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Ministry of Environment
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

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Title: Revised the title "Parties Subject to, Means of and Dates for Disposable Tableware Use Restrictions" to "Parties Subject to and Means for Disposable Tableware Use Restrictions", which takes effect immediately. Ch
Date: 2019.08.08
Legislative: 1.Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan Huan-S
hu-Fei-Tzu No. 0950044991 on June 9, 2006 Stipulated and promu
2.Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan Huan-S
hu-Fei-Tzu No. 1080056916 on August 8, 2019 Revised announceme
nt name and 4 points within the overall Announcement (Original
name: Parties Subject to, Means of and Dates for Disposable T
ableware Use Restrictions; New name: Parties Subject to and Me
ans for Disposable Tableware Use Restrictions)
2.4.2 of the amended "Parties Subject to and Means for Disposa
ble Tableware Use Restrictions," which was announced on August
8th, 2019, stipulated the provisions for department stores an
d shopping centers (excluding chain convenience stores and cha
in fast food restaurants therein) that are within the jurisdic
tion of Taipei City, to comply with the restriction set out in
2.4.1. And the implementation of this restriction will take e
ffect on January 1st, 2020.
2.4.2 of the amended "Parties Subject to and Means for Disposa
ble Tableware Use Restrictions," which was announced on August
8th, 2019, stipulated the provisions for department stores an
d shopping centers (excluding chain convenience stores and cha
in fast food restaurants therein) that are within the jurisdic
tion of New Taipei City, to comply with the restriction set ou
t in 2.4.1. And the implementation of this restriction will ta
ke effect on January 1st, 2020.
2.4.2 of the amended "Parties Subject to and Means for Disposa
ble Tableware Use Restrictions," which was announced on August
8th, 2019, stipulated the provisions for hypermarkets (exclud
ing chain convenience stores and chain fast food restaurants t
herein) that are within the jurisdiction of Taipei City, to co
mply with the restriction set out in 2.4.1. And the implementa
tion of this restriction will take effect on May 1st, 2020.
2.4.2 of the amended "Parties Subject to and Means for Disposa
ble Tableware Use Restrictions," which was announced on August
8th, 2019, stipulated the provisions for department stores an
d shopping centers (excluding chain convenience stores and cha
in fast food restaurants therein) that are within the jurisdic
tion of Penghu County, to comply with the restriction set out
in 2.4.1. And the implementation of this restriction will take
effect on January 1st, 2020.
2.4.2 of the amended "Parties Subject to and Means for Disposa
ble Tableware Use Restrictions," which was announced on August
8th, 2019, stipulated the provisions for department stores, s
hopping centers and hypermarkets (excluding chain convenience
stores and chain fast food restaurants therein) that are withi
n the jurisdiction of Yilan County, to comply with the restric
tion set out in 2.4.1. And the implementation of this restrict
ion will take effect on January 1st, 2020.
2.4.2 of the amended "Parties Subject to and Means for Disposa
ble Tableware Use Restrictions," which was announced on August
8th, 2019, stipulated the provisions for department stores, s
hopping centers and hypermarkets (excluding chain convenience
stores and chain fast food restaurants therein) that are withi
n the jurisdiction of Hualien County, to comply with the restr
iction set out in 2.4.1. And the implementation of this restri
ction will take effect on January 1st, 2020.
2.4.2 of the amended "Parties Subject to and Means for Disposa
ble Tableware Use Restrictions," which was announced on August
8th, 2019, stipulated the provisions for department stores an
d shopping centers (excluding chain convenience stores and cha
in fast food restaurants therein) that are within the jurisdic
tion of Kaohsiung City, to comply with the restriction set out
in 2.4.1. And the implementation of this restriction will tak
e effect on March 1st, 2020.
2.4.2 of the amended "Parties Subject to and Means for Disposa
ble Tableware Use Restrictions," which was announced on August
8th, 2019, stipulated the provisions for hypermarkets (exclud
ing chain convenience stores and chain fast food restaurants t
herein) that are within the jurisdiction of Kaohsiung City, to
comply with the restriction set out in 2.4.1. And the impleme
ntation of this restriction will take effect on May 1st, 2020.
2.4.2 of the amended "Parties Subject to and Means for Disposa
ble Tableware Use Restrictions," which was announced on August
8th, 2019, stipulated the provisions for hypermarkets (exclud
ing chain convenience stores and chain fast food restaurants t
herein) that are within the jurisdiction of Changhua County, t
o comply with the restriction set out in 2.4.1. And the implem
entation of this restriction will take effect on July 1st, 202
2.4.2 of the amended "Parties Subject to and Means for Disposa
ble Tableware Use Restrictions," which was announced on August
8th, 2019, stipulated the provisions for department stores an
d shopping centers (excluding chain convenience stores and cha
in fast food restaurants therein) that are within the jurisdic
tion of Taoyuan City, to comply with the restriction set out i
n 2.4.1. And the implementation of this restriction will take
effect on January 1st, 2020.
2.4.2 of the amended "Parties Subject to and Means for Disposa
ble Tableware Use Restrictions," which was announced on August
8th, 2019, stipulated the provisions for hypermarkets (exclud
ing chain convenience stores and chain fast food restaurants t
herein) that are within the jurisdiction of Taoyuan City, to c
omply with the restriction set out in 2.4.1. And the implement
ation of this restriction will take effect on May 1st, 2020.
2.4.2 of the amended "Parties Subject to and Means for Disposa
ble Tableware Use Restrictions," which was announced on August
8th, 2019, stipulated the provisions for hypermarkets (exclud
ing chain convenience stores and chain fast food restaurants t
herein) that are within the jurisdiction of New Taipei City, t
o comply with the restriction set out in 2.4.1. And the implem
entation of this restriction will take effect on May 1st, 2020
2.4.2 of the amended "Parties Subject to and Means for Disposa
ble Tableware Use Restrictions," which was announced on August
8th, 2019, stipulated the provisions for department stores an
d shopping centers (excluding chain convenience stores and cha
in fast food restaurants therein) that are within the jurisdic
tion of Taichung City, to comply with the restriction set out
in 2.4.1. And the implementation of this restriction will take
effect on January 1st, 2020.
2.4.2 of the amended "Parties Subject to and Means for Disposa
ble Tableware Use Restrictions," which was announced on August
8th, 2019, stipulated the provisions for department stores an
d shopping centers (excluding chain convenience stores and cha
in fast food restaurants therein) that are within the jurisdic
tion of Tainan City, to comply with the restriction set out in
2.4.1. And the implementation of this restriction will take e
ffect on January 1st, 2020.
2.4.2 of the amended "Parties Subject to and Means for Disposa
ble Tableware Use Restrictions," which was announced on August
8th, 2019, stipulated the provisions for department stores, s
hopping centers and hypermarkets (excluding chain convenience
stores and chain fast food restaurants therein) that are withi
n the jurisdiction of Hsinchu City, to comply with the restric
tion set out in 2.4.1. And the implementation of this restrict
ion will take effect on May 1st, 2020.
2.4.2 of the amended "Parties Subject to and Means for Disposa
ble Tableware Use Restrictions," which was announced on August
8th, 2019, stipulated the provisions for department stores, s
hopping centers and hypermarkets (excluding chain convenience
stores and chain fast food restaurants therein) that are withi
n the jurisdiction of Keelung City, to comply with the restric
tion set out in 2.4.1. And the implementation of this restrict
ion will take effect on July 1st, 2020.
2.4.2 of the amended "Parties Subject to and Means for Disposa
ble Tableware Use Restrictions," which was announced on August
8th, 2019, stipulated the provisions for department stores, s
hopping centers and hypermarkets (excluding chain convenience
stores and chain fast food restaurants therein) that are withi
n the jurisdiction of Taitung County, to comply with the restr
iction set out in 2.4.1. And the implementation of this restri
ction will take effect on February 1st, 2020.
2.4.2 of the amended "Parties Subject to and Means for Disposa
ble Tableware Use Restrictions," which was announced on August
8th, 2019, stipulated the provisions for department stores, s
hopping centers and hypermarkets (excluding chain convenience
stores and chain fast food restaurants therein) that are withi
n the jurisdiction of Chiayi City, to comply with the restrict
ion set out in 2.4.1. And the implementation of this restricti
on will take effect on May 1st, 2020.
2.4.2 of the amended "Parties Subject to and Means for Disposa
ble Tableware Use Restrictions," which was announced on August
8th, 2019, stipulated the provisions for hypermarkets (exclud
ing chain convenience stores and chain fast food restaurants t
herein) that are within the jurisdiction of Tainan City, to co
mply with the restriction set out in 2.4.1. And the implementa
tion of this restriction will take effect on May 1st, 2020.
2.4.2 of the amended "Parties Subject to and Means for Disposa
ble Tableware Use Restrictions," which was announced on August
8th, 2019, stipulated the provisions for department stores, s
hopping centers and hypermarkets (excluding chain convenience
stores and chain fast food restaurants therein) that are withi
n the jurisdiction of Pingtung County, to comply with the rest
riction set out in 2.4.1. And the implementation of this restr
iction will take effect on March 1st, 2020.
2.4.2 of the amended "Parties Subject to and Means for Disposa
ble Tableware Use Restrictions," which was announced on August
8th, 2019, stipulated the provisions for hypermarkets (exclud
ing chain convenience stores and chain fast food restaurants t
herein) that are within the jurisdiction of Taichung City, to
comply with the restriction set out in 2.4.1. And the implemen
tation of this restriction will take effect on May 1st, 2020.
2.4.2 of the amended "Parties Subject to and Means for Disposa
ble Tableware Use Restrictions," which was announced on August
8th, 2019, stipulated the provisions for hypermarkets (exclud
ing chain convenience stores and chain fast food restaurants t
herein) that are within the jurisdiction of Yunlin County, to
comply with the restriction set out in 2.4.1. And the implemen
tation of this restriction will take effect on July 1st, 2020.
2.4.2 of the amended "Parties Subject to and Means for Disposa
ble Tableware Use Restrictions," which was announced on August
8th, 2019, stipulated the provisions for department stores, s
hopping centers and hypermarkets (excluding chain convenience
stores and chain fast food restaurants therein) that are withi
n the jurisdiction of Miaoli County, to comply with the restri
ction set out in 2.4.1. And the implementation of this restric
tion will take effect on July 1st, 2020.
2.4.2 of the amended "Parties Subject to and Means for Disposa
ble Tableware Use Restrictions," which was announced on August
8th, 2019, stipulated the provisions for department stores, s
hopping centers and hypermarkets (excluding chain convenience
stores and chain fast food restaurants therein) that are withi
n the jurisdiction of Hsinchu County, to comply with the restr
iction set out in 2.4.1. And the implementation of this restri
ction will take effect on November 1st, 2020.
Content: I.Premises subject to use restrictions:
  (I)Public entities: Government authorities or enterprises, or
     private enterprises, that operate convenience stores, coope
     ratives, cafeterias, or other catering businesses for emplo
     yees, faculty, students, or patients in the following premi
     1.Government entities: Government entities include governme
       nt authorities (including military authorities and milita
       ry welfare supply stations), and state-owned enterprises.
     2.Public schools.
     3.Public medical institutions.
  (II)Private schools: Private schools or private enterprises th
      at operate convenience stores, cooperatives, cafeterias, o
      r other catering businesses for employees, faculty, or stu
      dents in private schools.
  (III)Department stores and shopping centers: Department stores
        refer to retailers that sell multiple products in separa
       te departments on the same premises. Shopping centers ref
       er to premises with integrated shopping, leisure, culture
       , entertainment, catering, exhibition, or information ser
       vice facilities. They include enterprises in the aforemen
       tioned department stores or shopping centers that provide
        vending or catering services.
  (IV)Hypermarkets: Hypermarkets refer to enterprises that provi
      de wholesale or retail of a wide range of products, with w
      arehouse storage integrated with retail outlets. They incl
      ude enterprises in the aforementioned hypermarkets that pr
      ovide vending or catering services.
  (V)Supermarkets: Supermarkets refer to enterprises that provid
     e retail services for general household products and food,
     as well as fresh and packaged food products, including ente
     rprises that operate in the form of employee convenience st
     ores or cooperatives. They include enterprises in the afore
     mentioned supermarkets that provide vending or catering ser
  (VI)Chain convenience stores: Chain convenience stores refer t
      o enterprises that provide convenient products such as fas
      t food, beverages, daily necessities, and service products
       to satisfy customers' immediate needs, and which operate
      as chain stores.
  (VII)Chain fast food restaurants: Chain fast food restaurants
       refer to enterprises that provide fast food, operate as c
       hain stores, conduct business operations within buildings
        or extending from buildings to arcades, sidewalks, or ot
       her public areas, and provide seats for customers to cons
       ume food onsite after ordering.
  (VIII)Eating and drinking establishments with storefronts: Eat
        ing and drinking establishments with storefronts refer t
        o enterprises that provide catering services, conduct bu
        siness operations within buildings or extending from bui
        ldings to arcades, sidewalks, or other public areas, and
         which provide seats for customers to consume food onsit
        e after ordering. They include restaurants and beverage
        stores. However, this provision shall not apply to cater
        ing stores (vendors) in public or private markets or nig
        ht markets.

II.Implementation methods for use restrictions:
  (I)The disposable tableware specified in the Announcement refe
     rs to tableware provided for catering consumers for one-tim
     e use, which is designed and produced as disposable items a
     nd which objectively cannot be cleaned and provided to cons
     umers for repeated use.
  (II)Premises subject to use restrictions may not provide dispo
      sable tableware made of plastic. The scope is as follows:
    1.Restaurants and other catering enterprises in public entit
      ies and private schools, catering enterprises department s
      tores and shopping centers, catering enterprises in hyperm
      arkets, catering enterprises in supermarkets, chain conven
      ience stores, chain fast food restaurants, and eating and
      drinking establishments with storefronts may not provide c
      ooked or prepared food, beverages, or seasoning in plastic
       cups, bowls, plates, dishes, or food boxes, or plastic fo
      od plates inside food boxes to consumers for use.
    2.Convenience store, cooperatives, and other vendors in publ
      ic entities and private schools, vendors in department sto
      res and shopping centers, vendors in hypermarkets, and ven
      dors in supermarkets may not provide beverages or lunch bo
      xes in plastic cups, food boxes, or plastic food plates in
      side food boxes to consumers for use.
    3.The following plastic products are not included in the sco
      pe of restrictions:
      (1)Lids, cup stands, and sealing film on paper cups.
      (2)Bowl lids.
      (3)Food packaged in sealing film and placed on racks as pr
         oducts for display and purchase.
  (III)Disposable tableware made of the following materials is n
       ot included within the disposable tableware made of plast
       ic specified in the Announcement:
    1.Disposable tableware with primary materials based on paper
      , wood chips, sugarcane, common reeds, hemp, rice straw, s
      traw, rice hulls, and other plant fiber and made with plas
      tic coating, adhesive plastic film, or other physical meth
      ods with which plastic substances can be separated, provid
      ed that the weight of the plastic contents is lower than t
      en percent of the overall weight of the disposable tablewa
      re minus the weight of the lid.
    2.Disposable tableware made from completely biodegradable ma
  (IV)The following premises subject to the use restrictions may
       not provide disposable tableware made of plastic (includi
      ng cups, bowls, plates, dishes, food boxes, and plastic fo
      od plates inside food boxes) in accordance with section II
       (II) of the Announcement, and shall perform the following
    1.Government entities, cafeteria and other catering enterpri
      ses in private schools, department stores, shopping center
      s, and hypermarkets (excluding chain convenience stores an
      d chain fast food restaurants therein):
      When they provide food on the premises for consumers to co
      nsume onsite, they may not provide disposable tableware ma
      de of any material (including cups, bowls, plates, dishes,
       food boxes, plastic food plates inside food boxes, chopst
      icks, spoons, knives, forks, and stirring sticks) and may
      not use tableware wrapped in plastic bags to serve food.
    2.Department stores, shopping centers, and hypermarkets (exc
      luding chain convenience stores and chain fast food restau
      rants therein) shall perform the matters in the preceding
      item based on the dates proposed by the local competent au
      thorities and approved by the central competent authority.
    3.The prohibition on disposable tableware made of any materi
      al specified in Item 1 does not include those that contain
       food and which are placed on racks as products for displa
      y and purchase.

III.Cases where disposable tableware can be provided on a provis
    ional basis:
  (I)Under one of the following conditions, the local competent
     authorities may, to ensure food sanitation and safety and p
     revent the spread of diseases, allow certain or all governm
     ent entities, public schools, private schools, department s
     tores, shopping centers, and hypermarkets to provide dispos
     able tableware on a provisional basis within a specified pe
     riod of time, and report to the central competent authority
      for reference after granting approval:
    1.Regional drought or outbreak of contagious disease.
    2.Where premises subject to the use restrictions cannot clea
      n the tableware due to failure of cleaning equipment or ot
      her reasons, and where application is made to the local co
      mpetent authority for provisional use of disposable tablew
      are within thirty-six hours of the occurrence of the cause
       that prevents cleaning of the tableware.
  (II)Where the scope of the drought or outbreak of contagious d
      isease specified in Item 1 of the preceding subparagraph h
      as spread across jurisdictions of multiple local competent
       authorities, the central competent authority may provide
      approval for all regions.

IV.Penalties for violation of the Announcement: Entities in viol
   ation of the provisions in the Announcement shall be penalize
   d in accordance with Article 51, Paragraph 3 of the Waste Dis
   posal Act.
Data Source:Ministry of Environment Laws and Regulations Retrieving System