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Ministry of Environment
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

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Title: Drinking Water Management Act Enforcement Rules Ch
Date: 2003.04.09
Legislative: Original 24 articles promulgated by
Environmental Protection Administration order on February 4, 1998

Revisions to Articles 2, 3 and 23 promulgated by
Environmental Protection Administration order on August 8, 1999

Revisions to Articles 12 through 14, 18 and 19 promulgated by
Environmental Protection Administration order on April 9, 2003
Article 1   These Rules are determined pursuant to Article 30 of the Drinking Water Management Act (herein referred to as this Act).
Article 2   The matters designated in this Act as the responsibility of the central competent authority are as follows.
1. Planning, determination, supervision and implementation of national drinking water management policies, programs and plans
2. Implementation, determination, deliberation and interpretation of drinking water management laws and regulations
3. Research and development and public awareness work for drinking water management
4. Training and management of national drinking water management personnel
5. Supervision of drinking water management work in special municipalities, counties and cities
6. Monitoring and testing of national drinking water quality
7. Coordination or implementation of national and inter-special municipality, county and city drinking water management work
8. International cooperation and technology exchange related to drinking water management
9. Collection and compilation of statistical data on national drinking water management
10. Other national drinking water management matters
Article 3   The matters designated in this Act as the responsibility of special municipality competent authorities are as follows.
1. Planning and implementation of special municipality drinking water management programs and plans
2. Implementation of drinking water management laws and regulations and determination, interpretation and implementation of special municipality drinking water management laws and regulations
3. Research and development and public awareness work for special municipality drinking water management
4. Monitoring and testing of special municipality drinking water quality
5. Implementation of special municipality drinking water management survey work and compilation and reporting of statistical data
6. Other special municipality drinking water management matters
Article 4   The matters designated in this Act as the responsibility of county and city competent authorities are as follows.
1. Planning and implementation of county and city drinking water management programs and plans
2. Implementation of drinking water management laws and regulations and determination, interpretation and implementation of county and city drinking water management regulations
3. Research and development and public awareness work for county and city drinking water management
4. Monitoring and testing of county and city drinking water quality
5. Implementation of county and city drinking water management survey work and compilation and reporting of statistical data
6. Promotion and coordination of county and city drinking water management work
7. Other county and city drinking water management matters
Article 5   Community-installed public water supply equipment referred to in Article 4 of this Act means water intake, storage, diversion, purification, conveyance and distribution equipment and water wells installed and managed by a community development unit, or placed under the management of a community management committee after installation, which has a daily water supply volume of 100 cubic meters or more.
A community in the foregoing paragraph means a community with a capacity of 500 or more persons or with a total of at least 100 households, and which has obtained building use licenses after the implementation of drinking water source quality standards.
The standard for calculating populations in the foregoing paragraph shall be one person per every 30 square meters of building floor space.
Article 6   Stationary continuous water supply equipment provided by public or private premises to the public for drinking referred to in Article 4 of this Act means drinking water machines used by public or private premises to convey via pipelines drinking water from a stationary water source and which are able to continuously treat and supply water, or devices which convey via pipelines treated water to drinking fountains for human drinking.
Article 7   Polluting factories referred to in Article 5, Paragraph 2, Subparagraph 2 of this Act means factories in the industry categories listed pursuant to the standards for determining specific items and scope of environmental impact assessments for development activities.
Article 8   Development of other forms of energy referred to in Article 5, Paragraph 2, Subparagraph 3 of this Act means the construction or expansion of thermal power plants and dedicated cogeneration power plants.
Article 9   Development of new communities referred to in Article 5, Paragraph 2, Subparagraph 6 of this Act means the development of communities of 20 households or more.
Article 10   Renovation of golf courses referred to in Article 5, Paragraph 2, Subparagraph 7 of this Act means one of the following situations.
1. The repair or modification of over half of one structural element including the foundation, columns, bearing wall, floor, roof trusses or roof of existing golf course buildings
2. Modifications of the topography of an existing golf course fairway
Article 11   Expansion of golf courses referred to in Article 5, Paragraph 2, Subparagraph 7 of this Act means an increase in the area of a golf course, the area of a building foundation or the number of holes.
Article 12   (Deleted)
Article 13   (Deleted)
Article 14   (Deleted)
Article 15   For those public or private premises that fail to report records pursuant to Article 9, Paragraph 1 orArticle 12, Paragraph 1 of this Act and that have been notified to report within a limited time periodpursuant to Article 23, Paragraph 1 of this Act, or that violate the management regulations for themaintenance of drinking water equipment determined pursuant to Article 9, Paragraph 2 of this Act and that have been notified to make improvements within a limited time period pursuant to Article 23,
Paragraph 2 of this Act, and that have still failed to report or complete improvements by the deadline,the starting date for consecutive daily fines issued pursuant to Article 23 of this Act shall be determined pursuant to the following regulations.For those that fail to submit the documents of relevant regulations to the competent authority for
1.checking by the reporting or improvement deadline pursuant to the foregoing article [ed. note: theforegoing article has been deleted through revision], the starting date shall be the day after thereporting or improvement deadline.For those that have already submitted documents of the relevant regulations to the competentauthority for checking by the reporting or improvement deadline in the foregoing article:
2.the starting date shall be the day after the reporting or improvement deadline for those
circumstances in which the competent authority performs checking prior to the reporting or improvement deadline and determines reporting or improvement to be incomplete;the starting date shall be the day of checking for those circumstances in which the competent authority performs checking after the reporting or improvement deadline and determines reporting or improvement to be incomplete.
Article 16   For those public or private premises that violate Article 11, Paragraph 1 of this Act, that have been notified to make improvements within a limited time period pursuant to Article 24 of this Act, and that have still failed to complete improvement by the deadline, the starting date of consecutive daily fines
issued pursuant to Article 24 of this Act shall be determined pursuant to the following regulations.For those that fail to submit the documents of relevant regulations to the competent authority for checking by the improvement deadline pursuant to Article 14, the starting date shall be the day after the improvement deadline.
1.For those that have already submitted the documents of relevant regulations to the competent authority for checking by the improvement deadline in Article 14:
the starting date shall be the day after the improvement deadline for those circumstances in which the competent authority performs checking prior to the improvement deadline and determines improvement to be incomplete.
1.the starting date shall be the day of checking for those circumstances in which the competent authority performs checking after the improvement deadline and determines improvement to be incomplete.
Article 17   For public or private premises that, during the time period for consecutive daily fines issued
pursuant to Article 23 or Article 24 of this Act, submit testing reports or documents of other regulations that meet drinking water quality standards to the competent authority, the issuance of disciplinary citations shall be temporarily suspended from the day after the reports or documents are delivered to the
competent authority.For those circumstances in which the checking results of the competent authority fail to meet regulations, disciplinary citations shall be again issued from the day of temporary suspension of disciplinary citations in the foregoing paragraph, and consecutive daily fines shall continue; for those
circumstances in which the checking results of the competent authority meet regulations, consecutive daily fines shall be terminated from the day of temporary suspension of disciplinary citations in the foregoing paragraph.
Article 18   The checking designated in Article 24-2, Paragraph 1 of this Act shall include the approval of written documents and drinking water quality sampling and testing; after a public or private premises requests checking, the competent authority shall complete the approval of written documents or drinking water quality sampling within seven days and complete drinking water quality testing within
30 days.
Article 19   (deleted)
Article 20   Packaged drinking water referred to in Article 28 of this Act means packaged mineral water, packaged distilled water, packaged pure water or other drinking water packaged in a sealed and irreversible manner.
Article 21   Containerized drinking water referred to in Article 28 of this Act means drinking water carried in water trucks, contained in tanks, supplied at water filling stations or other drinking water contained in a non-sealed and reversible manner.
Article 22   The central competent authority shall determine the format and content of all disciplinary citations, documents required to be reported and other documents or forms designated in this Act and these Rules.
Article 23   Special municipality, county and city competent authorities shall on a monthly basis compile forms reporting the handling situation regarding violations of this Act and deliver said forms to the central competent authority to be filed for future reference.
Article 24   These Rules shall take effect on the date of promulgation.
Data Source:Ministry of Environment Laws and Regulations Retrieving System