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Title: Industrial Water Pollution Control Measure Management Regulations Ch
Date: 2003.07.30
Legislative: Promulgated on July 13, 1994

Amended on March 8, 1997

Amended on September 22, 1999

Revisions promulgated and renamed as
"Industrial Water Pollution Control Measure Management Regulations"
by Environmental Protection Administration order on July 30, 2003;
originally named "Regulations Governing Industrial Water Pollution
Control Measures and Effluent Management"

Abolished on October 16, 2006
Chapter 1 General Principles
Article 1   These Regulations are determined pursuant to Article 18 of the Water Pollution Control Act (herein referred to as "this Act").
Article 2   Terms used in these Regulations are defined as follows.
1."Dilute" means the mixing, prior to diversion to wastewater and sewage treatment facilities, of process wastewater, blowdown wastewater, non-contact cooling water, runoff wastewater or sewage that requires treatment in order to meet control limits with wastewater or sewage that does not require treatment in order to meet control limits or water or non-contact cooling water that does not require treatment.
2."Preventive management measures" means the installation of facilities or adoption of treatment and disposal methods, operating and maintenance procedures, prohibitions or restrictive measures, record reports, and other management measures in order to prevent or reduce the possibility that pollutants may enter a body of water due to scouring by rainwater, pouring or leaking, poor disposal, or accident from goods/materials storage areas, rainwater runoff areas, transportation, and manufacturing and goods/materials processing areas.
3."Storage" means storing effluent in a pool, tank, or other container constituting a process unit not part of an effluent treatment facility.
4."Bypass discharge" means effluent discharged without passing through the treatment facility units it is required to pass through during normal operations.
5."Discharge of effluent into the sea via marine discharge pipes" means use of pipes to convey via pipe effluent for discharge into the sea at some point offshore.
Article 3   Industrial wastewater consists of the following types.
1."Process wastewater" means wastewater produced at an enterprise by manufacturing, processing, repairing, disposal, operating, cooling, rinsing, backwashing, treatment, provision of service, animal breeding, natural resource development, or other operations, and is in direct contact with people or things.
2."Vented wastewater" means wastewater that has been vented from industrial cycle water to reduce the cumulative pollutant content of recycled process water.
3."Uncontacted cooling water" means water used purely for heat exchange in heat exchange pipes.
4."Runoff wastewater" means wastewater containing pollutants produced when rainwater scours outdoors facilities, the surfaces of buildings, or the ground and raw materials and goods in outdoor operating environments.
"Things" in Subparagraph 1 of the foregoing paragraph includes raw materials, intermediate products, products, byproducts, wastes, waste gasses, plants or animals, or other articles.
Article 4   Enterprises shall adopt preventive management measures, whose content shall include the following items.
1.Goal of preventive management measure.
2.Mission organization of personnel responsible for implementing preventive management measures.
3.Confirmation pollutants have entered water body.
4.Accident record and report.
5.Chemical material compatibility review.
6.Environmental cleanup operations.
7.Preventive maintenance regulations.
8.General inspections and records.
9.Safety inspections.
10.Employee training connected with preventive management measures.
11.Management of other areas or specific pollutants designated by the competent authority.
Article 5   Enterprises shall adopt emergency response measures in accordance with the following items.
1.Alert method.
2.Notification method.
3.Operating abnormality, malfunction, and accident troubleshooting and pollutant cleanup methods to be adopted in the event of the dumping or leakage of large amounts of effluent while in storage or in use.
4.The pollutant cleanup and hazard mitigation methods to be used in those circumstances in which the volume of effluent produced by a production, service facility, or effluent treatment facility operating abnormality, malfunction, or accident exceeds the maximum treatment volume of an effluent treatment facility, or when there is concern of the effluent volume exceeding standards designated in this Act
5.The accident troubleshooting, pollutant cleanup and hazard mitigation methods to be used in those circumstances in which effluent that is required to be injected into a groundwater body or discharged into soil cannot be injected into the groundwater body or discharged into the soil for some reason, causing large amounts of leakage or exceeding treatment standards.
6.Emergency response measures to be adopted by the commissioning enterprise when, after having commissioned the treatment of effluent, the commissioned enterprise is unable to treat the effluent for some reason, or an accident occurs when the effluent is being transported. Emergency response measures to be adopted if the commissioned enterprise is unable to treat the effluent of the commissioning enterprise for some reason.
7.Pipe installation abnormality troubleshooting, pollutant cleanup and hazard mitigation methods to be used in those circumstances in which pipes are used to discharge of effluent into the sea via pipes.
8.Abnormality troubleshooting, pollutant cleanup and hazard mitigation methods to be used in those circumstances in which effluent to be recycled cannot be recycled for some reason, causing large amounts of leakage or exceeding effluent standards.
9.Suspension of operations, reduction of production, or other measures adopted to reduce pollution emissions.
10.Emergency incident records and reports.
11.Mission organization of participating personnel, external support and training tasks.
12.Water body monitoring plan for during or after occurrence of emergency incident.
Chapter 2 Establishment of Effluent Treatment Facilities
Article 6   All effluent treatment facilities shall possess sufficient functions and equipment, as designated in the following points.
1.Effluent shall comply with the standards of this Act and relevant regulations when treating effluent at the maximum capacity or service scale.
2.Treatment facilities shall be able to treat water volume load surges from foreseeable abnormal operation of production or services facilities or from rainstorms.
3.There shall be backup devices for those portions of treatment facilities that are easily damaged and not easily replaced. There shall be spares of parts that are easily damaged. The provision of spares to effect repairs or the repair of damage shall not exceed 24 hours.
4.There shall be independent, special-purpose electrical meters.
5.Other functions or equipment designated by the competent authority.
In addition to being required to comply with the foregoing paragraph, those effluent treatment facilities designated by the competent authority shall install independent, special-purpose cumulative intake water flow measurement facilities. When such installation would cause substantial difficulty, those enterprises having obtained the consent of the competent authority may use alternative measurement facilities or measurement methods sufficient to prove intake water volume.
Article 7   The effluent treatment facilities of those enterprises whose effluent-generating production facilities possess spare power equipment shall likewise possess spare power sufficient to maintain operation.
Article 8   Effluent treatment facilities shall perform regular service and timely maintenance to maintain normal operation and safeguard their treatment function.
Enterprises shall draft operating manuals and maintenance/service plans in connection with the operational service and maintenance in the foregoing paragraph, shall perform work in accordance with manuals and plans, and shall keep records; records shall be preserved for three years for audit by the competent authority.
Article 9   Those enterprises that violate Article 7, Paragraph 1 of this Act and are notified by the competent authority to make improvements within a limited time period shall maintain the normal operation of existing facilities during said period, and shall take measures such as reducing or ceasing production or service volume, or improving effluent treatment facilities, etc.
Those enterprises implementing important measures in the foregoing paragraph that are required to remove existing facilities before they may continue to perform construction shall do so only after having obtained the consent of the competent authority.
Article 10   If those independent, special-purpose electric meters, water volume measurement facilities, and other major operating parameter measurement facilities installed at effluent treatment facilities are not continuous and automatically recording, one daily record shall be made of the cumulative kilowatt-hours, water volume measurement facility readings, and other readings during operating periods. The use of chemical agents and volumes of sludge produced, stored, and transported from effluent treatment facilities shall be recorded by occurrence, and monthly statistics kept.
Records, forms or invoices (or their photocopies) in the foregoing paragraph shall be preserved for three years for audit by the competent authority.
Article 11   Independent, special-purpose electric meters installed at industrial effluent treatment facilities shall comply with the following items.
1.The selection and use of special-purpose electric meters shall correspond to the power load capacity and calculated electrical current of the effluent treatment facility, and shall be able to measure the total power usage of the facility; specifications shall comply with relevant regulations in metrology laws and regulations.
2.Special-purpose electric meters shall have transparent windows, and shall allow the competent authority to seal the meter with lead and verify kilowatt-hour use.
3.Special-purpose electric meters shall have clear and distinguishable input and output circuits. It should be possible to trace circuits and routes within the meters, and to verify that they are not connected with any other unknown power uses.
4.Special-purpose electric meters and other relevant facilities shall be sealed with lead. The competent authority shall apply the lead seal, which may not be arbitrarily destroyed.
An enterprise shall report to the competent authority before breaking the seal when maintaining or replacing a special-purpose electric meter in the foregoing paragraph. The kilowatt-hours on the meter at the time of maintenance or replacement shall be recorded; the enterprise shall obtain the approval of the competent authority for the record-keeping method. The enterprise shall request the competent authority to apply a lead seal within one week after maintenance or replacement.
Those effluent treatment facilities for which a special-purpose electric meter cannot be installed in front of the facility due to the power distribution system, but which possess automatically-controlled measurement and recording facilities used to measure and record the power consumption of the effluent treatment facility, shall be considered to have installed a special-purpose electric meter.
Article 12   Pipelines and processing units involved in the collection, treatment, discharge, and storage of industrial effluent and sludge shall be clearly marked with the effluent treatment facility name and name and flow direction of the fluid within the pipes.
Chapter 3 Diversion to a Sewer System
Article 13   An enterprise shall obtain joint use verification from the sewer competent authority or special-purpose sewer system management organization in those circumstances in which industrial effluent is diverted into the sewage system of a completed sewage treatment plant.
The sewer competent authority or special-purpose sewer system management organization shall also notify the local competent authority when notifying an enterprise of refusal to allow the diversion of effluent.
Article 14   Pipes or ditches shall convey effluent when enterprises jointly establish effluent pre-treatment facilities to treat effluent. However, said facilities shall not be subject to this restriction after having obtained the approval of the competent authority.
Article 15   Those enterprises within sewage system areas discharging effluent on their own shall obtain the consent of the sewer competent authority and special-purpose sewer system management organization, and shall also obtain a discharge permit in accordance with laws and regulations, before performing discharges.
Effluent produced by enterprises in the foregoing paragraph may not be discharged into the rainwater sewers of drainage area at issue. However, those that obtain the permission of the sewer competent authority, special-purpose sewer system management organization, and competent authority shall not be subject to this restriction.
Article 16   Those that divert industrial wastewater or sewage into sewage systems and that have been notified by the sewer competent authority pursuant to the Sewer Act to suspend use due to severe circumstances shall promptly adopt response measures and may not discharge wastewater or sewage.
Chapter 4 Soil Treatment
Article 17   Those enterprises performing mixed aquaculture/livestock operations shall record, by the day or by the batch, the date and time of shed washing, the volume of effluent discharged to fish ponds, and fish pond effluent discharge times, discharge methods, and locations.
Records in the foregoing paragraph shall be preserved for three years for audit by the competent authority.
Article 18   Those discharging fish pond effluent in the foregoing paragraph shall obtain a discharge permit or simplified permit document pursuant to this Act before making discharges. The enterprise shall notify the competent authority three days before making discharges; discharged effluent shall comply with effluent standards.
Chapter 5 Commissioned Treatment
Article 19   Those enterprises that commission another party to treat effluent (herein referred to as "commissioning enterprises") shall commission those enterprises that have obtained relevant permits or permit documents pursuant to this Act.
The actual daily amount of effluent treated by those enterprises commissioned to treat effluent (herein referred to as "commissioned enterprises") shall not exceed the approved maximum daily amount stated on the permit or permit document.
Article 20   Those enterprises that commission the treatment of effluent shall draw up and sign contracts with the commissioned enterprises; a photocopy of a contract shall be submitted to the special municipality, county or city competent authorities of the locations of the two concerned parties within 30 days after the day after the date of contract signing. Likewise in the case of changes to contract content or termination of contract. However, effluent produced as a consequence of responding to a natural disaster or accident shall not be subject to this restriction.
The contract in the foregoing paragraph shall explicitly state the following items.
1.Source of effluent to be treated under commission, volume to be treated, and water quality.
2.Schematic diagram of site or location of effluent storage within plant area before commissioned treatment, frequency of effluent transport, name of transporter, transport method, delivery location, and preventive safety measures to be adopted during transport.
3.The effluent treatment processes, name and treatment volume of each treatment unit of the commissioned enterprise.
4.Number and expiration date of permit or permit document obtained by commissioned enterprise pursuant to this Act.
5.Other content designated by the competent authority 5.
Those enterprises designated and officially announced by the central competent authority pursuant to Article 13, Paragraph 2 of this Act shall obtain the review and approval of an agency commissioned by the competent authority or central competent authority in accordance with industrial water pollution control measure plan application and review regulations before commissioning the treatment of effluent.
Article 21   Those that consign enterprises that transport effluent by means of tank truck shall fill out three-leaf commissioning records with continuous serial numbers. The commissioning enterprise shall keep the first leaf when the transporter signs to accept a shipment. The transporter shall keep the second leaf when the effluent is transferred to the commissioned enterprise and the latter signs to accept the shipment. The commissioning enterprise shall keep the third.
Commissioning records in the foregoing paragraph shall explicitly state the commissioned effluent volume, name of the commissioning enterprise, name of the transporter, transport method, and delivery location. Records shall be preserved for three years for audit by the competent authority.
Article 22   Commissioned enterprises shall immediately record, by day or by batch, delivery time, storage pond (tank) number, effluent volume, and name of commissioning enterprise in its receipt record book with pre-printed serial numbers when receiving effluent. Records shall be preserved for three years for audit by the competent authority.
Article 23   Commissioned enterprises shall treat effluent within a 24-hour period after acceptance. However, those that have obtained storage permit documents shall not be subject to this restriction.
Chapter 6 Installation of Marine Discharge Pipelines
Article 24   Those enterprises designated and officially announced pursuant to Article 13, Paragraph 2 of this Act shall use pipelines to discharge effluent into the sea in accordance with to Article 13, Paragraph 4 of this Act.
Article 25   When effluent is discharged into the sea by means of a pipeline, the Marine Effluent Standards shall apply in those circumstances where the initial dilution rate is above 100.
The initial dilution rate means the dilution multiple as calculated by the method designated by the central competent authority when effluent has been discharged from a pipeline into the sea and an equilibrium has been reached after the effluent column has mixed with the surrounding seawater.
Article 26   Those enterprises discharging industrial effluent into the sea by means of a pipeline shall perform environmental monitoring and take records in accordance with an approved environmental monitoring plan after the pipeline has received permission for use from the competent authority. Records shall be preserved for three years for audit by the competent authority.
The enterprise in the foregoing paragraph shall report marine environmental monitoring results to the competent authority once every three months.
Chapter 7 Storage and Dilution
Article 27   Water not requiring treatment or uncontacted cooling water may not be mixed with treated effluent before discharge.
Article 28   Those enterprises permitted store effluent shall make appropriate markings on the exterior of storage tanks or containers, and shall record storage time, method, volume, subsequent treatment method, and treated water volume on a daily or by-batch basis. Records shall be preserved for three years for audit by the competent authority.
The storage tanks or containers in the foregoing paragraph shall be equipped with measurement facilities sufficient to display the stored water volume or other measurement method approved by the competent authority.
Chapter 8 Effluent Recycling
Article 29   The effluent of an enterprise may be recycled for use after having been treated to comply with effluent standards.
Those enterprises that recycle effluent shall submit a recycling plan explicitly stating the following items to the special municipality, county or city competent authority before performing recycling; likewise in the case of any changes to the recycling plan.
1.Basic information concerning the enterprise.
2.Water quality testing report that demonstrates that the quality of the recycled water is in compliance with effluent standards.
3.Daily design and actual maximum used water volume, treated water volume, recycled water volume, overall water balance, and schematic diagrams of recycling processes.
4.Other documents designated by the competent authority.
The enterprise shall comply with soil treatment standards and regulations in those circumstances in which effluent is discharged into soil.
Effluent shall not be required to be treated such that it is in compliance with effluent standards pursuant to Paragraph 1 in those circumstances in which an enterprise uses recycled effluent in manufacturing, operating or effluent treatment processes, or a waste landfill uses recycled seepage water at the burial surface.
Those enterprises designated and officially announced by the central competent authority pursuant to Article 13, Paragraph 2 of this Act shall obtain the review and approval of an agency commissioned by the competent authority or central competent authority in accordance with industrial water pollution control measure plan application and review regulations before recycling effluent.
Article 30   Enterprises shall use clearly-visible signs and colors to mark recycling pipelines and indicate direction of flow.
Chapter 9 Runoff Wastewater Management Measures
Article 31   With the exception of runoff wastewater, all effluent produced by enterprises shall be collected in the working environment by means of ditches, pipelines or containers, and may not be collected together with rainwater.
Those established enterprises that are unable to comply with the foregoing paragraph due to construction or technological difficulties may collect effluent together with rainwater after submitting proof and obtaining the permission of the competent authority.
Article 32   Enterprises shall adopt runoff wastewater pollution reduction management measures, and shall collect and treat runoff wastewater produced in the working environment during initial rainfall.
The central competent authority shall issue an official announcement concerning the types of enterprises in the foregoing paragraph, the volume of runoff wastewater from initial rainfall that shall be collected and treated, and runoff wastewater pollution reduction management measures.
If the amount of rainfall is greater than the officially announced volume of runoff wastewater from initial rainfall that is required to be collected and treated in the foregoing paragraph, that portion exceeding the volume of runoff wastewater from initial rainfall that is required be collected and treated may be released by bypass discharge, and shall not be subject to the control limits of the effluent standards.
Article 33   Those enterprises that are not designated and officially announced enterprises in Paragraph 2 of the foregoing article shall adopt necessary measures to reduce the volume of filterable substances and eroded silt in runoff wastewater. Structures such as dikes, ditches or walls shall be installed around areas where goods and materials are stored or on erosion-prone ground in the working environment where there is no vegetation or pavement. However, those working environments for which no runoff enters from outside shall not be subject to this restriction.
The central competent authority may separately issue an official announcement concerning necessary runoff wastewater management measures to be adopted by enterprises in the foregoing paragraph.
Those enterprises that adopt necessary measures in accordance with Paragraph 1 and 2 may employ bypass discharge, and shall not be subject to the control limits of the effluent standards.
Chapter 10 Discharge and Other Effluent Management Matters
Article 34   The effluent standards for building sewage treatment facilities shall apply to that domestic sewage produced in the office premises, employee dormitories or other activity premises or buildings of an enterprise insofar as it has not contacted any type of industrial waste, and to effluent to be recycled pursuant to Article 29 in any of said premises.
Article 35   If an enterprise obtains water from a water body to use for cooling or cycle purposes, that uncontacted cooling water may be directly released into the original water body if water temperature and pH comply with control limits and other water quality items do not exceed those of intake water.
Article 36   Enterprises may discharge effluent only through discharge points permitted by the competent authority.
Article 37   Enterprises' effluent discharge points shall comply with the following regulations.
1.They shall be installed before the effluent enters the receiving water body, and shall leave sufficient for the competent authority to take samples from outside the periphery. Those enterprises that encounter installation difficulties due to insufficient space, and have obtained the approval of the competent authority, shall not be subject to this restriction.
2.The water shall be well mixed and of uniform quality in those sumps installed at discharge points. Any mixing facilities shall be considered to be a part of the discharge point.
3.Discharge points shall be equipped with cumulative-type water volume measurement facilities to monitor effluent volume.
4.Notices shall be installed.
5.Other items designated by the competent authority.
If installation of the cumulative-type water volume measurement facilities in Subparagraph 3 of the foregoing paragraph poses substantial difficulties, those enterprises that obtain the consent of the competent authority may use alternative measurement facilities or measurement methods sufficient to verify effluent volume.
Article 38   Installation of discharge point notices in Subparagraph 4 of the foregoing article shall comply with the following regulations.
1.Notices shall record the name, control serial number, discharge point serial number, and the maximum actual daily effluent volume of the enterprise.
2.Notices may not be less that 32cm in length and 15cm in width. Background color shall be white, and text shall be in black characters. Characters may not be smaller than a 1.5cm square in size. Irrelevant designs may not be arbitrarily added (see attached diagram 1).
3.Notices shall be attached to the sides of sampling sites. Notices shall be in readily visible locations, and may not be more than two meters higher than the discharge point.
4.Notices shall be made of strong, sturdy materials. The marked text shall be clear and easily-visible; notices that are damaged or unclear shall be replaced immediately.
5.Notices shall be firmly held in place, so that they are not easily moved.
6.Those enterprises that have already installed discharge point notices pursuant to official letter Huan-Shu-Shui-Tzu No. 37271 issued on November 1, 1990 by the central competent authority may continue to use existing notices.
Article 39   Those enterprises discharging effluent into the sea by means of pipelines shall install discharge point at appropriate locations between the joint treatment plant and the marine discharge pipelines. Those enterprises that have not established a joint treatment plant shall install discharge points at appropriate location between the enterprises' boundaries and the marine discharge pipelines.
Article 40   Industrial effluent may not be released by bypass discharge. However, the enterprise shall not be subject to this restriction when one of the following circumstances applies.
1.In an emergency situation, personnel or treatment equipment cannot be saved without bypass discharge.
2.An effluent treatment facility has suffered a malfunction, and is in compliance with Article 59 of this Act.
3.There is no appropriate alternative discharge method apart from bypass discharge during routine maintenance of pollution control equipment.
4.Those enterprises that may use bypass discharge pursuant to Article 32, Paragraph 3 and Article 33, Paragraph 3.
Enterprises in Subparagraph 1 of the foregoing paragraph shall report to the competent authority within three hours after bypass discharge occurs, and shall record the circumstances of the bypass discharge for audit by the competent authority. Those enterprises in Subparagraph 3 of the foregoing paragraph shall apply to the competent authority for approval ten days before implementing pollution control equipment maintenance, and may not perform maintenance without approval.
Article 41   Those enterprises that wish to discharge industrial effluent into irrigation canals may not do so until they have obtained the consent of the management agency (organization) or owner, and shall adopt water pollution prevention measures apart from discharge in accordance with relevant regulations.
Article 42   If enterprises perform effluent discharge, storage, dilution, injection into groundwater bodies, soil treatment, or bypass discharge not in accordance with regulations without having obtained permission, apart from being subject to the punishments designated in this Act, the discharge points and relevant facilities of the enterprise shall be sealed or removed within a limited time period in accordance with the orders of the competent authority.
Article 43   The effluent surface may not have scum or other floating material.
In those circumstances in which a visible deposit of sludge forms below where effluent is discharged from a pipeline or near where effluent enters a water body, the enterprise shall clean up the sludge on its own, or shall remove it within a limited time period in accordance with the orders of the competent authority.
Article 44   Those enterprises that treat and discharge mixed wastewater from two or more different types of industry shall comply with the effluent standards for those industry types.
In those circumstances in which the controlled water quality items of each said industry type in the foregoing paragraph are identical, wastewater from one industry type accounts for 75% or more of total wastewater volume, and the enterprise has installed cumulative-type water volume measurement facilities or uses a measurement method approved by the competent authority sufficient to prove water volume, the enterprise may apply to the competent authority to control common items using the effluent standards of the said industry type.
The percentage of total wastewater volume in the foregoing paragraph shall be calculated using records from the previous half year.
Article 45   Those enterprises that install and use cumulative-type water volume measurement facilities shall install, calibrate, and maintain said facilities in accordance with the specifications of the maker, so that they provide the functionality of those types of cumulative-type water volume measurement facilities.
The cumulative-type water volume measurement facility specifications in the foregoing paragraph may not, within the scope of measurable flow, have an error in excess of 10% of the actual value. Those circumstances in which motor operating time is used to calculate flow of uncontacted cooling water not used cyclically shall not be subject to this restriction.
Cumulative-type water volume measurement facilities and other recording facilities shall be sealed with lead. The competent authority shall apply the lead seal, which may not be arbitrarily destroyed.
Enterprises shall report to the competent authority before breaking the seal on cumulative-type water volume measurement facilities and performing calibration, maintenance or replacement. Water volume shall still be recorded during the calibration or maintenance period. Enterprises shall request the competent authority to apply a lead seal within one week after performing calibration or maintenance.
Those enterprises in the foregoing paragraph that, due to technological or manpower limitations, are unable to perform calibration or maintenance in a timely manner, and have obtained the approval of the competent authority, shall not be subject to this restriction.
Chapter 11 Supplementary Provisions
Article 46   The following regulations determine approval time after the competent authority accepts an application pursuant to these Regulations.
1.The competent authority shall notify those applicants whose required documents are missing or do not comply with regulations within seven day of the day of receipt that they shall make corrections within a limited time period. The competent authority shall reject the application of those who fail to make corrections by the deadline.
2.The competent authority shall complete review of applicants whose required documents are in order within 14 days.
3.The number of days needed to make corrections does not count towards the deadline, and the total number of days needed to make corrections may not exceed 42 days.
The competent authority may, due to the content of water pollution control measures or technological complexity, extend the review period after notifying the enterprise. The extension period shall be limited to a maximum of 14 days.
Article 47   The central competent authority shall determine the format of all application documents and forms designated in these Regulations.
Article 48   Established enterprises shall complete improvements, reporting or approval pursuant to Articles 12, 20, 29, and 30 within three months after the enforcement of these Regulations. Said three-month period may be extended if special circumstances apply and the enterprise has obtained the approval of the local competent authority, but the extension period is limited to a maximum of three months.
Those established enterprises for which it is difficult to comply with technological requirements and that obtain the approval of the competent authority within three months after the enforcement of these Regulations, shall be exempt from the regulations in the foregoing paragraph.
Article 49   Those enterprises that are required to perform construction work in order to comply with these Regulations shall submit a project plan to the competent authority within three months after the enforcement of these Regulations or the official announcement of relevant regulations. The competent authority shall approve a period of time appropriate for the project. While a project is being implemented, if the enterprise obtains the approval of the competent authority, these Regulations shall temporarily not apply to matters connected with the project.
Article 50   Enterprises that are required to implement an environmental impact assessment may submit application documents pursuant to Articles 20 and 29 together with the environmental impact assessment review. After the environmental impact assessment review has passed, an enterprise may, on its own initiative, apply to the special municipality, county or city competent authority for approval of effluent storage or dilution permit documents.
The permit in the foregoing paragraph shall be approved on the basis of the reviewed and passed environmental impact explanation or environmental impact assessment report content and review conclusions.
Article 51   Those enterprises that apply to special municipality, county or city competent authorities for review or to change approved content pursuant to Articles 20 and 29 may also concurrently submit applications pursuant to Articles 13, 14, 20 or 24 of this Act, and the review fee shall be the highest amount for a single item.
Article 52   Articles 2 through 14, Article 16, and Articles 19 through 51 shall apply to sewage systems.
Article 53   These Regulations shall take effect on the date of promulgation.