity of flow discharge, water quality, water 
temperature, hydrogen ion concentration index and conductivity by 
the provided deadline.
The display signboard referred to in the preceding paragraph that 
shows flow discharge capacity and water quality automatically 
shall be installed at where can be easily seen on the external wall 
of the front door, and maintain normal operation. It shall have 
the function of real-time display of monitored data. In the event 
of malfunction, the enterprise or sewage system shall immediately 
report to the special municipality, county or city competent 
authority by telephone or fax, and the time of malfunction, the 
names and titles of the persons submitting and receiving the 
report shall be recorded. During the period of malfunction, 
calibration or maintenance, the alternative method approved by 
the special municipality, county or city competent authority 
shall be adopted to publish monitoring data.
If the malfunctioning display signboard referred to in the 
preceding paragraph is unable to return to normal conditions 
within 24 hours, the planned repair measures and the repair 
completion date shall be reported to the special municipality, 
county or city competent authority within two days from the 
date of malfunction.
The provided deadline in Paragraph 1 refers to that provided in 
Paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 56.

Article 59
In the event that an enterprise or sewage system utilizes 
wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities, a 
functional test shall be conducted within the time frame 
specified by the competent authority if at least one of the 
following circumstances applies:
I. Circumstances described in Subparagraph 1 of Paragraph 1 of 
Article 56;
II. Abnormal operating parameters;
III. Abnormalities in the equilibrium of water quality or flow;
IV. A concern that dilution may have been performed without a 
V. A concern that functions of wastewater or sewage treatment/
   pretreatment facilities may be insufficient.
Upon completion of the functional test in the preceding 
paragraph, the enterprise or sewage system shall submit a 
functional test report. Alteration of the documents of 
approval or Permits (Documents) for water pollution control 
measure plans shall be in accordance with applicable 
regulations. In the event a functional test report requires 
the signature of a technician, the report shall be signed by 
the technician who has jointly participated in the test.
If the result of a functional test indicates nonconformity to 
the control standards specified in the Act, the enterprise or 
sewage system shall reduce or terminate its production or 
service, or take other response measures.

Article 60-1 (Deleted)

Article 65
An enterprise or sewage system shall calibrate and maintain its 
cumulative water measurement facilities based on the frequency 
indicated in the brand specifications. If the frequency of 
calibration is not indicated in the brand specifications, the 
measurement facilities shall be calibrated at least every year.
Regarding the specifications of the cumulative water measurement 
facilities in the previous paragraph, the margin of error within 
the range of measurable flow shall not exceed +/-5%. However, 
non-contact cooling water not used for circulation whose flow is 
calculated by motor rotation is not subject to this restriction.
When an enterprise or sewage system performs calibration and 
maintenance of cumulative water measurement facilities, the date 
of calibration and maintenance, water quantity during the 
calibration and maintenance, and the results of calibration and 
maintenance shall be recorded and kept for five years. The 
recording of the water quantity during the calibration and 
maintenance shall be performed in the way approved by the 
competent authority
In case any of the following occurs during the audit on an 
enterprise or sewage system, the competent authority may 
estimate the quantity of wastewater or sewage discharge based on 
actual measurements, certification of water resources or water 
quantity equilibrium diagram:
I. The cumulative water measurement facilities are abnormal;
II. The wastewater or sewage discharge is far different from the 
    quantity shown on the permit; or
III. The cumulative water measurement facilities are not 
     calibrated or maintained as required in Paragraph 1.

Article 66
If an enterprise or sewage system has difficulty in installing 
independent and exclusive cumulative water measurement facilities 
in accordance with the Regulations, it may conduct measurement 
using any other measuring facilities or methods that are able to 
indicate the water quantity, subject to approval from the 
competent authority.
If the facilities in the preceding paragraph generate records in 
a continuous and automatic way, the enterprise or sewage system 
shall record the water quantity based on the specifications and 
frequencies of the facilities. If the facilities do not generate 
records in such a way, the cumulative water quantity reading 
shall be recorded daily and preserved for five years for 

Article 67
In case of sewage produced from offices, staff dormitories, other 
activity spaces and buildings within the work environment of an 
enterprise, the management shall meet the following requirements:
I. In case of combined treatment of sewage and enterprise 
   wastewater, the methods for the management of enterprise 
   wastewater shall be used.
II. In case of separate treatment of sewage and enterprise 
    wastewater, the methods for the management of building sewage 
    treatment facilities shall be used, and a discharge point 
    shall be established.
The discharge point in Subparagraph II of the preceding paragraph 
shall be established in accordance with Article 53.

Article 70-1
The liquor and fiber digestate generated from livestock 
excrements after anaerobic fermentation and then used on 
farmlands for fertilization shall meet the following requirements:
I. Animal excreta shall be discharged to anaerobic fermentation 
   facilities. A period of at least 10 days shall be allowed for 
   the anaerobic fermentation of livestock enterprises keeping 
   non-herbivore and at least 5 days for livestock enterprises 
   keeping herbivore, with routine tracking of the excretion of 
   liquor and fiber digestate. The anaerobic fermentation 
   facilities shall be able to accommodate methane.
II. The farmland where liquor and fiber digestate is used as 
    fertilizer (hereinafter referred to as Fertilized Farmland) 
    is not owned by the livestock enterprise. The livestock 
    enterprise shall enter into an agreement of a statement of 
    consent with the owner of the fertilized farmland, the 
    managers, or the users on the joint pursuit of the plan of 
    using liquor and fiber digestate as fertilizer for farmland.
III. The liquor and fiber digestate shall be fully diffused into 
     soil one hour after applying and no residual liquor shall 
     be left on the surface of farmland except the 
     aforementioned fertilizer is mixed with irrigation water 
     for furrow or flood irrigation.
IV. Liquor and fiber digestate generated after anaerobic 
    fermentation could be used for irrigation of farmland with 
    full quantity as fertilizer in which case a buffer quantity 
    shall be reserved in response to the period of suspended 
    irrigation of liquor and fiber digestate. The buffer quantity 
    shall be sufficient for at least 10 days of irrigation and 
    could be supplied from the anaerobic fermentation facilities 
    mentioned in Subparagraph I or other storage facilities. The 
    quantity from anaerobic fermentation that exceeds the limit 
    specified in Subparagraph 1 shall be included as buffer 
Livestock enterprises that meet the requirements listed in the 
preceding paragraph shall file the application with the competent 
agriculture authority and submit to it the plan of using liquor 
and fiber digestate as fertilizer for farmland (hereinafter 
referred to as the Plan of Using Liquor and Fiber Digestate as 
Fertilizer for Farmland). After the review and approval by the 
competent agriculture authority, the competent environmental 
protection authority of the special municipality, county or city 
shall be reported for its record, and the livestock enterprise 
shall operate based on the registered items.
In reviewing the Plan of Using Liquor and Fiber Digestate as 
Fertilizer for Farmland, the competent agriculture authority 
mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall invite the competent 
environmental protection authority of the special municipality,
county or city to take part in the review, and assess the total 
quantity of liquor and fiber digestate for irrigation in unit
area based on the quality of liquor and fiber digestate. For the 
review, an on-site inspection shall be conducted, and the 
anaerobic fermentation facilities, storage facilities and the 
design capacity hereof, frequency of the output of liquor and 
fiber digestate, transportation or delivery methods, and 
reasonableness of the site of Fertilized Farmland shall also be 

Article 70-2
In reviewing the Plan of Using Liquor and Fiber Digestate as 
Fertilizer for Farmland mentioned in the preceding article, the
competent agriculture authority shall review the content of the 
Plan and relevant documents, including:
I. A photocopy of livestock ranch registration certificate or 
   animal raising registration certificate;
II. Liquor and fiber digestate test report, which shall include
    the data of hydrogen ion concentration index, electric 
    conductivity, total nitrogen, NH4+-N, total phosphorous, 
    copper, zinc, etc.;
III. Documents that prove the ownership of Fertilized Farmland; 
     as Fertilized Farmland is not owned by the livestock 
     enterprise, the livestock enterprise shall provide a 
     photocopy of the contract or agreement for jointly 
     implementing the Plan of Using Liquor and Fiber Digestate 
     as Fertilizer for Farmland signed by and between the owner, 
     manager or user of the farmland;
IV. Land number of Fertilized Farmland, a photocopy of land 
    registration transcript, the size of planting, and the type 
    of crops planted;
V. The test report on the water quality background values of the 
   groundwater at the area of Fertilized Farmland, which shall 
   include hydrogen ion concentration index, electric 
   conductivity,ammonia nitrogen (NH4+-N), nitrate nitrogen, 
   total phosphorous,copper, zinc, etc., and the coordinates of 
   any groundwater well;

VI. The test report on the soil quality background values of 
    Fertilized Farmland, which shall include hydrogen ion 
    concentration index, electric conductivity, total phosphorous, 
    copper, zinc, etc., and soil texture, and the locations where 
    samples are taken shall be marked on a map included in the 
VII. Methods and routes used for the transportation (shipping) 
     of liquor and fiber digestate;
VIII. Fertilization operation, which shall include quantity of 
      liquor and fiber digestate to be applied, the method and 
      frequency of application, purpose, format of fertilization 
      record and measure(s) to be taken in the event of suspended 
      application of liquor and fiber digestate for farmland 
IX. Commitment to monitor the quality of groundwater and soil; 
    the items to be monitored are the same as those in the 
    groundwater and soil quality background value test reports 
    mentioned in Subparagraphs V and VI above, except the soil 
    texture; the frequency of monitoring shall be the frequency 
    reviewed and approved in the Plan of Using Liquor and Fiber 
    Digestate as Fertilizer for Farmland.
Livestock enterprises shall submit the groundwater and soil 
quality test report to the competent agriculture authority and 
the local competent environmental protection authority for 
reference within one month after completing the report, and shall 
keep the report for five years.

Article 70-3
The Plan of Using Liquor and Fiber Digestate as Fertilizer for 
Farmland shall be valid for five years. In the event the use of 
liquor and fiber digestate is expected to continue after the Plan 
expires, an application for extension shall be submitted to the 
competent agriculture authority within three months from the 
starting date of the six months before the Plan expires. Each
extension shall not exceed five years.
The application for extension submitted in accordance with the 
preceding paragraph shall include the documents and contents 
specified in Paragraph 1 of the preceding article, excluding 
those in Subparagraphs V and VI.

Article 70-4
The document of approval issued after review of the Plan of Using 
Liquor and Fiber Digestate as Fertilizer for Farmland shall 
include the following:
I. Names and addresses of the livestock enterprise and the person 
   implementing fertilization/irrigation, and the person in 
II. Land number and size of the fertilized/irrigated farmland, 
    amount of the liquor and fiber digestate used as well as the 
    quality of the liquor and fiber digestate and the methods, 
    frequency and purposes of the fertilization/irrigation;
III. Issuance and expiration dates of the Plan;
IV. Other required matters.

Article 70-5
In case of modification of the Plan of Using Liquor and Fiber 
Digestate as Fertilizer for Farmland, the enterprise concerned 
shall submit the document specifying the modification to the 
competent agriculture authority while filing the application 
for the modification with the competent agriculture authority. 
After the review and approval by the competent agriculture 
authority, the competent environmental protection authority of 
the special municipality, county or city shall be reported for 
its record, and the enterprise shall operate based on the 
registered items.
In case the modification mentioned in the preceding paragraph 
involves any of the following, the modification shall be made 
within such time frame and by means of such method as provided.
I. For modification of the registered items stated in 
   Subparagraph I of the preceding article, the livestock 
   enterprise shall apply for modification within 15 days after 
   the day of occurrence of the concerned matter.
II. For modification of the registered items stated in 
    Subparagraph II of the preceding article, a new application 
    shall be filed.
III. For modification or termination of the agreement or statement
     of consent in the joint pursuit of the Plan of Using Liquor 
     and Fiber Digestate as Fertilizer for Farmland as specified
     in Subparagraph III of Paragraph 1 of Article 70-2, a 
     photocopy of the modified agreement or statement of consent 
     or the termination agreement shall be submitted to the 
     competent agriculture authority for its reference within 15 
     days after the day following the modification or termination.

Article 70-6
In case the competent agriculture authority reviews the Plan of 
Using Liquor and Fiber Digestate as Fertilizer for Farmland and 
determines that the livestock enterprise is in any of the 
following circumstances, the use of liquor and fiber digestate as 
fertilizer for farmland shall be suspended.
I. It shall be suspended for a period from a warning of storm or 
   torrential rain issued by Central Weather Bureau to the third 
   day after the warning is lifted.
II. A substantial increase of pollutant indicators is found in 
    the groundwater quality monitoring result or the soil 
    quality testing result reaches the limits of the soil 
    pollution monitoring standards during the period in which 
    liquor and fiber digestate is used as fertilizer for 
The measures of suspending the use of liquor and fiber digestate 
as fertilizer for farmlands referred to in the preceding 
paragraph shall be incorporated in the Plan of Using Liquor and 
Fiber Digestate as Fertilizer for Farmland and reviewed.

Article 70-7 
Where the competent environmental protection authority of the 
special municipality, county or city finds any implementation 
inconsistent with the Plan of Using Liquor and Fiber Digestate
as Fertilizer for Farmland reviewed and approved by the competent 
agriculture authority, the competent agriculture authority shall 
be informed to request the enterprise to improve.

Article 70-8
Where any livestock enterprise that obtains the Plan of Using 
Liquor and Fiber Digestate as Fertilizer for Farmland is in any 
of the following situations, the competent agriculture authority 
shall abolish the Plan.
I. The content of the application is inconsistent with the fact.
II. Fertilization of the farmland is not implemented in 
    accordance with the Plan approved.
III. It fails to make modification in accordance with Paragraph 2 
     of Article 70-5 within the time frame, and still fails to 
     improve or correct within the period provided in the notice 
     sent by the competent agriculture authority.
IV. It commits other violations that the competent authority of 
    environmental protection or agriculture finds serious.

Article 70-9
Any of the following shall be deemed a violation of the 
Regulations and the violator shall be punished pursuant to the 
I. Violation of Paragraph 2 of Article 70-1 and Article 70-5 by 
   not operating based on the registered items specified in the 
   Plan of Using Liquor and Fiber Digestate as Fertilizer for 
   Farmland reviewed and approved by the competent agriculture 
II. Violation of Article 70-6 by not suspending the use of liquor 
    and fiber digestate as fertilizer for farmland.
Those that violate the preceding paragraph and cause environmental 
pollution during fertilization shall be punished in accordance 
with applicable environmental protection regulations.
Those that use livestock excrement and urine, or liquor and fiber 
digestate as fertilizer for farmland without obtaining the 
approval by the competent authority for its Plan of Using Liquor 
and Fiber Digestate as Fertilizer for Farmland shall be punished 
for violation of the Act.
Where not all of the livestock excrement and urine are used for 
fertilization of farmland and part of them are discharged into 
surface water bodies or are discharged into soil or a surface 
water body in violation of this chapter, the discharge into the 
surface water body or soil shall be subject to the Act.

Article 70-10 
The competent agriculture authority shall maintain and manage 
the files of the Plan of Using Liquor and Fiber Digestate as 
Fertilizer for Farmland approved, and the monitoring and testing 
of the implementation of the Plan, and shall pass relevant 
information to the competent environmental protection authority 
of the special municipality, county or city.

Article 73
The enterprises or sewage system that treats wastewater or sewage 
using wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities 
shall have the following contents in their reports:
I. Process facilities and production or service scales related to 
   production of the wastewater or sewage and sludge on a monthly 
II. Water quality of the original wastewater or sewage and after 
    the treatment/pretreatment, and the water quantity on the 
    testing day;
III. Source of water, consumption of water, production volume of 
     wastewater or sewage, and quantity of water treated using the 
     wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities on a 
     monthly basis; the production volume of wastewater or sewage 
     shall be respectively reported by process or source;
IV. Operation methods and monthly operation and maintenance costs 
    of the wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities;
V. Names of the agents used every month and their usage amount;
VI. Parameters and their maximum, minimum and average values under 
    normal operation of the major treatment units during the 
    reporting period;
VII. Maintenance, replacement date and monthly power consumption 
     of the independent and exclusive electricity meters for 
     wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities;
VIII. Monthly production volume of sludge as well as its water 
      content and operating frequency;
IX. Date and method of calibration and maintenance of the 
    independent and exclusive cumulative inflow and outflow water 
    measurement facilities installed or measurement methods 
    adopted pursuant to Paragraph 1 of Article 12, and monthly 
    readings and measurement values.

Article 89
The water quality and quantity that an enterprise or sewage 
system reports, except the water quality and quantity of rerouted 
wastewater, shall be acquired by sampling and measuring on the 
same day.

Article 89-1
The information that an enterprise or sewage system reports shall 
meet the following requirements:
I. The format, scope, and frequency meet the requirements of the 
   central competent authority, and no items to be reported are 
II. Testing of the water quality and quantity meets the 
    requirements of Articles 23 and 68 of the Act.
III. Reported information and data conform to the attached vouchers 
     or invoices, test reports, records, photos, and other 
     certification documents or materials that must be attached upon 
     request of the competent authority.
IV. Reported information and data conform to the on-site process 
    facilities, production or service scales, power consumption, 
    dosage of agents, water quantity measurement, and operating 
    parameter records.
V. Reported water quality items comply with Article 84.
VI. Reported methods for pollution control measures conform to 
    the actual setup conditions in the field.
VII. Reported information and documentation are made public on 
     the website that the central competent authority designates.
VIII. Other circumstances recognized approved by the competent 
Where those that having the reporting obligations and having 
received from the competent authority the notice requiring it to 
report within a specified time frame do report within the time 
frame but fail to meet the requirements provided in the 
preceding paragraph, the reporting shall be deemed incomplete. 
The competent authority shall impose a punishment in accordance 
with Article 56 of the Act for the violation and send notice 
again requiring it to make rectification within a specified time 
frame. When finding the reported information not meeting the 
requirements of the preceding paragraph, the competent authority 
shall give a notice to make rectification within a specified 
time frame, and shall deem the reporting incomplete if no 
rectification is made or the rectified report does not meet the 
requirements of the preceding paragraph after end of the time 
frame. In such circumstances, the competent authority shall 
impose a punishment according to Article 56 of the Act and give 
another notice to make rectification again within a specified 
time frame. For any incomplete reporting because no rectification 
is made or the rectified report does not meet the requirements 
of the preceding paragraph after end of the time frame, 
punishment shall be imposed for each violation.
Where the rectification within a time frame referred to in the 
preceding two paragraphs is involved in non-retrospective data 
of water quality, a retest shall be conducted and the data 
generated from such retest shall not be used concurrently for the 
reporting in the current period of the test.
Reporting shall be deemed false if the reported information does 
not comply with Paragraph 1 and is involved in any fraud or other 
illegal methods such as forged data, false certificates, and fake 

Article 92
The following records, data and documents reported by enterprises 
or sewage systems shall be retained for five years for reference.
I. Photocopies of the bills or invoices for the cleanup of 
   wastewater or sewage by the enterprise or a third party firm 
   commissioned for such purpose;
II. Photocopies of the bills or invoices for the cleanup of sludge 
    by the enterprise or a third party firm commissioned for such
III. Water quality and quantity testing report;
IV. Date of arrival and departure of the sampling staff to the 
    plant, the time of sample, the date and time for the beginning 
    and ending of sample, and personnel witnessing the sample, and 
    the photographs of the sample with clear labeling of the 
    locations of sampling with the date and time of photograph 
V. Photocopies of the bills or invoices on the purchase of chemical 
VI. In case of those that discharge wastewater or sewage into the 
    ocean through ocean outfall pipes, the monitored data of the 
    marine environment;
VII. Photocopies of the record and bills or invoices on the
     calibration and maintenance of the measurement facility for 
     the measurement of water capacity on accumulative basis;
VIII. Photographs showing the components of water treatment 
      facility and the outfall with clear labeling of the name 
      and the date of photography, excluding the water treatment 
      facility components incorporated into the sewerage system 
      for sewage exclusively used in the industrial zone;
IX. Other matters designated by the competent authority.

Article 92-1
When an enterprise or sewage system reports to the competent 
authority, the reported and corrected data and documents shall be 
made available at the website designated by the central competent 
authority with personal information and purchase price hidden.
Whenever an enterprise or sewage system reports, it shall upload 
the reporting records and data documents required in the preceding 
article to the website designated by the central competent 
authority. However, an enterprise or the sewage system other than 
that dedicated for an industrial park shall report and upload the 
data documents stated in Subparagraph VIII of the preceding 
article by the end of January every year, and the management 
authority (agency) of the sewage system dedicated for an industrial 
park shall report and upload by the end of February every year.
The personal information mentioned in Paragraph 1 includes name,
personal identification number or passport number, personal photo, 
date of birth, telephone number, cell phone number, fax number, 
email address, household registration address or any other 
information that may directly or indirectly contributes to the 
positive identification of the person.
In case that business confidentiality is involved in the information 
and documents mentioned in Paragraph 1, such information may be 
hidden from being made public provided that an application for 
confidentiality is filed to and approved by the municipality, county 
or city competent authority with the documents of proof for the 
following elements:
I. Those which are unknown to those who are not generally 
   involved in such information;
II. Those that have physical or potential economic values for 
    the confidentiality; or
III. Those for which reasonable confidentiality measure(s) has 
     been taken by the owner.
An enterprise or sewage system shall publish the data and 
documents of the latest reporting at the website designated by 
the central competent authority in three months starting from 
the day designated by the central competent authority for online 
Article 93
Enterprises or sewage systems shall report the data for the 
period from July to December in the previous year before the end 
of January every year, and shall report the data for the period 
from January to June in the current year before the end of July 
every year. However, the following enterprises or sewage systems 
shall observe the reporting period and data specified below:
I. The management authority (agency) of the dedicated sewage 
   systems in an industrial park referred to in Paragraph 2 of 
   Article 71 that is not subject to Subparagraph II of 
   Paragraph 1 of Article 86 shall report the data for the period 
   from July to December in the previous year before the end of 
   February every year, and shall report the data for the period 
   from January to June in the current year before the end of 
   August every year.
II. Enterprises and sewage systems other than the dedicated 
    sewage systems in an industrial park referred to in 
    Subparagraph II of Paragraph 1 of Article 86 shall report 
    the data for the previous quarter before the end of January, 
    April, July, and October, respectively, every year.
III. The management authority (agency) of the dedicated sewage 
     systems in an industrial park referred to in Subparagraph II 
     of Paragraph 1 of Article 86 shall report the data for the
     period from October to December in the previous year before 
     the end of February every year, report the data for the 
     period from January to March in the current year before the
     end of May, report the data for the period from April to 
     June in the current year before the end of August every
     year, and report the data for the period from July to 
     December in the current year before the end of November.
IV. The dedicated sewage system of a community that is exempted 
    from designating responsible persons for treatment of
    wastewater or sewage shall report the data for the period 
    from January to December in the previous year before the end 
    of January.
In case enterprises and sewage systems apply for permits
 (documents) for Pollution Control Measures plans, the date on 
which the Issuing Authority approves the approval documents or 
permits (documents) for the Pollution Control Measures plans 
shall be the start date of the reporting.
Article 94
Enterprises or sewage systems shall report
Enterprises and sewage systems shall report via the Internet 
from January 1, 2017. However, the reporting may be sent in hard 
copy at the consent of the special municipality, county or city 
competent authority.
Those that have reported via the Internet prior to the 
Regulations amended and promulgated on MM DD, 2015 shall still 
report via the Internet after the amendment and promulgation of 
the Regulations.
Article 99 
Sewage systems shall take into account the characteristics of the 
wastewater or sewage of the sewer-connected users and the 
capability of the sewage treatment plant to specify the quality 
of the wastewater allowed to be discharged into the sewage system; 
sewage systems shall also take samples on a regular basis to test 
the wastewater of the sewer-connected users for its quality, and 
take appropriate management measures based on the test result. 
The test result shall be documented and retained as a reference 
for five years. However, this paragraph is not applicable to the 
water quality with respect to any sewer-connected user who only 
produces domestic wastewater.
The sampling and testing referred to in the preceding paragraph 
may be conducted in the internal water quality laboratory and 
shall be performed using the methods announced by the central 
competent authority.
The sampling and testing referred to in Paragraph 1 shall be 
conducted item by item according to the water quantity of the 
sewer-connected user and the characteristics of the water 
quality. However, the instruction of the competent authority
shall apply when it order a sewage system to increase the 
sampling and testing items or 
frequencies for the sewer-connected users based on actual need.
Itemized testing referred to in the preceding paragraph is 
prescribed below:
I. Sewage systems in science parks and specific petrochemical 
   areas: Reported water quality items shall be tested on a 
   regular basis and samples shall be taken and tested at least 
   once every 

II. Dedicated sewage systems in an industrial park other than 
those specified in the preceding subparagraph: Samples shall be 
taken and tested at least once every quarter for hydrogen ion 
concentration index, water temperature, chemical oxygen demand 
and suspended solids; samples shall be taken and tested at least 
once every six months for other water quality items to be tested 
and reported on a regular basis.
For the water quality of the user connected to a sewage system, 
all the items, except for hydrogen ion concentration index, water 
temperature, chemical oxygen demand and suspended solids, whose 
test results are lower than the effluent standard for two 
consecutive tests are exempted from retests.
Sewage systems shall regularly guide and inspect sewer-connected 
users to understand the function and operation of their 
wastewater or sewage pretreatment facilities, and shall take 
appropriate management measures based on the result of the 
inspection. Records shall be made and retained as a reference 
for five years.

Article 100
Sewage systems shall regularly take samples of wastewater or 
sewage at appropriate confluence points and test such samples 
for their water quality. Records shall be made and retained as 
a reference for five years.
The sampling and testing for water quality referred to in the 
preceding paragraph shall comply with Paragraph 2 of the 
preceding article.
Where the water quality sampling and testing results referred to 
in Paragraph 1 discovers incompliance with the water quality 
requirements for the sewer-connected users specified in
Paragraph 1 of the preceding act, the sewage system shall find 
out the cause and request the sewer-connected user concerned to 
make improvement, and shall take inflow water quality/water 
quantity buffering and blending measures to maintain the quality
of the inflow water within the normal treatment rage of the 
wastewater or sewage treatment facilities.

Article 105
The following industrial or wastewater sewerage systems shall 
complete the installation of automatic water quantity and quality 
monitoring facilities, video surveillance facilities, online 
transmission facilities and the signboard for automatic display 
of flow discharge and water quality in accordance with this 
chapter within a year from the date designated by the central 
competent authority.
I. Exclusive sewerage systems of the industrial zone, with 
   permission of discharge capacity of more than 1,500 m3 daily;
II. Enterprises other than power plants, with permission of 
    discharge capacity of more than 1,500 m3 daily; the discharge 
    capacity is the total of wastewater from operation and from 
    release; however, household sewage and wastewater from 
    operation and release combined for treatment shall be summed 
    up as the totality for discharge;

III. Power plants, discharging uncontacted cooling water or 
     equipped with facilities of air pollution control through 
     seawater flue-gas desulfurization;
IV. Other requirements provided by the central competent 

The facilities mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall 
maintain normal operation and be connected to the special 
municipality, county or city competent authority for online 

Article 106 
The requirements for the types, installation positions and 
automatically monitoring items with respect to the automatic 
water quantity and quality monitoring facilities, video 
surveillance facilities, online transmission facilities and the 
signboard for automatic display of flow discharge and water 
quality installed by industrial or wastewater sewerage systems in 
accordance with the preceding article are stated as follows:
I. Industrial or wastewater sewerage systems rather than power 
(1) Automatic water quantity monitoring facilities: Independent 
    and exclusive cumulative water measurement facilities shall 
    be installed at the inflow positions for sewage treatment in 
    sewage systems and the discharge points of enterprises or 
    sewage systems to monitor wastewater or sewage and flow 
(2) Automatic water quality monitoring facilities: Automatic water
    quality monitoring facilities shall be installed at discharge 
    points to monitor water temperature, hydrogen ion concentration 
    index, conductivity, COD limits, COD limits, suspended solids 
    and other water quality items designated by the competent 
    authority. For the enterprises with permission of wastewater or 
    sewage discharge capacity of less than 5,000 m3 daily, water 
    temperature, hydrogen ion concentration index and conductivity 
    shall only be monitored.
(3) Video surveillance facilities: Video surveillance facilities 
    that also record time shall be installed at wastewater or 
    sewage discharge points and the rain discharge points in the 
    exclusive sewerage system of the industrial zone designated by 
    the competent authority. The video surveillance facilities 
    shall be kept photographing and videotaping for 24 hours a day 
    continuously and video footage can be viewed clearly. 
    Enterprises with permission of wastewater or sewage discharge 
    capacity of less than 5,000 m3 daily are not required to 
    install video surveillance facilities.
(4) Online transmission facilities: The facilities shall be able to 
    transmit the monitoring (surveillance) data mentioned in the 
    preceding four items through transfer modules online via the 
    Internet to the special municipality, county or city competent 
    authority. Enterprises with permission of wastewater or sewage 
    discharge capacity of less than 5,000 m3 daily are not required 
    to the facilities.
(5) Signboard for automatic display of flow discharge and water 
    quality: The signboard shall be set up at where can be easily 
    seen on the external wall of the front door. The size of the 
    signboard shall be subject to the specifications approved by 
    the competent authority. The contents displayed on the 
    signboard shall include at least control number, name of 
    enterprise, date, data of flow discharge monitored, and public 
    nuisance complaint hotline. Those that have installed online 
    transmission facilities in accordance with the preceding item 
    are not required to set up the display signboard.
II. Power plants
(1) Automatic water quantity monitoring facilities: Independent 
    and exclusive cumulative water measurement facilities shall 
    be installed at discharge points of uncontacted cooling water 
    and wastewater from facilities of air pollution control 
    through seawater flue-gas desulfurization to monitor flow 
(2) Automatic water quality monitoring facilities: Automatic water 
    temperature monitoring facilities shall be installed at the 
    discharge point of uncontacted cooling water to monitor water 
    temperature, while automatic hydrogen ion concentration 
    monitoring facilities shall be installed at the discharge point 
    of wastewater from facilities of air pollution control through 
    seawater flue-gas desulfurization to monitor the hydrogen ion 
    concentration index.
(3) Video surveillance facilities: Video surveillance facilities 
    that also record time shall be installed at the discharge 
    point of wastewater from facilities of air pollution control 
    through seawater flue-gas desulfurization. The video 
    surveillance facilities shall be kept photographing and 
    videotaping for 24 hours a day continuously and video footage 
    can be viewed clearly.

(4) Online transmission facilities: The facilities shall be able 
    to transmit the monitoring (surveillance) data mentioned in 
    the preceding three items through transfer modules online 
    via the Internet to the special municipality, county or city 
    competent authority. 

If, with regard to facilities in the previous paragraph, actual 
installation would pose difficulties or the effluent wastewater 
contains high-concentration halogen ions, alternative measures 
may be implemented with the approval of the municipality, county 
or city competent authority, and shall be implemented accordingly 
as approved.
The signboard for automatic display of flow discharge and water 
quality referred to in Item 5 of Subparagraph I of Paragraph 1 
shall have the function of real-time display of monitored data 
and maintain normal operation. In the event of malfunction, the 
enterprise or sewage system shall immediately report to the 
competent authority by telephone or fax, and the time of 
malfunction, the names and titles of the persons submitting and 
receiving the report shall be recorded. During the period of 
malfunction, calibration or maintenance, the alternative method 
approved by the competent authority shall be adopted to publish 
monitored data. If the malfunctioning display signboard is unable 
to return to normal conditions within 24 hours, the planned 
repair measures and the repair completion date shall be reported 
to the competent authority within two days from the date of 

Article 106-1 
Measure instructions of the automatic monitoring/surveillance 
facilities shall be submitted to the special municipality, county 
or city competent authority for approval before automatic water 
quantity and quality monitoring facilities, video surveillance 
facilities, online transmission facilities and the signboard 
for automatic display of flow discharge and water quality are 
installed according to the Regulations. After the installation, 
a report on confirmation of automatic monitoring (surveillance) 
and online transmission shall be submitted to the special
municipality, county or city competent authority for review, 
and an application for alteration of Permits (Documents) shall 
be filed with the Issuing Authority.
Where the competent authority imposes a punishment by ordering 
suspension of work or business (no matter whether within the 
specified improvement period or not) due to violation of any 
requirements of the Act and an application is made for 
restoration of the work or business according to Article 63 of 
the Act, water pollution control measures and sludge treatment 
and improvement plans, while prepared for trial run, shall be 
submitted together with the Measure Instructions referred to in 
the preceding paragraph to the special municipality, county or 
city competent authority for approval. After the installation 
and upon application for restoration of the work or business, a 
confirmation report shall be submitted to the special
municipality, county or city competent authority for review, and
an application for alteration of Permits (Documents) shall be 
filed with the Issuing Authority.
Measure Instructions and confirmation reports may be submitted 
together if video surveillance facilities have been installed 
before the date designated by the central competent authority 
for the sewage systems referred to in Subparagraph I of 
Paragraph 1 of Article 105.

Article 108
Enterprise or sewage systems that set up automatic water quantity 
and quality monitoring facilities, video surveillance facilities 
and online transmission facilities pursuant to the Regulations 
shall transmit in compliance with specified types and formats of 
the data and take actions according to Attachment 1. The measuring 
and monitoring values of the automatic monitoring facilities shall 
be processed in accordance with Attachment 2. Setup and relative 
error test audits of the automatic water quality monitoring 
facilities and video surveillance facilities shall be subject to 
Attachment 3.
In case of meeting the requirements stated in the preceding 
paragraph, transmitted information of water quality and quantity 
may be used for reporting as specified in the Act.
The special municipality, county or city competent authority 
shall summarize the information of water quality and quantity 
transmitted by enterprises or sewage systems into data that can 
be inquired by the public and make it available on the website 
that such competent authority designates.

Article 111-1 
The days mentioned throughout these Regulations are calendar days.

Article 113 (Deleted)

Article 113-1 (Deleted)

Article 113-2
The sign at a sampling point that an enterprise or sewage system 
sets up according to Subparagraph III of Paragraph 2 of Article 28 
or the sign set up at a discharge point according to Subparagraph 
IV of Paragraph 1 of Article 53 respectively, prior to the 
amendment of the Regulations, shall be confirmed and the 
coordinates of the sampling or discharge point shall be marked 
before March 31, 2016. Changes to Permits (Documents) due to 
nonconformity between the confirmed coordinates and the 
registrations in Permits (Documents) shall be completed within the 
time frame.

Article 114
The amendments to the Regulations made on March 8, 2013 shall 
become effective as of the date of promulgation, except Article
49-1, which shall become effective on January 1, 2015, and 
Article 49-2 and Subparagraph IV of Paragraph 1 of Article 75, 
which shall become effective on July 1, 2013.
The amendments to the Regulations made on MM DD, 2015 shall 
become effective as of the date of promulgation unless otherwise 
specified therein.