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Ministry of Environment
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

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Title: Organization Act of the National Environmental Research Academy Ch
Date: 2023.05.24
Legislative: Promulgated a total of 7 articles by the Presidential Order No. 11200043231on May 24, 2023 with an effective date to be decided by the order of the Executive Yuan.
Article 1 The Ministry of Environment shall establish the National Environmental Research Academy (hereinafter referred to as the “NERA”) to administer the matters of environmental research, testing and analysis, and forensics and accrediting/certifying institute management and manpower development.
Article 2 The NERA shall be in charge of the following matters:
1.Drafting and implementation of the research and plans for environmental policy development.
2.Research, development, and the impact assessment of the scientific, risk, adaptation, and greenhouse gas reduction policies of climate change.
3.Research and development of resource circulation and recycling, disposal, and reuse.
4.Research and development of the spread, risk analysis, and pollution control of environmental pollution.
5.Research, development, and application of environmental pollution testing and analysis technology and standard method establishment.
6.Sampling analysis, testing and analysis, bioassay, and forensic investigation of environmental pollution.
7.Planning, implementation, and management of the permit and accreditation systems of environmental protection and testing and analysis.
8.Training, certification, and management of environmental protection and education and climate change responsive personnel.
9.Certification, guidance, promotion, and management of environmental educational institutes and facilities.
10.Other matters related to environmental research, testing and analysis, forensics, and accrediting/certifying institute management and manpower development.
Article 3 The NERA shall have one President in Senior grade 13 and two Vice Presidents in Senior grade 12.
Article 4 The NERA shall have one Secretary-General in Senior grade 11.
Article 5 If necessary, the NERA’s directors, researchers, associate researchers, and assistant researchers may be employed in accordance with the Act Governing the Appointment of Educators. Their retirement and pension shall be handled in accordance with relevant regulations for teachers and shall be reported to the Ministry of Environment for approval.
Article 6 The ranks, grades and number of positions of the NERA staff shall be governed by a separate organizational chart.
Article 7 The implementation date of this Act shall be decreed by the Executive Yuan.

Data Source:Ministry of Environment Laws and Regulations Retrieving System