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Title: Water Pollution Control Act Ch
Date: 2015.02.04
Legislative: Promulgation of Add Articles 14-1、18-1、39-1、46-1、63-1、66-2 ~
66-4 , 71、Delete Articles 38、65、Amend Articles 2、10、11、14、
、69、71 、73, by Presidential Order Tzong-Tun-Hwa-Tzong-1-Yi-Tzu
No.10400014261 on February 4, 2015
Content: Article 2
Terminologies used in this Act are defined as follows:
I. Water: It means surface water or groundwater as it exists in 
   any form.
II. Surface water body: It means water, in part or in whole, 
    existing in rivers, the sea, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, 
    irrigation canals, all classes of water drainage channels 
    and other systems.
III. Groundwater body: It means the water existing in 
     underground water-bearing strata.
IV. Pollutant: It means a substance, biological organism or 
    form of energy capable of causing water pollution.
V. Water pollution: It means the introduction into water of 
   substances, biological organisms or forms of energy that 
   alters water quality, impacts the normal use of the water or 
   endangers public health and the living environment.
VI. Living environment: It means property, animals, plants and 
    their reproductive environments that are closely connected 
    with human life.
VII. Enterprise: Enterprises mean companies, factories, mines 
     and quarries, substitute wastewater treatment enterprises,
     livestock enterprises and other enterprises designated by 
     the central competent authority.
VIII. Wastewater: It means water containing pollutants produced 
      by an enterprise through manufacturing, operating, the 
      process of developing natural resources or the working 
IX. Sewage: It means water containing pollutants produced by a 
    source other than an enterprise.
X. Wastewater and sewage treatment facilities: The facilities 
    mean those that use physical, chemical or biological 
    methods to treat wastewater or sewage so that it meets the 
    control standards of this Act.
XI. Water pollution control measures: The measures mean the 
    installation of wastewater and sewage treatment facilities, 
    connection to a sewage system, soil treatment, commissioning 
    of treatment to a substitute wastewater treatment enterprise, 
    installation of marine discharge pipelines, marine dumping 
    and other methods of controlling water pollution permitted 
    by the central competent authority.
XII. Sewage systems: The systems mean all types of facilities 
     used for the collection, pumping, conveyance, treatment 
     and final treatment of the wastewater and sewage of public 
     sewers and special-purpose sewers.
XIII. Discharge point: It means a fixed discharge facility 
      installed in accordance with the law through which 
      wastewater or sewage enters a receiving water body.
XIV. Effluent: It means wastewater or sewage prior to 
     entering a receiving water body.
XV. Carrying capacity: It means the quantity of pollutants a 
    water body can assimilate without jeopardizing its normal 
XVI. Water zone: It means all or some of the water bodies within 
     an area delineated by the competent authority.
XVII. Water quality standards: The standards mean a quantitative 
      value designated by the competent authority for the 
      quality of a water body based on its optimal use.
XVIII. Effluent standards: The standards mean a regulatory 
       limit for the quality or composition of effluent.

Article 10
Competent authorities at all levels shall install water quality 
monitoring stations, and issue official announcements of 
monitoring results at regular intervals and adopt appropriate 
The sampling frequency of the water quality monitoring stations 
mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be determined in 
accordance with the pollution characteristics whether to be on 
a monthly or seasonal basis and, when necessary, shall be 
Locations, items, and frequency of the water samplings shall be 
taken into consideration by the geographic characteristics of 
thewatersheds, the quality and current situation of the water 
bodies,and shall also be revised regularly by competent 
authorities at all 
levels according to the water monitoring report of every year 
and the need for water pollution remediation as well. The 
central competent authority shall establish the monitoring 
stations and determine the monitoring criterion mentioned in 
Paragraph 1.
Competent authorities at all levels may commission relevant 
agencies and analysis laboratories permitted by the central 
competent authority to perform water quality monitoring in 
Paragraph 1.
Relevant industry competent authorities shall monitor the 
yields of heavy metal, toxic chemicals, and agricultural 
chemicals in edible plants, fish, shrimps, shellfish, and 
sediments when the official announcement of testing results in 
Paragraph 1 failed to meet water body classifications and 
water quality standards, and measures to prohibit harvest and 
consumption of aquatic animal and plants shall be adopted when 
there is concern of the endangerment of human health, 
agricultural or aquacultural production.

Article 11
The central competent authority shall collect water pollution 
control fees from enterprises, sewage systems and households 
that discharge wastewater or sewage into surface water bodies 
based on their discharge water quality and water quantity or 
based on their discharge water quality and water quantity as 
determined through a calculation method designated by the 
central competent authority. The water pollution control fees
in the preceding paragraph shall be provided exclusively for 
national water pollution control matters, and the disbursement 
items of these fees shall be the following.
I. Remediation of the pollution of surface water bodies and 
   monitoring of water quality;
II. Improvement of water quality in drinking water source 
    quality protection areas;
III. Improvement of water quality in water pollution total 
     quantity control zones;
IV. Construction of primary and secondary public sewage system 
    main pipes;
V. Construction of wastewater treatment plants and wastewater 
   and sewage interception facilities;
VI. Construction of nightsoil dumping stations and nightsoil 
    treatment plants;
VII. Construction of centralized treatment facilities for sludge 
     produced      by wastewater and sewage treatment facilities;
VIII. Water pollution control technology research and development, 
      acquisition and strategy research and development;
IX. Disbursements necessary, and employment of personnel required,
    for implementation of fee collection work; and
X. Other relevant water pollution control work.
Disbursements for Subparagraph IX of Paragraph 2 shall not be 
higher than 10%.
The water pollution fees in Paragraph 1 may be collected in 
stages;the central competent authority shall determine collection 
times for each stage,collection targets, collection methods, 
calculation methods, fee paymentprocedures, fee payment deadlines, 
use for each stage, and other binding fee collection regulation 
Water  pollution controlimplementation performance shall be 
reevaluated annually and reported to and filed for future 
reference with the Legislative Yuan.
Water pollution control fees in Paragraph 1 shall be distributed 
to the centraland local governments and the distribution principle 
shall be determined by the central competent authority after taking 
into account the requirements of each special municipality, county
 or city competent authority for pollution control.
Competent authorities shall set up a special fund consisting of 
water pollution control fees in Paragraph 1. The regulations for 
income,expenditure, custody and use of the fund shall be determined 
separately by Executive Yuan, the special municipality, county or 
city competent authority.
The central competent authority shall establish a fee rate review 
committee for water pollution control fees; the central competent 
authority shall determine establishment regulations for this 

Article 14
Those enterprises that discharge wastewater or sewage into surface 
water bodies shall apply to the special municipality, county or 
city competent authority for the discharge permit or simple 
discharge permit document and shall operate based on the registered
items while discharging. In case of any change in the registered 
items, the concerned enterprise shall apply for the change with 
the special municipality, county or city competent authority before 
the change is made. 
The registered items shall not be changed unless the change is 
reviewed and approved by the special municipality, county or city 
competent authority.
When the change in the registered items mentioned in the preceding 
paragraph does not involve the collection, treatment or discharge 
of wastewater, sewage,or sludge, the concerned enterprise, 
designated by the central competent authority, may perform the 
change of registration within the prescribed period.
The central competent authority shall determine the management 
regulations for the applicable entities, application forms, review 
procedures, issuance,cancellation and other items that shall be 
covered in the discharge permit or simple discharge permit document.

Article 14-1
Those enterprises designated and officially announced by the 
central competent authority shall, upon application for and 
modification of water pollution control measure plans,discharge 
permits or simple discharge permit documents, disclose the 
concentration and quantity of the pollutants that their 
discharged wastewater or sewage may contain.
When the wastewater or sewage discharged by an enterprise contains 
the pollutants not covered by the effluent standards and the 
pollutant has been determined by the special municipality, county
or city competent authority to be of concern of endangerment of 
ecology or human health, the enterprise shall submit a risk 
assessment and management report in accordance with the requirements 
provided by the central competent authority to explain the risk of 
its wastewater or sewage on the ecology and human health and risk 
management measures that can be adopted.
For the report reviewed and approved of the preceding paragraph, 
the special municipality, county or city competent authority shall 
approve, in accordance with the review results,the concentration 
or total quantity limit indicted in the water pollution control 
measures plan, discharge permit, or simple discharge permit document.
Pollutants in Paragraph 2, assessed and determined necessary by 
competent authorities at all levels, shall be added to the effluent 

Article 15
The validity period for discharge permits and simple discharge 
permit documents shall be five years. Those that still wish to 
continue to use their permits or permit documents after expiration 
shall, within the five-month period starting six months prior to 
expiration, apply to the special municipality, county or city 
competent authority for the approval of an extension. Each extension 
shall not exceed five years.
When there is concern with ecological or human health risks due 
to deterioration of water quality within the validity period of a 
discharge permit or simple discharge permit document in the preceding 
paragraph, and the special municipality, county or city competent 
authority considers that the registered items in the permit shall 
not be able to protect the water bodies or the risks may be harmful 
for the public welfare, the authority shall modify the registered 
items or cancel the concerned permit or permit document.

Article 18-1
Enterprises or sewage systems that discharge wastewater or sewage 
shall follow an approved collection, disposal unit, and flow 
process, drain from an approved and registered discharge point or 
from a discharge point authorized by the management authority 
(agency) into a sewage system, and not reroute discharge.
The wastewater or sewage of the preceding paragraph that requires 
treatment before it can meet the control standards determined by 
this Act shall not be diluted with non-treated water that meets 
the standards determined under this Act.
In case the rerouted discharge and dilution mentioned in the 
preceding two paragraphs are made to rescue personnel or salvage 
major treatment facilities recognized by the competent authority 
in an emergency, and the special municipality, county or city 
competent authority is informed within three hours, then the 
rerouted discharge and dilution shall not be subject to the said 
Wastewater and sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities installed 
by enterprises or sewage systems shall be equipped with adequate 
functions and equipment and maintain normal operation.

Article 20
An enterprise or sewage system shall apply to the special 
municipality, county or city competent 
authority for permission before storing or diluting the wastewater,
and shall obey all the items 
registered on the permit. But the enterprise shall apply for a 
wastewater dilution permit only if there are no other alternative 
wastewater treatment facilities or methods.
The central competent authority shall determine the management 
regulations for the applicable entities, application forms, review 
procedures, issuance, cancellation and other items that shall be 
obeyed covered in the wastewater storage or dilution permit in the 
preceding paragraph.
Those permitted to store and dilute wastewater pursuant to 
Paragraph 1 shall report wastewater treatment circumstances to 
special municipality, county or city competent authority based on 
the format, content, frequency and method provided by the competent 

Article 22
Enterprises or sewage systems shall, based on the format, content, 
frequency and method provided by the competent authority, report 
the operation of wastewater and sewage treatment facilities, 
analysis of effluent water quality and water quantity, power 
consumption records, and other documents related to wastewater and 
sewage treatment to the special municipality, county or city 
competent authority.
The central competent authority should determine testing and 
reporting items for each type of industry according to the 
characteristics of their wastewater, and the special municipality, 
county or city competent authority may, based on the circumstances 
of discharge, increase testing and reporting items.

Article 27
When there is concern of the serious endangerment of human health, 
agricultural or aqua cultural production, or drinking water sources 
due to the discharge of wastewater or sewage by an enterprise or 
sewage system, the statutory responsible person shall adopt 
emergency response measures promptly and notify the local competent 
authority within three hours.
The central competent authority shall determine the circumstances 
of the serious endangerment of human health, agricultural or 
aquacultural production, or drinking water sources referred to in 
the preceding paragraph.
The central competent authority shall determine the content and 
implementation methods for the  emergency response measures in 
Paragraph 1.
Under the circumstances in Paragraph 1, in addition to ordering 
the adoption of necessary control measures, the competent authority 
shall, for those serious circumstances, also order suspension 
of business or the partial or complete suspension of work.

Article 28
Maintenance and preventive measures shall be adopted for those 
circumstances in which there is concern of the leakage through 
negligence of pollutants or wastewater or sewage into a water 
body from the conveyance or storage equipment installed by an 
enterprise or sewage system. 
For those circumstances in which leakage through negligence 
causes the pollution of a water body, emergency response measures 
shall be adopted promptly and the local competent authority 
notified within three hours of the occurrence of the accident. 
In addition to ordering the adoption of necessary control measures, 
the competent authority shall, for those serious circumstances, 
also order the suspension of business or the partial or complete 
suspension of work.
The central competent authority shall determine the content and 
implementation methods for the emergency response measures in the 
preceding paragraph.

Article 31
In one of the following circumstances, an enterprise or sewage 
system that discharges wastewater or sewage into a water body 
that has been delineated as a total quantity control water body 
shall install on its own an automatic monitoring system in order 
to monitor effluent water quality and water quantity.
Those circumstances in which the daily quantity of wastewater or 
sewage discharges exceeds 1,000 m3;
II. Those circumstances in which the special municipality, county 
or city competent authority has determined the enterprise or sewage 
system to be a major water pollution source.
Records of the monitoring results and calibration of the monitoring 
instruments in the preceding paragraph shall be maintained and 
reported to the special municipality, county and city competent 
authority or central competent authority in accordance with 

Article 34
Those that violate Paragraph 1 of Article 27 or Paragraph 1 of 
Article 28 by failure to adopt emergency response measures 
promptly or that fail to comply with orders issued by the competent 
authority pursuant to Paragraph 4 of Article 27 or Paragraph 1 of 
Article 28 or those that fail to comply with an order to suspend 
work or suspend business issued by the competent authority 
pursuant to this Act, shall be punished by a maximum of three 
years imprisonment, detention and/or a fine of NT$200,000 to 
NT$5 million.
Those that fail to comply with an order to suspend activities 
issued by the competent authority pursuant to this Act, shall be 
punished by a maximum of one year imprisonment, detention and/or 
a fine of NT$100,000 to NT$500,000.

Article 35
Those that have reporting obligations pursuant to this Act that 
knowingly report false information or keep false records of their 
operations shall be punished by a maximum of three years 
imprisonment, detention and/or a fine of NT$200,000 to NT$3,000,000

Article 36
When the concentrations of the toxic or harmful substances in the 
wastewater or sewage, which are injected into groundwater bodies 
or discharged into the soil or surface water bodies by an enterprise, 
exceed all kinds of regulation covered in the Act, the enterprise 
shall be punished by a maximum of three years imprisonment, 
detention and/or a fine of NT$200,000 to NT$5 million.
Those that violate the preceding paragraph and have one of the 
following circumstances, shall be punished by a maximum of five 
years imprisonment and/or a fine of NT$200,000 to NT$15 million.
I. Lack a discharge permit or simple discharge permit document;
II. Violation of Paragraph 1 of Article 18-1; or
III. Violation of Paragraph 1 of Article 32.
The central competent authority shall officially announce the types 
of substances harmful to health in Paragraph 1.
The statutory responsible person, or supervisor who violates 
Articles 34 to Paragraph 2 of this Article shall be subject to the 
punishment prescribed for such an offense by increasing the 
penalty up to one half.

Article 37
Those that violate Article 34 or the preceding article, or 
discharge wastewater or sewage beyond the effluent standards, and 
therefore cause human death, shall be punished by life 
imprisonment or a minimum of seven years imprisonment and may be 
fined a maximum of NT$30 million. Those that cause severe injury 
shall be punished by three to ten years imprisonment and may be 
fined a maximum of NT$25 million. Those that cause harm to human 
health so as to lead to illness or severe environmental pollution 
shall be punished by one to seven years imprisonment and may be 
fined a  maximum of NT$20 million.

Article 38 (Deleted)

Article 39
For those circumstances in which a statutory responsible person 
of a juridical person, or an agent,employee or other working 
personnel of a juridical person or natural person violates 
Articles 34 to 37 in conducting business activities, the 
juridical person or natural person shall also be fined up to ten 
times the amount of the fine specified in each of the articles 
violated, in addition to the violating person being punished in 
accordance with the provisions of each article violated.
Properties or property interests obtained by those who violate 
the Act from the violating activities shall be returned to victims 
or used to pay for such necessary clearance and disposal, 
improvement and derivative expenses paid by the competent authority 
as specified in Article 71 and the rest shall be confiscated 
without regarding whether such properties or interests belong to 
the violators or not. 
In case it is impossible to confiscate the whole or a part of the 
properties or interests, the value thereof shall be collected from 
the violators or offset by property of the violators. However, this 
does not apply to a bona fide third party that has obtained at 
corresponding cost.
To secure such confiscation of the properties or property interests, 
such collection of the value and such offset of the property as 
stated in the preceding paragraph, property of a violator with 
discretion as required, if necessary.

Article 39-1
Enterprises or sewage systems shall not discharge, transfer, 
reduce in wage or otherwise take any adverse sanction against its 
dedicated enterprise or sewage system personnel or other employees 
for their disclosing an action which violates this Act to the 
competent authority or judicial authority,becoming witnesses of a 
litigation process or refusing to participate in an action which 
violates this Act.
Any dismissal, demotion or reduction of wage imposed by the 
enterprise or sewage system manager or employee who exercises the 
managerial authority on behalf of the employer for reasons as 
prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be null and void.
If those enterprise or sewage system personnel or employer are 
penalized by the employer for the reason prescribed in Paragraph 1, 
the enterprise or the sewage system has the duty to prove whether 
the violation is true.
In case dedicated personnel and other employers in an enterprise or 
sewage system who has participated in actions violating the 
provisions of this Act and under criminal responsibility disclose 
such actions to the competent authority or judicial authority to 
assist the authority to uncover the violation of the employer, the 
penalty for such person shall be reduced or exempted.

Article 40
Those enterprises or sewage systems that discharge wastewater or
 sewage in violation of Paragraph 1 of Article 7 or Article 8 
shall be fined NT$60,000 to NT$20 million and shall be notified 
to make improvements within a time frame. Those that still fail to 
complete improvements by the deadline shall be subject to an 
additional fine imposed for each violation. In severe circumstances, 
the enterprise or sewage system may be ordered to suspend work or 
suspend business and, when necessary, may have its water pollution 
control permit (document) cancelled or be ordered to terminate 
Livestock enterprises that violate the Paragraph 1 of Article 7 
or Article 8 shall be fined NT$6,000 to NT$600,000, and notified 
to make improvements within a time frame. Those that still fail 
to complete improvements by the deadline shall be subject to an 
additional fine imposed for each violation. In severe circumstances, 
orders shall be issued for the suspension of work or suspension 
of business and, when necessary, may have its water pollution control 
permit (document) cancelled or be ordered to terminate business.

Article 41
Those building sewage treatment facilities that violate Paragraph 1 
of Article 7 or Article 8 shall be fined NT$3,000 to NT$300,000.

Article 43
Those enterprises or sewage systems that violate the total quantity 
control methods determined pursuant to Paragraph 2 of Article 9 
shall be fined NT$30,000 to NT$3 million and shall be notified 
to make improvements within a time frame. Those that still fail
to complete improvements by the deadline shall be subject to an 
additional fine imposed for each violation. In severe circumstances, 
the enterprise or sewage system shall be ordered to suspend work
or suspend business and, when necessary, may have its water pollution 
control permit (document) cancelled or be ordered to terminate business.

Article 44
Those that violate regulations determined pursuant to Paragraph 4 
of Article 11 by failure to pay fees by the deadline shall pay, 
in addition to said fees, interest that shall accrue daily based 
on the fixed annual interest rate for a one-year postal savings 
time deposit on the day of the payment deadline. For still failing 
to make payments 90 days after the payment deadline, the enterprises 
or sewage systems shall be additionally fined NT$6,000 to NT$300,000 
and the households shall be fined NT$1,500 to NT$30,000.

Article 45
Those that violate Paragraph 1 of Article 14 for discharging 
wastewater or sewage without a discharge permit or simple 
discharge permit document shall be fined NT$60,000 to NT$
6 million. The enterprise shall be ordered by the central 
competent authority to suspend work or suspend of business, 
and when necessary, orders shall be issued to terminate business.
Those that violate Paragraph 1 of Article 14 by failure to operate 
with the registration items of a discharge permit or simple 
discharge permit document, shall be fined NT$60,000 to NT$6 million 
and shall be notified to make corrections within a time frame. 
Those that still fail to make corrections by the deadline shall 
be subject to an additional fine imposed for each violation. In 
severe circumstances, the enterprise or sewage system may be ordered 
to suspend work or suspend business and, when necessary, may 
have its water pollution control permit (document) cancelled or be 
ordered to terminate business.
Those that violate Paragraph 2 of Article 14 shall be fined NT$10,000 
to NT$600,000, and shall be notified to make corrections within a 
time frame. Those that still fail to make corrections by the deadline 
shall be fined per violation.

Article 46
Those that violate the regulations determined pursuant to Paragraph 4 
of Article 13 or Article 18 shall be fined NT$10,000 to NT$6 million 
and shall be notified to make corrections or improvements within a 
time frame. Those that still fail to make corrections or complete 
improvements by the deadline shall be fined per violation. In severe 
circumstances, orders may be issued for the suspension of work or 
suspension of business and, when necessary, water pollution control 
permits (documents) may be cancelled or be ordered to terminate 

Article 46-1
Those that discharge wastewater or sewage in violation of 
Paragraph 1, 2 or 4 of Article 18-1 shall be fined NT$60,000 to 
NT$20 million and shall be notified to make improvements within 
a time frame. Those that still fail to complete improvements by 
the deadline shall be fined subject to an additional fine imposed 
for each violation. In severe circumstances, the enterprise or 
sewage system shall be ordered to suspend work or suspend business 
and, when necessary, may have its water pollution control permit 
(document) cancelled or be ordered to terminate business.

Article 47
Those sewage systems that violate Article 19 shall be fined 
NT$60,000 to NT$6 million and shall be notified to make 
corrections or improvements within a time frame. Those that still 
fail to make corrections or complete improvements by the deadline 
shall be fined per violation.

Article 48
Those enterprises or sewage systems that violate Paragraph 1 of 
Article 20 for their storing or diluting wastewater or sewage 
without the wastewater storage or dilution permit shall be fined 
NT$30,000 to NT$3 million. The enterprise shall be ordered to 
suspend work or suspend of business by the central competent 
authority, and when necessary, orders shall be issued to 
terminate business.
Those enterprises or sewage systems that violate Paragraph 1 of
Article 20 by failure to operate with registration items of a 
wastewater storage or dilution permit shall be fined NT$30,000 
to NT$3 million,and shall be notified to make corrections within 
a time frame. Those that still fail to make corrections by the 
deadline shall be subject to an additional fine imposed for each 
violation. In severe circumstances,the enterprise or sewage system
 may be ordered to suspend work or suspend business and, when 
necessary, may have its water pollution control permit (document) 
cancelled or be ordered to terminate business.
Those enterprises or sewage systems that violate Paragraph 1 of 
Article 21 or any regulations determined pursuant to Paragraph 2 
of Article 21 shall be fined NT$10,000 to NT$100,000 and notified
 to make corrections or make improvements within a time frame. 
Those that still fail to make corrections or complete 
improvements by the deadline shall be fined per violation.
Those dedicated wastewater or sewage treatment personnel who violate 
the regulations determined pursuant to Paragraph 2 of Article 21 
shall be fined NT$10,000 to NT$100,000 and, when necessary, have 
their dedicated wastewater treatment personnel qualification 
certificates cancelled.

Article 49
Those that violate Paragraph 1 of Article 23 or the management 
regulations determined pursuant to Paragraph 2 of Article 23 shall 
be fined NT$30,000 to NT$3 million and shall be notified to make 
corrections or improvements within a time frame.Those that still 
fail to make corrections or complete improvements by the deadline 
shall be subject to an additional fine imposed for each violation. 
In severe circumstances, orders shall be issued for the suspension 
of work or suspension of business and, when necessary,permits may 
be cancelled or orders issued for the termination of business.

Article 50
Those that evade, obstruct or refuse verification work in 
Paragraph 1 of Article 26 shall be fined NT$30,000 to NT$ 3 million 
and may be fined per violation and subject to the compulsory 
enforcement of verification work.

Article 51
Those that violate Paragraphs 1 and 4 of Article 27 shall be fined
NT$60,000 to NT$6 million; when necessary,discharge water pollution 
control permits (documents) may be cancelled or orders issued for 
the termination of business.Those that violate Paragraphs 1 of 
Article 28 shall be fined NT$10,000 to NT$6 million and notified 
to make corrections or improvements within a time frame. 
Those that still fail to make corrections or complete improvements 
by the deadline shall be subject to an additional fine imposed for 
each violation. When necessary, water pollution control permits 
(documents) may be cancelled or orders issued for the termination 
of business.

Article 52
Those that violate one of the subparagraphs of Paragraph 1 of 
Article 30 or Paragraph 1 of Article 31 shall be fined NT$30,000 
to NT$3 million and shall be notified to make improvements within 
a time frame. Those that have still failed to complete 
improvements by the deadline shall be subject to an additional 
fine imposed for each violation. In severe circumstances, orders 
shall be issued for the suspension of activities, the suspension 
of work or the suspension of business and, when necessary, water 
pollution control permits (documents) may be cancelled or orders 
issued for the termination of business.

Article 53
Those that violate Paragraph 1 of Article 32 by injecting or 
discharging wastewater or sewage into groundwater bodies or soil 
without the permit for treatment of the groundwater body from 
injection of, or the soil from discharge of, wastewater or sewage 
shall be fined NT$60,000 to NT$6,000,000 and shall be ordered by 
the competent authority to suspend work or suspend of business; 
when necessary, orders shall be issued to terminate business.
Those that violate Paragraph 1 of Article 32 by failure to operate 
in conformity with the registration items specified in the permit 
for treatment of the groundwater body from injection of, or the soil 
from discharge of, wastewater or sewage shall be fined NT$60,000 to 
NT$6,000,000 and shall be notified to make corrections within a time 
frame. Those that still fail to make corrections by the deadline 
shall be subject to an additional fine imposed for each violation. 
In severe circumstances, the enterprises or sewage systems may be 
ordered to suspend work or suspend business and, when necessary, 
may have their water pollution control permits (documents) cancelled 
or be ordered to terminate business.

Article 54
Those that violate Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 33 shall be fined 
NT$60,000 to NT$6 million and shall be notified to make 
improvements within a time frame. Those that still fail to complete 
improvements by the deadline shall be subject to an additional fine 
imposed for each violation. In severe circumstances, orders shall 
be issued for the suspension of storage, the suspension of work or 
the suspension of business and, when necessary, orders may be issued 
for the termination of business.

Article 55
For those circumstances that have been determined to be severe, 
the competent authority may, pursuant to this Act, directly order 
suspension of activities, suspension of storage, suspension of work 
or suspension of business; and, when necessary, orders be issued 
for the termination of business.

Article 56
Those that having the reporting obligations pursuant to Paragraph 3
of Article 20, Article 22, Paragraph 2 of Article 31, Paragraph 4 
of Article 32, or Paragraph 2 of Article 33 and still failing to 
report shall be fined NT$6,000 to NT$ 3 million and shall be notified 
to report within a time frame. Those that still fail to report or that 
report incompletely by the deadline shall be subject to an additional 
fine imposed for each violation.

Article 57
The central competent authority shall determine the principle, which 
covers the deadline for improvements and corrections within a time 
frame, verification methods for checking the improvements, enforcement 
rules of the regulations and other binding matters, of the punishment 
for those that fail to make corrections or complete improvements within 
the time frame regulated in this Act each time.

Article 63
Those enterprises of which the business is suspended or work is 
partially or completely suspended shall, prior to the resumption 
of business or work, submit water pollution control measures and 
sludge treatment improvement plans and apply for trial operation, 
and shall perform trial operation in accordance with plans only 
after passing a review.This also applies to those that have been 
ordered by the competent authority to make improvements within a 
time frame and that voluntarily report the suspension of work or 
The deadline for the trial operation in the preceding paragraph
may not exceed three months and the enterprise shall apply for 
resumption of work or business before the trial operation deadline. 
During the period in which the competent authority is reviewing 
applications for trial operation or the resumption of work or 
business, with the approved by the competent authority, the 
enterprise may continue to operate provided that its wastewater 
or sewage output volume remains within the volume it has reported 
as being able to treat to the extent that it meets control standards.
For the applications for the resumption of work or business in the 
preceding paragraph, the competent authority shall check and evaluate 
for more than fifteen days within a one-month period, and then 
determine the conditions for manufacturing processes and operations 
for the resumption of work or business based on the wastewater or 
sewage output volume if the results of the checking and evaluation 
all meet the control standards. The enterprise shall also perform 
the modification of registration for discharge permit registration 
matters based on checking and evaluation results.
Those enterprises for which the checking and evaluation reveals 
noncompliance and that resume work or business without approval shall 
suspend operations and make improvements, and may not reapply for 
trial operation within one month.
For those enterprises that violate this Act during the application 
period for trial operation or the resumption of work or business, 
the competent authority shall issue a fine per violation or order 
suspension of operation pursuant to this Act.

Article 63-1
The water pollution control measures and sludge treatment 
improvement plans prescribed in Paragraph 1 of the preceding 
article shall be published by enterprises on the designated 
website for public inquiry.
For the document review referred to in Paragraph 1 of the 
preceding article, prior to the completion of the review, the 
central competent authority shall allow stakeholders and public 
interest groups to express their opinion as the reference for the 
review. The meeting minutes shall be published by enterprises on 
the designated website mentioned in the preceding paragraph.

Article 65 (Deleted)

Article 66-2
For those benefited from violating this Act, a fine may be 
increased to the extent appropriate within the scope of the 
benefit gained.
A person who, having made another person liable for penalty 
in consequence of an act in breach of duty under administrative
law committed by him for the benefit of such person, has 
nevertheless received no penalty himself despite the fact that 
he has gained benefits in property as a result of such act, may 
be demanded to have such benefits in property returned to a 
certain extent within the scope of the value of the benefits which 
he has gained.
If a person is liable for penalty by reason of his commission of an 
act in breach of duty under administrative law, but another person 
who, despite the fact that he has gained benefits in property as a 
result of such act, has received no penalty, the latter may be 
demanded to have such benefits in property returned to a certain 
extent within the scope of the value of the benefits which he has 
The demand for returning of benefits under the three preceding 
paragraphs shall be made in the form of an administrative 
disposition to be delivered by the competent agency imposing the 
sanction; the benefit mentioned before must include conspicuous 
benefits and inconspicuous benefits; inconspicuous benefits are 
the costs that should have been made but were avoided. The central 
competent authority shall determine the method to calculate the 
amount of returning benefit.

Article 66-3
Authorities of each level of government shall set up a special 
fund according to Paragraph 6 of Article 11. The source of this 
fund, besides the payment received from the waste water 
prevention fee, shall also include the additional fines received 
from the previous Act.
If the source of the fund in the preceding paragraph comes from 
additional fines, the money shall be prioritized to be used in 
fixing the water body that the polluter paid for.

Article 66-4
The public may address detailed facts or submit proof to inform 
the special municipality city or county competent authority of any 
violation of this Act.
The special municipality, county or city competent authority shall 
keep the identity of the informant confidential. If the competent 
authority or enforcement authority verifies that the information 
is true and imposes fines, as the fines reach specific amounts, 
the authority may allot specific percentage of the actual collected 
fines as reward for the informants.
The competent authority shall determine the qualification of the 
informant mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the specific 
percentage of the collected fines to be awarded, and other related 

Article 69
Enterprises and sewage systems shall publish the approval 
documents on the website designated by the central competent 
authority, which include the water pollution control permit 
(document) approved by the competent authority, documents declared 
based on this Act and the ID information of environmental engineers, 
dedicated wastewater treatment personnel and environmental 
inspection and testing institutions.
Competent authorities at all levels may, based on the requirements 
for water pollution control research, provide individual or 
statistical data of enterprises, sewage systems and building sewage 
treatment facilities that are related to research to academic research 
agencies and organizations, environmental protection enterprises, 
technical consulting organizations and juridical associations. 
The central competent authority shall officially announce the 
principles for the provision of such data.
Competent authorities at all levels may, when necessary, publish 
the individual and statistical information of the checking and 
punishing of enterprises, sewage systems, building sewage treatment 
facilities, environmental engineers, dedicated wastewater treatment 
personnel and environmental inspection and testing institutions on 
the website designated by the central competent authority.

Article 71
The competent authority shall order the polluter to perform 
clearance and disposal within a time frame for a pollution 
incident on a surface water body. When the clearance and disposal 
is not performed by the deadline, the competent authority may 
perform clearance and disposal for the polluter and seek 
compensation from the polluter for necessary clearance and disposal,
improvement and derivative expenses.
The right to seek compensation for necessary expenses of the 
preceding paragraph shall take precedence over all creditor rights 
and collateral rights.

Article 71-1
In order to secure the compulsory enforcement of the payment of 
necessary expenses as mentioned in the preceding article and the 
gained benefits from Article 66-2, the competent authority may 
enforce provisional seizure and provisional seizure of debtor property.

Article 73
The severe circumstances referred in Articles 40, 43, 46, 46-1, 
49, 52, 53 and 54 of the Act mean one of the following:
I. Circumstances in which a pollution source that fails to legally 
   register or obtain permission in violation of this Act.
II. Circumstances in which a violator, after punishment, 
    voluntarily reports the suspension of work and the implementation 
    of improvements, and verification checks prove this to be 
III. Circumstances in which a violator, having been notified twice 
     within one year to make improvements within a time frame, 
     still continues to violate this Act.
IV. Circumstances in which an enterprise within an industrial park 
    that treats its wastewater or sewage through the sewage system 
    of the industrial park violates relevant sewer regulations and 
    orders and, having been notified by the sewage organization 
    pursuant to the Sewer Act to suspend use due to severe 
    circumstances, still continues to discharge wastewater or sewage.
V. Circumstances in which the competent authority determines that 
   a discharge of large quantities of pollutants has seriously 
   impacted the quality of nearby water bodies.
VI. Circumstances in which the competent authority determines that 
    there is concern of the endangerment of public health due to 
    the discharge of wastewater or sewage that contains substances 
    harmful to human health.
VII. Other acts that the competent authority has determined to have 
     seriously impacted the quality of nearby water bodies.
The competent authority shall disclose the enterprises that have been 
determined to be in the severe circumstances stated in the preceding 
paragraph. The competent industry or legislation authority providing 
preferential treatment shall terminate the incentive and recover the 
benefits to which the enterprises are originally entitled for the 
year(s) in which the violation occurs and shall not entitle these 
enterprises to government preferential treatment within three years 
The term “preferential treatment” depicted in the preceding 
paragraph includes industry incentive, subsidy, donation, the 
reduction of tax, rent, fee and any kind of preferential treatment 
providing by central or local government according to law or 
administrative actions.
Data Source:Ministry of Environment Laws and Regulations Retrieving System