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Ministry of Environment
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

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Title: Effluent Standards Ch
Date: 2016.01.06
Legislative: Promulgation of amend provisions the 2 Article by Order of Huan-
Shu-Shui-Zi No. 1040110326, January 6, 2016
Content: Article 2
The water quality items and limits for the effluent standards of 
the enterprises, sewage systems and building sewage treatment 
facilities are specified in Table 1.
For the wastewater or sewage that an enterprise or sewage system 
discharges into a special receiving water body in the total 
quantity control zone (hereinafter referred to as the “Total 
Quantity Control Zone”) of a water body for farmlands that must 
be protected as announced by the special municipality, county or 
city competent authority, the requirements of Table 2 shall be 
applicable to the limits of copper, zinc, total chromium, nickel, 
cadmium and hexavalent chromium in such wastewater or sewage. 
However, the requirements of Table 2 are not applicable in case 
enterprises or sewage systems located in the Total Quantity 
Control Zone discharge wastewater or sewage through an attached 
pipeline along an irrigation or drainage channel, or through a 
joint pipeline and with the discharge point located outside the 
Total Quantity Control Zone so that wastewater is not discharged 
within the Total Quantity Control Zone, or do not discharge 
wastewater or sewage into a receiving water body in the Total 
Quantity Control Zone even with the discharge point located 
inside the Total Quantity Control Zone.
Where other effluent standards are established for any industries 
or any enterprises, sewage systems and building sewage treatment 
facilities in the Total Quantity Control Zone, such effluent 
standards shall apply.
Data Source:Ministry of Environment Laws and Regulations Retrieving System