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Title: Water Pollution Control Measures and Test Reporting Management Regulations Ch
Date: 2006.10.16
Legislative: Promulgation of stipulated provisions full 101 Articles by Order
of Huan-Shu-Shui-Zi No. 0950080183, October 10, 2006,
Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan
Content: Article 1
These Regulations are established in accordance with Article 18, 
Article 19 where Article 18 is mutatis mutandis applicable, 
Paragraph 3 of Article 20, Article 22, Paragraph 2 of Article 31,
and Paragraph 4 of Article 32 of the Water Pollution Control Act
 (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”).

Article 2
Terms used in these Regulations are defined as follows:
I. Jointly established wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment 
   facilities: The facilities refer to wastewater or sewage
   treatment/pretreatment facilities that are jointly invested in,
   established by, and jointly used by two or more enterprises.
II. Commissioned operator: The operator refers to the party 
    commissioned by an enterprise or sewage system to operate and 
    manage the wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment
III. Soil treatment: It means the methods for the discharge of 
     wastewater or sewage via pipelines or ditches for irrigation 
     or percolation into the soil for the removal or reduction of 
IV. Commissioning wastewater or sewage treatment: It means 
    discharge of wastewater or sewage via pipelines or ditches to 
    be treated by a commissioned party (hereinafter referred to 
    as "Commissioning Treatment”).
V. Commissioned wastewater or sewage treatment: It means the 
   acceptance of wastewater or sewage treatment commissioned by
   another party at established wastewater or sewage treatment/
   pretreatment facilities (hereinafter referred to as 
  “Commissioned Treatment”).
VI. Initial dilution ratio: It means the dilution multiples from 
    the mix of wastewater column or sewage column and the 
    surrounding seawater after the wastewater or sewage drains
    from the pipeline into the sea and reaches a stable level in
   the seawater.
VII. Discharging wastewater or sewage using a drainage pipe to 
     the sea (hereinafter referred to as a “Sea Drainage Pipe”
     ): It means the use of a pipeline to transport wastewater 
     or sewage to the sea; with an initial dilution ratio of 100:1 
     or greater.
VIII. Storing: It means delivery of wastewater or sewage to 
      storage facilities and then implementing reuse,
      Treatment, using containers, tank trucks or other 
      non-pipelines or ditches facilities to remove or transport 
      wastewater or sewage to the area outside the range of 
      operations, or returning water seepage in a landfill to 
      the surface of the landfill.
IX. Dilution: It means mixing of wastewater or sewage needed only 
    to be treated before meeting the standards provided in the 
    Act and wastewater or sewage meeting the standards provided 
    in the Act without treatment or non-contact cooling water.
X. Recycling wastewater or sewage: It means collection of the 
   wastewater or sewage that has not been discharged into a water 
   body and has not undergone soil treatment to be reused for 
   other water resource purposes.
XI. Non-continuous discharge: It means the effluent that is not 
    drained from a discharge point into the receiving water body 
    continuously for 24 hours every day, or that is not drained 
    from a discharge point approved by the sewage management 
    authority into a sewage system continuously for 24 hours 
    every day.
XII. Routed discharge: It means wastewater or sewage is not 
     drained from the permitted discharge point or not drained 
     into a sewage system through the discharge point approved
     by the sewage management authority.
XIII. Pure hot spring wastewater: It means wastewater from hot 
      spring baths with no other added substances.

Article 3
The types of industrial wastewater are described below:
I. Process wastewater: It means the wastewater of an enterprise 
   that direct contacts people or objects in the process of 
   manufacturing, processing, repair, treatment, operation, 
   cooling, washing, counter flow washing, medical treatment, 
   provision of services, livestock raising, development of 
   natural resources, or other operations.
II. Discharged wastewater: It means the wastewater drained from
    the recycling water of an enterprise to reduce the 
    concentration of the pollutant that accumulates during the 
    recycling process.
III. Non-contact cooling water: It means the water used 
     exclusively for temperature exchange in heat exchange 
IV. Runoff wastewater: It means the wastewater produced from the
    rain when it washes outdoor facilities, surfaces of buildings
    or ground surfaces in the outdoor work environment, and (raw) 
Materials referred to in Subparagraph I of the preceding 
paragraph include raw materials, intermediate products, products,
by-products,waste, waste gases, animals, plants or other objects.

Article 4
Enterprises or sewage systems shall take the water pollution 
control measures (hereinafter referred to as the “Pollution 
Control Measures”) approved by the special municipality, county 
or city competent authority or any agency commissioned by the 
central competent authority (hereinafter referred to as the 
"Issuing Authority”), and shall operate in compliance with the 
approved Pollution Control Measures.

Article 5
If there is a concern of leaking pollutants or wastewater from 
enterprises or sewage systems into a water body, protective and 
preventive measures shall be taken. If pollutants leak to a water 
body or soil, emergency measures shall be taken immediately, and 
local competent authorities shall be reported within three hours 
after the leaking is detected. The report on the record of 
responding to the emergency and the measures taken shall be 
submitted to local competent authorities for reference within 10 
days after the emergency measures are taken.
The report on the record of responding to the emergency and the
measures taken, as stated in the preceding paragraph, shall 
include the following:
I. Reason for and time of the occurrence of the incident;
II. Receiving parties of the report, and the reporting method 
    and time
III. The content of response and the method of the elimination 
     and cleanup of leaking;
IV. Personnel participating in the response and their duties;
V. The plan for the monitoring and testing of the water body 
   and soil affected by the leaking;
VI. Methods for prevention and improvement;
VII. Any others as required by the competent authorities.

Article 6
When a natural disaster or emergency occurs, enterprises or 
sewage systems shall treat wastewater or sewage in accordance 
with the order of the competent authority.

Article 7
The wastewater or sewage produced by enterprises or sewage 
systems shall be collected through ditches, pipes, or containers 
within the work environment, and shall not be mixed and collected 
with rainwater.
The preceding sentence is not applicable to runoff wastewater.
Any existing enterprises or sewage systems that are not capable 
of achieving the goal specified in the preceding paragraph due 
to difficulties in engineering technique may submit evidence and 
conduct mixed collection after the competent authority gives its 
approval, provided that the enterprises or sewage systems have 
facilities available to prevent direct discharge of mixed 
wastewater or sewage.

Article 8
Where the runoff wastewater of an enterprise or sewage system 
storing or staking the following substances contains such 
substances or their components, the runoff wastewater shall be 
collected and treated:
I. Sludge produced during treatment of wastewater or sewage;
II. Coal cinder, coal ash, fly ash, slag, or bottom ash;
III. Raw materials, materials, scraps, products, or by-products 
     that, when washed out by rainwater, may dissolve into or 
     produce substances harmful to the health as announced under 
     this Act;
IV. Hazardous industrial waste;
V. Waste light sources, waste dry batteries, waste pesticide 
   containers, waste containers for special environmental agent, 
   waste lead acid batteries, waste lubricant, waste motorized 
   vehicles, and recycled materials or derivative waste produced 
   during the disposal process.

Article 9
Enterprises operating in the mining industry, earth and stone 
extracting industry, earth and stone processing industry, cement 
industry, earth and stone staking/disposing station, and at the 
construction site shall set up facilities that are capable of 
keeping off, blocking and channeling the rain on the excavation 
surface or stacking station. However, this shall not apply if 
setting up the facilities to keep off or block the rain is 
difficult and the competent authority gives its approval.
Enterprises operating in the cement industry referred to in the 
preceding paragraph means the enterprises that blend the cement,
 concrete aggregate, admixture, and water thoroughly and 
transport the mixture to the construction site for grouting.
The enterprises referred to in Paragraph 1 shall set up a grit 
chamber to collect and treat the initial rainfall and the 
wastewater produced from car wash platforms; the grit chamber 
shall meet the following requirements:
I. The total design capacity shall be equal to or greater than 
   the total area of the construction site or workplace 
    multiplied by 0.025 meters.
II. When it is not raining, the distance from the highest water 
    surface to the top of the chamber shall be greater than one
    -half of its depth.
III. Water impermeable material shall be used.
The facilities for keeping off, blocking, and channeling 
rainwater as well as the grit chamber shall be maintained and 
the grit shall be cleaned away on a regular basis; the time at 
which the maintenance and cleaning are conducted and the method 
for such measures shall be recorded and the record shall be 
retained as a reference for three years.
Where any enterprises referred to in Paragraph 1 take the measures 
specified in Paragraphs 1 and 3 as approved by the Issuing 
Authority, their runoff wastewater may be discharged from the 
approved runoff wastewater discharge point after being treated in 
the grit chamber.
Where the rainfall is greater than the total design capacity of 
the grit chamber specified in Subparagraph 1 of Paragraph 3 the 
part of the runoff wastewater whose volume exceeds the total 
design capacity may be rerouted for discharge.
The domestic sewage produced from the offices and staff 
dormitories of the enterprises referred to in Paragraph 1 shall 
be collected and treated appropriately.

Article 10 
Before proceeding to work at construction sites, the parties 
concerned shall present a plan for the reduction of pollutants 
from runoff wastewater (hereinafter referred to as “Reduction 
Plan”) to the competent authority for approval, and proceed 
as approved.
The Reduction Plan referred to in the preceding paragraph shall 
contain the following requirements:
I. Basic information;
II. Measures for the mitigation of pollution as mentioned in the 
    previous article and the engineering plan; and
III. A photocopy of the certification documents issued by the 
    competent authority.
If there is any change in the Reduction Plan or a concern that 
pollution is still possible as the competent authority reviews 
and finds the Reduction Plan insufficient to protect the quality 
of the water body and requires it to be improved within a 
limited period, then the amended Reduction Plan shall be 
submitted, before the change or within the limited period, to 
the competent authority for approval, and be implemented as 

Article 11
Enterprises and sewage systems other than those specified in 
Articles 8 to 10 shall take measures to reduce the volume of 
filterable substances and eroded silt in runoff wastewater. 
Around areas where goods and materials are stored or on 
erosion-prone ground in the working environment where there
is no vegetation or pavement, the measures of installing 
structures such as dikes, ditches or walls shall be taken to 
reduce runoff wastewater pollution.
For those that take measures to reduce runoff wastewater 
pollution in accordance with the preceding paragraph, rerouted 
discharge of runoff wastewater is allowed.

Article 12
Wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities shall be 
equipped with adequate functions and equipment, which are 
stipulated as follows:
I. Wastewater or sewage treatment under the maximum productivity
   or service scale shall be able to ensure that the treated 
   wastewater or sewage meets the Act and applicable regulations. 
   However, Wastewater or sewage drained to sewage systems shall
   comply with the provisions of the Sewerage Law.
II. The treatment/pretreatment facilities shall be able to treat 
    the foreseeable anomaly operation of production or service 
    facilities or sudden surge of water quantity capacity.
III. The treatment/pretreatment facilities shall be able to treat 
     the runoff wastewater specified in Article 8.
IV. Parts of treatment/pretreatment facilities prone to damage 
    and difficult to replace shall come with backup devices, and
    parts prone to damage shall come with spare parts on inventory.
V. A dedicated voltmeter shall be installed.
   The entities engaging in recycling, dilution, Commissioned 
   Treatment or designated by a competent authority shall, in an 
   upstream position of the wastewater or sewage treatment 
   facilities, install independent and exclusive cumulative 
   inflow water measurement facilities.
Where wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities are 
set up jointly for treatment of wastewater or sewage, it shall be 
transported through pipes or ditches.

Article 13
The enterprises or sewage systems with backup power for their
production equipment that produces wastewater or sewage shall
also make sufficient backup power available for operation of 
their wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities.

Article 14
Wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities shall
maintain normal operation and shall be maintained regularly and 
repaired in time. Records shall be made and retained as a 
reference for three years.
The normal operation stated in the preceding paragraph is 
stipulated as follows:
I. Facilities shall be operated within the scope of the 
   operating parameters registered in the approval document 
   for the water pollution control measure plan (hereinafter 
   referred to as water pollution control plan), the permit 
   allowing wastewater or sewage to be drained into surface
   water bodies, the simple discharge permit document, the 
   document permitting storage of wastewater or sewage, 
   the document permitting dilution of wastewater or sewage 
   and the permit allowing wastewater or sewage to be 
   drained into soil (hereinafter referred to asthe Permits
   (Documents)). However, this is not applied when written 
   documents are submitted to certify that the facilities
   are still in the status of normal operation even though 
   the operating parameters are beyond the approved scope.
II. The height of the accumulated sludge at the center 
    distance between the inflow end and the outflow end of 
    the condensation facilities shall be lower than one-half 
    of the water depth.
III. For the facilities without a collection pool, there is 
     no rotating bio-disc method, membrane method, reverse 
     osmotic method, ion exchange method, activated carbon
     method or similar treatment units between the discharge 
     point and the previous treatment facilities, or for the 
     facilities with a collection pool, there is not any of 
     the aforementioned methods between the collection pool 
     and the previous treatment facilities, and the electric 
     conductivity of effluent shall not fall below 50% of 
     that of the previous treatment facilities.

Article 15
Where an enterprise or sewage system violates the preceding 
article, the normal operation of its existing facilities shall be 
 maintained during the improvement period notified by the 
competent authority and measures shall be taken for reduction or 
discontinuation of production or service, or improvement of the 
wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities. The 
enterprise or sewage system shall not go beyond the operating 
parameters according to which the competent authority gives a 
notice for improvement within a specific period of time, and other 
operating parameters shall be within the normal operation range.
 Otherwise, punishment will be imposed on each violation.
Registration for change with the Issuing Authority is required 
if the improvement referred to in the preceding paragraph may 
be made only after demolition of existing facilities.

Article 16  
For the independent and exclusive electricity meters and 
operating parameter measuring facilities that are set up by 
the enterprise or sewage system for the wastewater or sewage 
treatment/pretreatment facilities and have a continuous 
automatic recording function, the record shall be made based 
on the design specification and frequency of the metering and 
measuring facilities; otherwise, the cumulative electricity 
consumption shall be recorded and the parameters shall be 
operated once a day. The amount of agent used for the wastewater 
or sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities and the production, 
storage, and transport volume of sludge shall be recorded each
time and statistics shall be prepared every month.
The photocopies of the records, vouchers or invoices referred 
to in the preceding paragraph shall be retained as a reference 
for three years.

Article 17
The independent and exclusive electricity meters that enterprises 
or sewage systems set up for the wastewater or sewage treatment/
pretreatment facilities shall meet the following requirements:
I. The specifications shall meet relevant requirements of The 
   Weights and Measures Act, and the entire electricity consumed 
   for the wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities 
   shall be measured.
II. A transparent window shall be available.
III. The electricity meters shall be sealed with lead sealing by 
     a competent authority or electric power company; the seal 
     shall be confirmed by the competent authority and shall not
     be destroyed.
IV. The source and destination of incoming and outgoing circuits 
    shall be marked explicitly.
For maintenance or replacement of the electricity meters referred
to in the preceding paragraph, the seal may be torn off only after 
informing the competent authority. The electricity consumption 
shall be recorded during the maintenance or replacement; the 
recording method shall be subject to the consent of the competent 
The competent authority shall be informed within one week after 
the maintenance or replacement.
In case no independent and exclusive electricity meters can be set
up for wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities, the 
facilities that have automatic control, measurement, and recording 
functions may be used to measure and record the consumption of 
electricity after being approved by the competent authority.

Article 18
Where the wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities 
of an enterprise or sewage system break down for more than 24 
hours, the wastewater or sewage that cannot be treated shall be 
stored appropriately and no discharge is allowed. Where it takes 
more than 30 days for repair, production of wastewater or sewage 
shall be suspended The enterprise or sewage system shall record 
the failure time, name of the facilities, reason for the failure, 
volume of the produced wastewater or sewage and its collection 
status, repair method and progress; the record shall be retained
as a reference for three years.

Article 19
Enterprises or sewage systems may entrust commissioned operators 
to operate wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities.
Enterprises or sewage systems may not entrust the commissioned 
operator who operated for other enterprises or sewage systems and, 
during the commissioned operation, caused such other enterprises 
or sewage systems to meet one of the following requirements in the 
most recent year to operate wastewater or sewage treatment/
pretreatment facilities:
I. The competent authority discovers that the discharge was 
II. A large quantity of pollutants were discharged and the 
    competent authority found that they seriously impacted 
    the quality of nearby water bodies.
III. The discharged wastewater or sewage contained substances 
     harmful to the health as announced under this Act and 
     the competent authority found that they might affect 
     the public health.
IV. The competent authority imposed a punishment by ordering 
     suspension of work or business.
For the enterprise or sewage system that shall designate 
personnel responsible for treatment of wastewater, the 
commissioned operator that such enterprise or sewage system 
entrusts shall be qualified to the level same as the 
designated wastewater treatment personnel. 
For the enterprise or sewage system that shall designate a 
unit responsible for treatment of wastewater or sewage, 
the commissioned operator that such enterprise or sewage 
system entrusts shall be qualified to the level same as 
the designated wastewater treatment personnel of Class A.
Enterprises or sewage systems shall make a record available 
at the site showing the arrival and leaving times of the 
commissioned operator and the operation and maintenance 
status; the signature needs to be affixed to the record for 
confirmation purpose. The record shall be retained as a 
reference for three years.

Article 20
Enterprises in the sewage system area that do not discharge 
produced wastewater or sewage into the sewage system 
(hereinafter referred to as “Sewer Connection”) shall not 
discharge it into any surface water body without the consent
of the sewage management authority (agency) and acquisition of 
the surface water body discharge permit or a simple discharge 
permit document.

Article 21
The wastewater or sewage that the enterprises referred to in the
preceding article produces shall not be discharged into the 
drainage that is exclusive for the rainwater in the sewage system 
area. However, this is not applicable if the discharge has been 
approved by the sewage management authority (agency) and competent

Article 22
In case the sewage management authority (agency) finds that a 
sewer-connected enterprise does not observe the water quality 
standard for the sewage system and notifies it to make 
improvement within a time frame, such enterprise shall apply 
for Permits (Documents) to the Issuing Authority if it intends
to take pollution control measures other than connection to the 
Where the enterprise referred to in the preceding paragraph is
not able to make the improvement within the specified time
frame and the sewage management authority (agency) rejects the 
sewer connection or notifies it to stop using the sewerage,
such enterprise shall stop producing wastewater or sewage 
before obtaining the permit (document) approved by the Issuing
When notifying an enterprise to make improvement within a 
specific time frame or rejects sewer connection, the sewage 
management authority (agency) shall inform the authority 

Article 23

Enterprises or sewage systems that take soil treatment measures 
shall simultaneously take other pollution control measures 
approved by the competent authority and use them as an 
alternative when the soil treatment is suspended. However, this 
is not applicable if the wastewater or sewage is not in 
compliance with the effluent standards as specified in the Waste
Disposal Act and may be removed to a place outside the work 
environment using barrels, tank trucks or other non-pipe means 
or ditches.

Article 24
Wastewater or sewage from enterprises and sewage systems shall 
be subject to pretreatment in conformity to the standards for 
soil treatment before proceeding to soil treatment.
For the pretreatment mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the 
following facilities shall be installed.
I. Solid-liquid separation facilities;
II. Wastewater or sewage pretreatment facilities, or in case
    of livestock enterprises engaged in pig or cattle farming,
    biological pretreatment facilities.
The provisions of Articles 12 to 19 shall apply mutatis mutandis 
to the wastewater or sewage pretreatment facilities mentioned
in Subparagraph II of the preceding paragraph.

Article 25
Where facilities are installed for the sewerage of industrial 
wastewater or sewage to isolate wastewater or sewage from 
contact with soil, the requirements under this chapter shall 
be waived.

Article 26
Enterprises or sewage systems shall set up containment 
facilities at the lower slope in the section of land used 
for soil treatment to collect and treat wastewater or sewage 
overflow appropriately. However, this is not applicable if 
no overflow occurs after treatment of the soil.

Article 27
Wastewater or sewage may be drained out from enterprises or 
sewage systems in the duration specified in the permit for the
treatment of soil from discharge of wastewater or sewage, and 
shall be halted temporality if any of the following situations
I. From the day on which the Central Weather Bureau announced 
   heavy rain and rainstorm to three days after the warning 
   signal is clear.
II. The total volume of nitrogen contained in the wastewater 
    or sewage from each hectare of land every year reaches 
    400 kilograms.
III. The conductivity of soil saturation extraction fluid is at
     4 mΩ/cm at 25°C.
IV. The result of soil monitoring and testing is at the upper 
    limit of the standards for soil pollution levels, or the
    monitored value of copper or zinc reaches 70% of the upper 
    limit of the said standards.
V. The test result of underground water indicated pollution level 
   of underground water is at the upper limit of standard. This 
   standard is not applicable if the NH background value of 
   underground water is higher than the upper limit of the 
   monitoring standard of underground water pollution, and the 
   test value of NH of underground water is lower than the 
   background value.
Those that are suspended from discharging wastewater or sewage 
in accordance with Subparagraphs III to V of the preceding 
paragraph, a test report of compliance shall be submitted to 
the competent authority for approval, and the discharge of 
wastewater or sewage into soil is only allowed to continue 
after the approval.

Article 28
Enterprises or sewage systems that take soil treatment measures 
shall set up sampling points before discharging wastewater or 
sewage into the soil.
The sampling points referred to in the preceding paragraph 
shall meet the following requirements:
I. A pathway that allows the personnel of the competent authority
   to access to the sampling point, or in case of difficulties 
   in making it in place, measures to be taken as approved by 
   the competent authority; 
II. Setup of independent and exclusive cumulative water 
    measurement facilities for measuring the volume of the 
    wastewater or sewage discharged into the soil;
III. Setup of a sign.
In case the competent authority finds that an enterprises or 
sewage system reroutes the discharge or conducts non-continuous 
wastewater or sewage discharge designated by the competent 
authority, the sampling point shall be set up at the collection
pool that follows the final treatment units of pretreatment.
Setup of the sign referred to in Subparagraph III of Paragraph
2 shall meet the following requirements:
I. The sign shall contain the name of the enterprise or sewage 
   system and its control number, sampling point number, and 
   maximum daily discharge volume based on the contents of the 
II. The sign shall be more than 32 cm in length and more than 
    15cm in width with a white background. The texts shall be 
    black with visible fonts of 15cm or more, and no other 
    graphics shall be added without approval. (See attached 
    Figure 1.)
III. The sign shall be conspicuously fixed beside the sampling 
     point at a distance between 50 cm and 2 m from the ground.
IV. The sign shall be made of robust material.
V. The sign shall be mounted steadily and shall not be moved 

Article 29
The enterprise or sewage system that has acquired the approval 
documents or Permits (Documents) for their Pollution Control
Measures, registered their redundant capacity, and met the 
following requirements must apply to the Issuing Authority for 
and carry out change registration of Commissioned Treatment
before engaging in Commissioned Treatment of wastewater or
I. The competent authority did not impose punishment more than 
   twice due to violation of Article 7 of the Act within one 
   year before the application date. However, for the 
   sewer-connected enterprise, the connection must not be r
   ejected by the competent authority or it did not notify such 
   enterprise to stop using the sewerage within one year before 
   the application date.
II. The competent authority did not fin d that the discharged
    wastewater or sewage contained substances harmful to the 
    health as announced under this Act and affected the public 
    health within three years before the application date.
III. The competent authority did not impose a punishment by 
     ordering suspension of work or business due to violation
     of the Act within three years before the application date.
IV. The competent authority did not ferret out rerouted 
discharge within three years before the application date.

Article 30
Enterprises or sewage systems that are commissioned to treat 
wastewater or sewage (hereinafter referred to as the 
“Commissioned Party”) shall meet the following requirements:
I. The commission is limited to treatment of the wastewater 
   or sewage in the same industry and of the same type. This is 
    not applicable when the Issuing Authority gives it approval.
II. The daily volume of wastewater or sewage to be treated 
    under commission shall not exceed the approved maximum daily 
    redundant capacity.
III. Wastewater or sewage must be treated within 24 hours after 

Article 31
The party commissioning an enterprise or sewage system to treat
wastewater or sewage (hereinafter referred to as the 
“Commissioning Party”) shall set up wastewater or sewage 
treatment/pretreatment facilities or storage facilities to store
 wastewater or sewage.
The Commissioning Party and Commissioned Party shall set up 
independent and exclusive cumulative water measurement 
facilities at the inflow and outflow ends of the pipe or ditch.

Article 32
Where wastewater or sewage cannot be treated under commission 
due to failure of the wastewater or sewage treatment/
pretreatment facilities, the Commissioned Party shall 
notify the Commissioning Party to stop transport and make 
improvement. The Commissioned Treatment shall be terminated 
if wastewater or sewage cannot be treated under commission 
for a period of more than 30 days and alteration of the 
approval documents or permits (documents) for Pollution 
Control Measures shall be made with the Issuing
In case the Commissioned Party does not make the alteration 
referred to in the preceding paragraph, the Issuing Authority 
may directly alter the permit registration item.
The Commissioned Party shall record the reason why it cannot
accept the commission, the time at which it notifies the 
Commissioning Party to stop the transport, and the improvement 
status, and shall retain the record as a reference for three 

Article 33
When receiving the notification on termination of the 
Commissioned Treatment from the Commissioned Party, the 
Commissioning Party shall collect and store its wastewater or 
sewage. Production of wastewater or sewage shall stop when the 
wastewater or sewage is stored for more than 30 days and approval
of other pollution control measures is not acquired from the 
Issuing Authority. However, this is not applicable if the 
wastewater or sewage is not in compliance with the effluent
standards as specified in the Waste Disposal Act and may be 
removed to a place outside the work environment using barrels, 
tank trucks or other non-pipe means or ditches.
The Commissioning Party shall record the time at which the 
Commissioned Party notifies it to stop the transport, daily
production and storage volume of wastewater or sewage, and the 
number and quantity of storage facilities, and shall retain the 
record as a reference for three years.

Article 34
Where the Commissioned Party violates relevant provisions of 
the Act twice or more within one year during the Commissioned 
Treatment, it shall not increase the volume of the wastewater 
or sewage to be treated under commission nor the number of 
counterparts within one year from the date on which the second 
violation occurs.
The Commissioned Treatment shall be terminated if the 
Commissioned Party meets one of the following requirements 
during the Commissioned Treatment:
I. The competent authority imposes punishment more than twice 
   due to violation of Article 7 of the Act. However, for the 
   sewer-connected enterprise, the connection must be rejected 
   by the competent authority or it notifies such enterprise to 
   stop using the sewerage.
II. The discharged wastewater or sewage contains substances 
    harmful to the health as announced under this Act and the 
    competent authority finds them affecting the public health.
III. The competent authority imposes a punishment by ordering 
     suspension of work or business due to violation of the Act.
IV. The competent authority ferrets out rerouted discharge.

Article 35
Enterprises or sewage systems that discharge wastewater or 
sewage into the ocean through ocean outfall pipes shall meet 
the following requirements:
I. Construction for setup and change of ocean outfall pipes 
   shall be reported to the competent authority for reference
   within 30 days after completion of the construction.
II. Ocean outfall pipes shall be checked regularly every year 
    and must have a function with a confirmed initial dilution 
    rate of more than 100 times; records shall be made and 
    retained as a reference for three years.
III. Ocean outfall pipes that may affect discharge or safe 
     navigation of vessels due to failure or damage shall be 
     repaired or removed immediately, and the competent 
     authority shall be informed within three hours after 
     identification of such failure or damage.

Article 36
Enterprises or sewage systems that discharge wastewater or 
sewage into the ocean through ocean outfall pipes shall act in 
accordance with the following requirements if the initial 
dilution rate of such ocean outfall pipes cannot reach more 
than 100 times due to failure or damage:
I. Discharged wastewater or sewage shall meet the effluent 
II. In case discharge into the ocean is imposable, wastewater 
    or sewage may be discharged into surface water bodies 
    through the discharge point approved by the competent 
    authority. However, alteration of the Permits (Documents) 
    shall be made with the Issuing Authority in case the 
    discharge lasts for more than 90 days.
Enterprises or sewage systems shall record the time at which 
failure of or damage to the ocean outfall pipe occurs, the time 
of notification, the cause of the occurrence, and the repair
status, and shall retain the record as a reference for three

Article 37
Enterprises or sewage systems that dilute wastewater or sewage 
shall mix such wastewater or sewage using the blending 
facilities in the wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment 
facilities. Neither the water that is not required to be treated 
nor the non-contact cooling water, before being discharged, 
shall be mixed with treated wastewater or sewage. However, this 
does not apply to the treated wastewater or sewage that is 
drained from the permitted discharge point to mix with the water 
that is not required to be treated or the non-contact cooling 
Independent and exclusive cumulative inflow water measurement 
facilities shall be set up for the blending facilities referred 
to in the preceding paragraph.

Article 38
Enterprises or sewage systems that remove or transport 
wastewater or sewage to a place outside the work environment 
using barrels,tank trucks or other non-pipe means or ditches shall 
set up storage facilities in the work environment to store the 
wastewater or sewage that has not been removed or transported.
Storage facilities for collection of landfill leachate, water 
pumping facilities, and intercepting ditches for runoff wastewater 
shall be set up in case of landfill leachate recirculation to
its surface.

Article 39
For the enterprises or sewage systems taking storage measures,
independent and exclusive cumulative inflow and outflow water 
measurement facilities or measurement facilities with automatic 
fluid level recording and storage volume displaying functions 
shall be set up for the storage facilities.
Enterprises and sewage systems shall, by day and by batch,record
the wastewater or sewage storage time, transport (delivery) 
method,water quantity and treated water quantity,and shall retain 
the record as a reference for three years.
Storage facilities used for the emergency response pursuant to 
Paragraph 1 of Article 18 or Paragraph 1 of Article 33 shall be 
subject to the preceding two paragraphs.
Where stored wastewater or sewage does not meet the effluent 
standards and is to be removed to a place outside the work 
environment using barrels, tank trucks or other non-pipe means 
or ditches, production of wastewater or sewage shall stop when 
the wastewater or sewage is stored in the work environment for 
more than 30 days and approval of other pollution control
measures is not acquired from the Issuing Authority.

Article 40
Enterprises and sewage systems shall have storage facilities 
with a capacity that can meet the requirements of emergency 

Article 41
Wastewater or sewage from enterprises or systems shall be 
recycled only after the wastewater or sewage has been treated 
to meet the effluent standards. Before the recycling, sampling 
points shall be installed. However, this is not applied when 
the wastewater or sewage is used for tower rinsing or other 
pollution prevention equipment and production processes.

Article 42

The recycled wastewater or sewage referred to in the preceding 
article shall be discharged into surface water bodies only when 
it meets the effluent standards. However,recycled wastewater or 
sewage to be used for cleaning the offices, staff dormitories, and 
other activity venues in the work environment shall meet the 
effluent standards for building sewage treatment facilities.
Physical contact with the recycled wastewater or sewage referred 
to in the preceding paragraph shall be avoided so as not to affect 
the health of staff.

Article 43
For recycling of wastewater or sewage, independent and exclusive 
cumulative water measurement facilities shall be set up after 
wastewater or sewage is produced and treated, 
while independent and exclusive cumulative water measurement 
facilities shall be set up for the recycle before it takes place.
Wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities or storage
facilities shall be set up for wastewater or sewage recycle to 
store it before the recycle takes place.

Article 44
Ground oil storage facilities set up in an oil storage plant 
shall meet the following requirements:
I. The bottom shall be made by cement or paved with non-permeable 
II. Spill-prevention dikes with a height of more than 50 
    centimeters shall be set up around the oil storage 
    facilities, and the volume encircled shall be more than 110% 
    of the volume of the facilities. However, in case of 
    difficulties in setting up the dikes, alternative solutions 
    are taken as approved by the competent authority.
The enterprises mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall prepare,
based on the volume of the oil storage facilities, sufficient
materials and articles for prevention of leaking of pollutants.
The facilities, materials and articles mentioned in the preceding
two paragraphs shall be maintained periodically.
Oil leaked from the storage facilities stated in the preceding
paragraph shall be collected and treated properly.

Article 45
Ship breakers shall set up interception facilities around the 
ship-breaking site and take the following measures. However, 
facilities capable of preventing wastewater from polluting 
water bodies may be used with approval from the competent 
authority if it is difficult to set up such facilities:
I. Equipment for containment and removal of floating oil shall
   be set up on the surface of the water around the work area.
II. Appropriate facilities for collection of waste oil, 
    wastewater and other pollutants shall be set up in the work
III. Others measures that the competent authority designates.

Article 46
Operators of combined fishing and stock raising business in the 
livestock industry shall operate in accordance with the following 
I. The daily volume of wastewater discharged into fishponds shall 
   be less than 4 cubic meters per hectare.
II. A fishpond shall have a capacity for wastewater produced by 
    less than 200 hogs per hectare.
III. The dissolved oxygen of a fishpond shall be 1.0 mg/l or 
IV. A distance of 30cm or more shall be maintained from the 
    highest fluid level to the top around the fishpond. 
   However, this is not applicable during the rainy season.
V. A record containing the time at which the barn or sty is 
   cleaned, the quantity of water discharged into the fishpond, 
   and the time at which the wastewater is discharged from the
   fishpond shall be made and retained as a reference for three 
VI. A notice shall be voluntarily sent to the competent 
   authority three days before the discharge.

Article 47
To maintain normal supply of water, the water supply plant 
may take emergency response measures and discharge wastewater 
directly when the Central Weather Bureau issues a warning of 
torrential rain or when a natural disaster occurs and the 
concentration of the suspended solids in the raw water exceeds 
2,000 mg/l or the turbidity exceeds 2,000 NTU and, as a result, 
the wastewater treatment facilities cannot operate normally.
The water supply plan shall incorporate the emergency response
measures referred to in the preceding paragraph in the approval 
documents or Permits (Documents) for Pollution Control Measures, 
and take actions according to the following requirements:
I. The settling basin and sludge thickener shall be cleared 
II. A notice shall be sent to the downstream water users and 
    the local competent authority shall be informed.
III. Daily inspection shall be conducted for the turbidity and 
     suspended solid concentration of the raw water and the 
     suspended solid concentration of the effluent, and a 
     record shall be made for such inspection; the record shall
     be retained as a reference for three years.
The water supply plant is responsible for removal or repair of 
any accumulation of sludge or damage that occurs due to emergency 
response measures that the water supply plant took.

Article 48
Catering enterprises and tourist hotels that render dining 
service shall set up grease traps to remove grease from the 
catering wastewater.
For the catering enterprises and tourist hotels that render spa 
service, the pure hot spring wastewater produced from the public 
pools of the existing enterprises and the hot spring facilities 
of a newly established enterprise shall be collected and treated  
separately from other wastewater.
The pure hot spring wastewater shall be treated using hair and 
suspended solid filtering facilities. However, this is not 
applicable to mud spring.
The effluent that has undergone the treatment referred to in the 
preceding paragraph may be directly discharged into the surface 
water body to which the source of the hot spring concerned 
belongs if the effluent, except for the water temperature, 
exceeds the effluent standards, though it does not exceed the 
quality standard of raw water.

Article 49
The grease traps as well as the hair and suspended solid 
filtering facilities that catering enterprises and tourist 
hotels set up shall be cleaned and maintained on a regular 
basis, and a record of the time and method for the cleaning and 
maintenance shall be made; the record shall be retained as a 
reference for three years.
The grease traps referred to in the preceding paragraph shall 
meet the requirements of the Design and Technique Directions 
of Buildings Sewage Treatment Facilities.

Article 50
Enterprises or sewage systems that set up the following water 
pollution control facilities and pipelines shall clearly and 
correctly mark their names in addition to the name and flow 
direction of the fluid in the pipe.
I. Pipelines and treatment units for collection, pretreatment, 
   treatment, backflow, discharge, and storage of water,
   wastewater or sewage;
II. Rerouted pipelines for emergency response;
III. Pipelines and storage tank units for storage, dilution, 
     and recycle;
IV. Independent and exclusive cumulative water measurement 
    facilities and independent and exclusive electricity meters 
    for wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities;
V. Pipelines and treatment units for collection, treatment, and
    storage of sludge.

Article 51
Where enterprises or sewage systems take water from water 
bodies for cooling or circulations purpose and the water they 
take is non-contact cooling water, such water may be directly 
discharged into the surface water body in the original water 
inflow area if all the water quality items, except for the water 
temperature and hydrogen ion concentration indexes, exceed 
the effluent standards, though they do not exceed the water 
inflow standard.

Article 52
Enterprises or sewage systems shall discharge from the discharge 
points permitted by the Issuing Authority. However, this is 
not applied in an emergency situation when personnel or 
treatment equipment cannot be saved without rerouting discharge.
The Issuing Authority shall be notified of the rerouted discharge 
referred to in the preceding paragraph within 3 hours after its 
occurrence, and the start and end times of the rerouted discharge, 
the reason for the rerouted discharge, the quantity of water,
and the reporting time shall be recorded.

Article 53
The discharge point of an enterprise or sewage system shall 
meet the following requirements:
I. The discharge point shall be located outside the peripheral 
   boundaries and on the ground that the discharge flows 
   through before entering the receiving water body.
II. There shall be a pathway outside the peripheral boundaries
    for the sampling personnel to access the discharge point, 
    and a sampling platform the size of which is at least 1 
    square meter shall be set up.
III. Except for the case of a discharge point for wastewater 
     runoff, independent and exclusive cumulative water 
     measurement facilities shall be set up to measure the 
     discharge. However, this is not applicable to the discharge 
     point for runoff wastewater.
IV. A sign shall be erected.
V. If the discharge point is established as a well, the well 
   water shall be adequately and equally mixed.
If the establishment of a discharge point has difficulty meeting
the requirements in Subparagraphs I and II of the preceding 
paragraph, alternative solutions shall be taken as  approved by 
the competent authority.
In case the competent authority finds that an enterprises or 
sewage system reroutes the discharge or conducts non-continuous 
wastewater or sewage discharge designated by the competent 
authority, the discharge point shall be set up at the collection 
pool that follows the final treatment units.

Article 54
In the event that enterprises or sewage systems jointly discharge 
wastewater or sewage into the ocean through a marine outfall, the 
discharge point shall be set up at a proper location between the 
joint wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities and 
the marine outfall. 
In the absence of any joint wastewater or sewage treatment
/pretreatment facilities, the discharge point shall be established 
at a proper location between the outside of the peripheral 
boundaries of the enterprise or sewage system and the marine 

Article 55
The provisions of Paragraph 4 of Article 28 shall apply mutatis 
mutandis to the erection of a sign at a discharge point.

Article 56
If any of the following applies to the enterprise or sewage 
system, it shall complete the installation of water capacity 
automatic monitoring facilities, water quality automatic 
monitoring facilities and video surveillance facilities by 
the deadline required by the competent authority.
I. The competent authority discovers that the discharge is 
II. It violates relevant provisions of the Regulations and is 
    ordered by the competent authority for discontinuation of 
    operation or business, or it declares discontinuation
    of operation or business within the period of improvement 
    stipulated by the competent authority and then applies for 
    reinstatement of operation or business.
III. After being ordered twice by the competent authority to 
     improve its violations of the Effluent Standards within a 
     provided period, it still continues violating the Standards 
     within a year, with one of the following circumstances: 
 (1) Concentration of pollutants in the discharged wastewater 
 or sewage is more than 5 times the value of the upper limit 
 provided in the Effluent Standards. However, this does not 
 apply to the hydrogen ion concentration index, coliform group, 
 and water temperature.
The hydrogen ion concentration index for the hydrogen ions in 
the discharged wastewater or sewage is smaller than 2 or greater 
than 11.
IV. It discharges huge pollutants that the competent authority 
    deems critical in affecting the quality of the water body 
    in the surrounding area.
V. The discharged wastewater or sewage contains the hazardous 
   substances to health announced under the Regulations and there 
   is a concern of the competent authority that these substances 
   are harmful to public health.
VI. In the last year prior to the day on which the application 
   for the water pollution control plan or Permits (Documents) 

   is submitted, the former enterprise located at the same 
   address and on the same location or land section has violated 
   relevant provisions of the Regulations and been ordered by the 
   competent authority to discontinue its operation or business,
   or it has declared discontinuation of operation or business 
   within the period of improvement stipulated by the competent 
   authority, or has been found rerouting discharge.
VII. Non-continuous discharge with the possibility of the 
     situation provided in Subparagraph I is designated by the
     competent authority. 
After the installation of the cumulative water measurement 
facilities, water quality automatic monitoring facilities and 
video surveillance facilities, the enterprise or sewage system 
shall apply for alteration of the water pollution control plan or 
Permits (Documents) with the competent authority. Such 
installation may be  waived if normal operation lasts for more 
than 365 days accumulated from the day of alteration completion 
without any incident as stated in the preceding paragraph and the 
approval of the competent authority.

Article 57
The enterprise or sewage system mentioned in the preceding 
article shall install the cumulative water measurement facilities,
 water quality automatic monitoring facilities and video 
surveillance facilities in accordance with the following 
requirements and shall submit, pursuant to the required format, 
the previous month’s daily cumulative water quantity, readings 
and water quality automatic monitoring data records and the date 
and method of calibration and maintenance to the competent 
authority by the fifteenth day of every month.
I. Independent and exclusive cumulative water measurement 
   facilities shall be installed for all water sources in the 
   working area.
II. Automatic monitoring facilities shall be installed at
   inflow points, outflow points and discharge points of each 
   water pollution control measure facility unit to monitor water 
   temperature, hydrogen ion concentration index and conductivity.
III. Video surveillance facilities that also record time shall
     be installed at each water pollution control measure facility 
     unit and each discharge point and shall be kept photographing 
     and videotaping for 24 hours a day, and video footage can be 
     viewed clearly.
The automatic monitoring facilities installed in accordance with 
Subparagraph II of the preceding paragraph shall be installed, 
calibrated and maintained pursuant to the brand specifications.
Those that install cumulative water measurement facilities, water 
quality automatic monitoring facilities and video surveillance 
facilities shall maintain their normal functions, and in the event
of malfunction, shall immediately report to the competent authority 
by telephone or fax. The time of malfunction, the names and titles
of the persons submitting and receiving the report shall be 
recorded. During the period of malfunction, calibration or 
maintenance, the alternative method approved by the competent 
authority shall be adopted to record, monitor, photograph and 
videotape. Monitoring data shall be retained for three years 
and image data shall be retained for three months as reference.
If the malfunctioning facilities or systems in the preceding 
paragraph are unable to return to normal conditions within 24 
hours, the planned repair measures and the repair completion 
date shall be reported to the competent authority within two days 
from the date of malfunction. Maintenance of facilities, report 
of malfunctioning and the circumstances relevant to taking response
measures shall be reported together in accordance with Paragraph 1.

Article 58
Where the competent authority finds any of the situations stated 
in Subparagraph 1 or 3 of Paragraph 1 of Article 56 occurs in 
case of non-continuous discharge of wastewater or sewage from an 
enterprise or sewage system for which the collection pool 
installed in the peripheral boundaries, the enterprise or sewage 
system shall install the display signboard showing water 
temperature, hydrogen ion concentration index and conductivity 
automatically within the time frame specified by the competent 
authority and complete the modification of the discharge Permits 
(Documents) after the installation.
The display signboard referred to in the preceding paragraph that
shows flow discharge capacity and water quality automatically 
shall be installed at where can be easily seen on the external
wall of the front door, and maintain normal operation. It shall 
have the function of real-time display of monitored data. In the
event of malfunction, the enterprise or sewage system shall
immediately report to the competent authority by telephone or 
fax, and the time of malfunction, the names and titles of the 
persons submitting and receiving the report shall be recorded. 
During the period of malfunction, calibration or maintenance, 
the alternative method approved by the competent authority shall 
be adopted to monitor and record.
If the malfunctioning display signboard referred to in the 
preceding paragraph is unable to return to normal conditions
within 24 hours, the planned repair measures and the repair 
completion date shall be reported to the competent authority 
within two days from the date of malfunction.

Article 59
In the event that an enterprise or sewage system utilizes 
wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities, a 
functional test shall be conducted within the time frame 
specified by the competent authority if at least one of the 
following circumstances applies:
I. Circumstances described in Subparagraph 3 of Paragraph 1 of 
   Article 56;
II. Abnormal operating parameters;
III. Abnormalities in the equilibrium of water quality or flow;
IV. A concern that dilution may have been performed without 
    a permit;
V. Insufficient functions of wastewater or sewage treatment/
   pretreatment facilities.
Upon completion of the functional test in the preceding 
paragraph, functional test report shall be submitted and the 
documents of approval or Permits (Documents) for water 
pollution control measure plans shall be revised. If the result 
of a functional test indicates nonconformity with the control 
standards specified in the Act, the enterprise or sewage system 
shall reduce or terminate its production or service, or take other 
response measures.

Article 60
Any functional test conducted by an enterprise or sewage system 
in accordance with the preceding Article shall meet the 
following requirements:
I. Tests conducted on wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment 
   or sludge treatment facilities shall be based on the maximum 
   amount of daily wastewater or sewage production approved by 
   the issuing authorities. In the event that the operating 
   conditions are not based on the approved maximum amount of 
   daily wastewater or sewage production, the test shall be 
   conducted based on the reported or actual maximum amount in 
   a regular test.
II. The period of a functional test shall be at least five 
    working days. The competent authority shall be notified three
    days before the testing date to participate in the functional 
The functional test conducted on the testing date as defined in
 Subparagraph II of the preceding paragraph shall meet the 
following requirements:
I. The volume of the wastewater or sewage before and after 
   treatment shall be respectively tested once. The water quality 
   of the wastewater or sewage before treatment shall be tested 
   once. The operating parameters of each facilities unit shall 
   be tested once.
II. Methods for the test of water quality after treatment:
(1) In the event that wastewater or sewage is discharged 
    continuously for 24 hours, sampling shall be conducted once 
    every four hours for a total of six times. The samples taken 
    twice consecutively shall be combined into a single one. A 
    total of three samples created 
    through the combination will be tested, and the average of 
    the three samples is calculated.
(2) In the event that wastewater or sewage is not discharged 
     continuously for 24 hours, sampling shall be conducted 4 
    times in accordance with the daily discharge time. The samples 
    taken twice consecutively shall be combined into a single one. 
    A total of two samples created through the combination will be 
    tested, and the average of the two samples is calculated.
III. The test of water quality shall be conducted on the items 
     submitted under each type of industry listed in Table 1,
     except in the event that the competent authority has specified 
     the testing items.
IV. An environmental analysis laboratory with a permit issued by 
    the central competent authority shall be commissioned to 
    conduct the sampling and test of water quantity and quality.
V. Units participating in the functional test shall include the 
   process operating unit, treatment process operating unit, 
   sampling unit, and testing unit. In the event the functional 
   test report requires the signature of a technician, the 
   technician shall jointly participate in the test.
VI. In case of an enterprise or sewage system with at least 
    two sources of wastewater or sewage and at least two 
    wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities,
    measurements and tests shall be conducted separately on 
    each of the sources and facilities.

Article 61
In the event that an enterprise or sewage system discharges 
wastewater or sewage into an irrigation channel, the enterprise 
or sewage system shall seek approval from the managing authority 
(agency) or owner of the irrigation channel before wastewater 
or sewage is discharged.
In the event that the managing authority (agency) or owner of
the irrigation channel in the preceding paragraph does not 
approve the discharge of wastewater or sewage, the competent 
authority shall be notified.

In the event of unapproved discharge, storage, dilution,discharge 
into groundwater, soil treatment or rerouted discharge, or that 
the pipelines or facilities of an enterprise or sewage system do 
not meet relevant requirements, 
the pipelines or facilities shall be sealed or removed within the 
improvement period specified by the order of the competent 

Article 63
In the event that sludge deposits clearly visible have been 
formed at the bottom of pipelines, the entry point of the water
body, and its surrounding areas due to the discharge of 
wastewater or sewage by an enterprise or sewage system, the 
enterprise or sewage system shall remove the sludge deposits on 
its own initiative or within a limited period pursuant to the 
order of the competent authority.

Article 64
In the event that enterprises or sewage systems belong to two 
or more industry types, or that enterprises or sewage systems 
belong to a single industry type but have different processes, 
the combined treatment and discharge of wastewater shall 
conform to the effluent standards for each of the concerned
industry types. If different control limits are available for 
the same control item, the stricter limit shall apply.
In the event that the flow of wastewater from one of the 
industry types in the preceding paragraph is at least 75% of 
the total flow of wastewater, and that independent and exclusive 
cumulative water measurement facilities have been installed, 
anapplication may be submitted to the competent authority for 
the use of the effluent standards of the concerned industry type
as the basis of control for all common items.
The percentage of the flow of wastewater in the preceding 
paragraph shall be calculated in accordance with the records
of the six months prior to the date of application.

Article 65
An enterprise or sewage systems shall install calibrate and 
maintain cumulative water measurement facilities pursuant to 
the brand specifications.
Regarding the specifications of the cumulative water measurement 
facility in the preceding paragraph, the margin of error within 
the range of measurable flow shall not exceed +/-10%. However, 
non-contact cooling water not used for circulation whose flow 
is calculated by motor rotation is not subject to this restriction.
In case cumulative water measurement facilities shall be sealed 
with lead sealing, they shall be sealed by the competent 
authority and the lead sealing shall not be destroyed 
For calibration, maintenance or replacement of the cumulative
water measurement facilities, the seal may be torn off only 
after the competent authority has been informed.
The water quantity during the period of calibration or 
maintenance shall still be recorded in the way approved by 
the competent authority and the records shall be kept for three 
years. The competent authority shall be reported within a 
week after the calibration or maintenance in order to seal 
the facilities with lead sealing.
If the calibration or maintenance mentioned in the preceding 
paragraph cannot be completed in time due to limitations of 
technology or manpower of the enterprise or sewage system,such 
calibration or maintenance may be waived after the approval of 
the competent authority.

Article 66
If an enterprise or sewage system has difficulty in installing 
independent and exclusive cumulative water measurement facilities
  in accordance with the Regulations, it may conduct measurement 
using any other measuring facilities or methods that are able to 
indicate the water quantity, subject to approval from the 
competent authority.
If the facilities in the preceding paragraph generate records in 
a continuous and automatic way, the enterprise or sewage system 
shall record the water quantity based on the specifications and 
frequencies of the facilities. If the facilities do not generate 
records in such a way, the cumulative water quantity reading 
shall be recorded daily and preserved for three years for 
Article 67
In case of sewage produced from offices, staff dormitories, other 
activity spaces and buildings within the work environment of an 
enterprise, the management shall meet the following requirements:
I. In case of combined treatment of sewage and enterprise 
   wastewater, the methods for the management of enterprise 
   wastewater shall be used.
II. In case of separate treatment of sewage and enterprise 
    wastewater, the methods for the management of building sewage 
    treatment facilities shall be used, and a discharge point 
    shall be established.
The discharge point in Subparagraph II of the preceding paragraph 
shall be established in accordance with Article 53. However, in 
case the number of employees is less than 50, the installation of
independent and exclusive cumulative water measurement 
facilities may be waived.
Article 68
In the event that an enterprise or sewage system suspends or ends 
its operation on its own initiative or pursuant to a decision of 
the competent authority, the person responsible for the 
enterprise or the owner, user or manager of the sewage system 
shall treat and discharge the remaining wastewater or sewage in 
the work environment in accordance with the Act.

Article 69
Wastewater or sewage from an enterprise or sewage system that 
overflows from its collection, treatment or discharge facilities, 
units, pipelines or ditches into the work environment shall be 
collected and treated.
The enterprise or sewage system shall record the date, time, 
water quantity, reason, collection and treatment of the overflow 
mentioned in the preceding paragraph for reference.

Article 70
In the event the location of an enterprise has been designated 
by the competent sewage system authority as an area or site in 
which a sewage system for exclusive use shall be established, the 
enterprise shall meet the requirements provided by the Act and 
applicable regulations for enterprises.

Article 71
Enterprises or sewage systems shall complete the test reporting 
in accordance with the Regulations. However, this does not apply
to the following enterprises or sewage systems.
I. Gas stations with no attached car wash facilities;
II. Earth and stone staking/disposing stations staking the total 
    volume of no less than 500 m3 of earth and stones, or covering 
    a total area of more than 250 m2 for staking earth and stones 
    before July 1, 2007
III. Construction sites;
IV. Livestock enterprises raising less than 200 hogs;
V. Oil storage plants;
VI. Enterprises or sewage systems of which the wastewater or 
    sewage is connected to public sewage systems.
An enterprise or sewage system of which the wastewater or sewage 
is connected to a sewage system other than that stated in 
Subparagraph VI of the preceding paragraph shall submit test 
reports to the sewage management agency, which shall then compile 
the reports and deliver them to the competent authority.

Article 72
The enterprises or sewage system that stores wastewater or sewage 
shall have the following contents in their reports:
I. Process facilities and production or service scales related 
   to production of the wastewater or sewage and sludge on a 
   monthly basis;
II. Quality of the original wastewater or sewage and the volume 
    of water on the testing day; the source, production volume 
    and storage quantity of the wastewater or sewage on a 
    monthly basis;
III. Location and quantity of the storage facilities;
IV. Sequential treatment measures after storage shall be reported 
    in compliance with individual pollution control regulations;
V. Date and method for calibration and maintenance of the 
   automatic fluid level measurement devices of the storage 
   facilities or their measurement methods; however, this is not 
   applicable if independent and exclusive cumulative water 
   measurement facilities have been set up.
In case the enterprise referred to in the preceding paragraph is 
a landfill where the leachate is circulated to its surface, the 
volume of the wastewater circulated to the surface of the 
landfill shall be reported on a monthly basis.

Article 73
The enterprises or sewage system that treats wastewater or sewage 
using wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities 
shall have the following contents in their reports:
I. Process facilities and production or service scales related to
   production of the wastewater or sewage and sludge on a monthly 
II. Water quality of the original wastewater or sewage and after
    the treatment/pretreatment, and the water quantity on the 
    testing day;
III. Source of water, consumption of water, production volume of 
     wastewater or sewage, and volume of water treated using the 
     wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities on a 
     monthly basis; the production volume of wastewater or sewage 
     shall be respectively reported by process or source;
IV. Operation methods and monthly operation and maintenance costs 
    of the wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities;
V. Names of the agents used every month and their usage amount;
VI. Parameters and their maximum, minimum and average values 
    under normal operation of the major treatment units during 
    the reporting period;
VII. Monthly power consumption of the independent and exclusive 
     electricity meters for wastewater or sewage treatment/
     pretreatment facilities.
VIII. Monthly production volume of sludge as well as its water 
      content and operating frequency;
IX. Date and method of calibration and maintenance of the 
    independent and exclusive cumulative inflow and outflow water 
    measurement facilities installed or measurement methods 
    adopted pursuant to Paragraph 2 of Article 12, and monthly 
    readings and measurement values.

Article 74
The enterprise or sewage system that treats wastewater or sewage 
using wastewater or sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities and 
meets one of the following requirements shall act as follows, in 
addition to reporting pursuant to the preceding article:
I. The enterprise or sewage system that makes use of its 
   redundant capacity to treat under commission wastewater or 
   sewage not produced by it shall have the following contents in 
   its report:
(1) Volume of the wastewater or sewage that it produces and the 
    redundant capacity on a monthly basis;
(2) Industry from which it accepts wastewater or sewage and the 
    cumulative volume of the wastewater or sewage that it has 
    treated on a monthly basis.
II. The enterprise or sewage system that dilutes wastewater or 
    sewage shall have the following contents in its report:
(1) Quality of the water used for the dilution and the volume of 
    water on the testing day;
(2) Source and volume of water used for the dilution on a monthly 
(3) Quantity and location of the dilution tubes and points.
III. For the commissioned operator, the designation of such 
     commissioned operator, the name of the person implementing 
     the commissioned operation, and any change of such person.

Article 75
The enterprise or sewage system that uses wastewater or sewage 
treatment/pretreatment facilities and meets one of the following 
requirements shall act as follows, in addition to reporting 
pursuant to Article 73:
I. Enterprises or sewage systems that store or stake materials 
   specified in Article 8 shall report the volume of the runoff 
   wastewater collected and treated every month.
II. Enterprises referred to in Article 9 shall report the 
(1) Volume of the wastewater produced from the car wash platform 
    and flowing into the grit chamber on a monthly basis;
(2) Distance from the highest fluid level of the grit chamber to 
    the top around it and the measuring method on a monthly basis;
(3) The maintenance status of the facilities for keeping off, 
    blocking, and channeling rainwater as well as the grit 
    chamber, and the volume of the initial rainfall collected 
    and connected to the grit chamber.
III. Catering enterprises and tourist hotels that render spa 
     service shall report the date on which hair and suspended 
     solid filtering facilities are maintained and the 
     maintenance method on a monthly basis; catering enterprises 
     and tourist hotels that render dining service shall report 
     the date on which grease traps are maintained and the 
     maintenance method on a monthly basis.

Article 76
Enterprises or sewage systems that connect their wastewater or 
sewage to dedicated sewage systems in an industrial park shall 
report the following:
I. Process facilities and production or service scales related 
   to production of the wastewater or sewage and sludge on a 
   monthly basis;
II. Quality of the water discharged into the sewage system and 
    the volume of water on the testing day as well as the source 
    of water, consumption of water, and the volume of the 
    wastewater or sewage discharged into the sewage system on a
    monthly basis;
III. Where wastewater or sewage pretreatment facilities as set 
     up, additional reports are required pursuant to Articles 73 
     to 75.

Article 77
Enterprises or sewage systems that commission others to treat 
their wastewater or sewage shall have the following contents in 
their reports:
I. Process facilities and production or service scales related 
   to production of the wastewater or sewage and sludge on a 
   monthly basis;
II. Quality of the original wastewater or sewage and the volume 
    of water on the testing day as well as the source of water, 
    consumption of water, and the production volume of the 
    wastewater or sewage on a monthly basis;
III. Frequency of the Commissioning Treatment, water quality and 
     the volume of water on the testing day, and the volume of 
     water treated under commission on a monthly basis;
IV. Names of the Commissioned Party and the industry in which 
    the Commissioned Party is engaged;
V. Water measurement facilities set up at the outflow end, the 
   date and method for calibration and maintenance of such 
   measurement facilities, their measurement methods, and the 
   monthly readings and measurement values;
VI. Article 72 shall apply to the reporting of the storage 
    facilities set up in the work environment before treatment 
    of wastewater or sewage under commission.

Article 78
Enterprises or sewage systems that discharge wastewater or sewage 
into the ocean through ocean outfall pipes shall have the 
following contents in their reports:
I. Process facilities and production or service scales related to 
   production of the wastewater or sewage and sludge on a monthly 
II. Methods for maintenance of the ocean outfall pipes and the 
    frequency of the maintenance;
III. Sampling points, frequencies, monitoring items, and 
     monitoring results in marine environment;
IV. Where wastewater or sewage pretreatment facilities as set up, 
    additional reports are required pursuant to Articles 73 to 75.

Article 79
Enterprises or sewage systems that recycle wastewater or sewage 
shall have the following contents in their reports:
I. Production process facilities related to the capacity of 
   wastewater or sewage and sludge generated, and the scale of
   production or service;
II. Quality of the original wastewater or sewage and the water 
    capacity on the day of testing, the source of monthly water 
    supply, water consumption volume and the generation of 
    wastewater or sewage;
III. Source of recycled water, the method of transmission or 
     delivery, and the purpose of recycling;
IV. Quality of recycled water and the water capacity on the day 
    of the test, and the monthly capacity of recycled water;
V. Facilities for the measurement of recycled water or the date 
   and method of the calibration and maintenance of the 
   measurement, the monthly reading or measurement value;
VI. If the storage facility is approved for installation, declare 
    in accordance with Article 72.
VII. Those that install facilities for wastewater or sewage 
     treatment/pretreatment shall declare in accordance with the 
     provisions of Articles 73 to 75.
The enterprises specified in Article 9 and recycled by just 
sedimentation treatment shall declare in accordance with the 
following further to the requirement as stated in the preceding 
I. Capacity of minerals, gravels, stone chips, or mixed concrete 
   cement generated;
II. Monthly water consumption volume and the capacity of sludge 
    generated in the sedimentation pool;
III. Water treatment capacity by the sedimentation pool and the 
     removal rate monthly;
IV. Frequency and means of removal of sludge from the 
    sedimentation pool or the concentration pool.

Article 80
Operators of combined fishing and stock raising business in the 
livestock industry shall have the following contents in their 
I. Area of the fishpond and the actual raising number of fish;
II. Animal house washing frequency and water consumption on a 
    monthly basis;
III. Volume of the wastewater discharged into the fishpond every 
     month and the measurement method;
IV. Amount of electricity consumed for the fishpond aerator on a 
    monthly basis;
V. Dissolved oxygen test value of the fishpond and the test date;
VI. Date on which wastewater or sewage was discharged and the 
    method with which it is treated after combined operation of 
    the fishing and stock raising business on a monthly basis.

Article 81
Enterprises or sewage systems that discharge wastewater or sewage 
into surface water bodies shall have the following contents in 
their reports:
I. Process facilities and production or service scales related to 
   production of the wastewater or sewage and sludge on a monthly 
II. Quality of the discharged wastewater or sewage, the volume of 
    water on the testing day, and the monthly volume of 
    discharged wastewater or sewage;
III. Water measurement facilities set up for the effluent, the 
     date and method for calibration and maintenance of such 
     measurement facilities, their measurement methods, and the 
     monthly readings and measurement values;
IV. Where wastewater or sewage pretreatment facilities as set up, 
    additional reports are required pursuant to Articles 73 to 75.

Article 82
Enterprises or sewage systems that use soil to treat wastewater 
or sewage shall act as follows, in addition to reporting pursuant 
to Articles 73 to 75:
I. Type of the crop, number of head per hectare, and area of the 
   soil for treatment on a monthly basis;
II. Quality of the water discharged into the soil, volume of
    water on the testing day, and monthly volume of water 
    discharged into the soil;
III. Soil and groundwater monitoring information;
IV. Monthly operating frequency of solid-liquid separation 
Article 83
The reporting of water quality and quantity and its testing, 
measurement, monitoring frequency and monitoring data produced by 
an enterprise or sewage system shall comply with the following:
I. Quality of wastewater or sewage is tested every six months. 
   However, for the dedicated sewage system of a community that is 
   exempted from designating responsible persons for treatment of 
   was tewater or sewage, quality of its wastewater or sewage is 
   tested once a year.
II. For an enterprise or sewage system that shall designate 
    dedicated units or Class-A persons responsible for treatment 
    of wastewater or sewage in accordance with the regulations 
    governing the designation and management of environmental 
    protection units or personnel, the quality of effluent
    discharged to surface water bodies is tested every three
    months. For an enterprise or sewage system that designates 
    Class-B persons responsible for treatment of wastewater or 
    sewage, the quality of effluent is tested every six months. 
    For the dedicated sewage system of a community that is 
    exempted from designating responsible persons for treatment 
    of wastewater or sewage, quality of water is tested once a 
III. Quality of the water discharged from a sewer-connected 
     enterprise to a sewage system is tested every six months. 
     However, if the authority governing sewage systems has 
     increased the frequency of testing, the requirements 
     provided by the authority shall be applied.
IV. For those that adopt soil treatment, the quality of the water 
    discharged to soil is tested every three months, the 
    monitored soil is tested once a year, and the quality of
    monitored groundwater is tested every six months.
V. For those that discharge sewage into groundwater, the quality
   and volume of the water discharge into groundwater is tested 
   every two months.
VI. For those that discharge wastewater or sewage into the ocean 
    through ocean outfall pipes, the monitored data of the marine 
    environment are tested every three months.
VII. For those that adopt other water pollution control measures, 
     water quality is tested every six months.
Article 84
Water quality testing or monitoring referred to in the 
information reported by an enterprise or sewage system shall be 
performed in accordance with the items specified in Table 1. 
However, the competent authority may increase the items to be 
reported depending on the actual need.
Where an enterprise or sewage system does not use or produce any 
of the items specified in Table 1 during the process and 
wastewater or sewage treatment procedure, and the test result of 
the item is lower than the detection limit, such enterprise or 
sewage system may submit an application along with certificating 
documents to the competent authority for exemption from testing 
and reporting the said item.

Article 85
Enterprises or sewage systems that adopt soil treatment shall 
take following actions with respect to monitoring of the soil and 
groundwater, in addition to acting in accordance with Table 1:
I. Where the total area for soil treatment is less than one 
   hectare, a groundwater monitoring well shall be set up at the 
   midpoint between the upstream and downstream of the groundwater 
   flow and a soil sample shall be taken from the well.
II. Where the total area for soil treatment is more than 1 
    hectare and less than 25 hectares, a groundwater monitoring 
    well shall be set up in the upstream and downstream of the 
    groundwater flow, respectively, and a soil sample shall be 
    taken from each well.
III. Where the total area for soil treatment is more than 25 
     hectares and less than 100 hectares, a groundwater 
     monitoring well shall be set up in the upstream, midstream, 
     and downstream of the groundwater flow, respectively, and 
     a soil sample shall be taken from each well.
IV. Where the total area for soil treatment is more than 100 
    hectares, more than five groundwater monitoring wells shall 
    be set up and more than five soil samples shall be taken. 
    The groundwater monitoring wells and soil samples shall be 
    set up and taken in the upstream, midstream, and downstream 
    of the groundwater flow and surrounding area.
The soil samples referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be 
mixed shallow-layer samples.
The competent authority may, with reference to the actual 
requirements with respect to the groundwater hydrology and water 
quality condition, order an enterprise or sewage system to 
increase the number of the groundwater monitoring wells and soil 
samples to be taken.

Article 86
The reporting frequency of enterprises and sewage systems is once 
every six months. However, the following enterprises or sewage 
systems shall observe the reporting items and frequencies 
specified below:
I. Reporting once every year for the dedicated sewage system of
   a community that is exempted from designating responsible 
   persons for treatment of wastewater or sewage;
II. Reporting soil samples once every year in case of soil 
III. Reporting once every three months in case of discharging 
     wastewater or sewage into the ocean through ocean outfall 
The competent authority may, depending on the actual need, order 
enterprises or sewage system to increase the reporting frequency 
with respect to all or part of the items to be reported.

Article 87
The reporting scope, format, and frequency shall be subject to 
the regulations of the central competent authority in case that 
the enterprise and sewage system is located in the total 
quantity control zone and has an automatic monitoring system, and 
the central competent authority establishes regulations governing 
connection of the automatic monitoring items.

Article 88
Enterprises or sewage systems that adopt two or more pollution 
control measures simultaneously shall report separately.
Enterprises or sewage systems that jointly set up wastewater or 
sewage treatment/pretreatment facilities for treatment purpose 
shall report jointly.

Article 89
The water quality and quantity that an enterprise or sewage 
system reports shall be acquired by sampling and measuring on the 
same day.
Reporting is deemed complete only when the sampling and measuring 
of water quality and measuring of water quantity mentioned in the 
preceding paragraph are commissioned to and completed by the 
environmental analysis laboratory to which the central competent 
authority has issued a permit, and meet the requirements provided 
by Article 68 of the Act. Reporting is deemed incomplete for 
failure to report in accordance with Articles 23 and 68 of the 
Act. The competent authority shall send to those that report 
incompletely the notice requiring them to correct within a time 
frame. In case of failure to correct within the time frame, their 
reported data will be rejected and they will be deemed to have 
not reported.
Where the rectification within a time frame referred to in the 
preceding paragraph is involved in non-retrospective data of 
water quality, a retest shall be conducted and the data 
generated from such retest shall not be used concurrently for the 
reporting in the current period of the test.

Article 90
When the water quality or water quantity reported by an 
enterprise or sewage system meets one of the following conditions, 
the enterprise or sewage system shall be exempt from 
commissioning an environmental analysis laboratory:
I. Water quality and quantity of the original wastewater or 
   sewage, water quantity of recycled water, runoff wastewater 
   quality and quantity, or the water quantity of separately 
   treated hot springs wastewater;
II. Water quantity of established independent cumulative water 
    measurement facility whose calibration and maintenance are 
    performed pursuant to Paragraph 1 of Article 65;
III. The water quality and quantity of sewer-connected 
enterprises shall be based on the testing and measurement data of 
the sewage management agency.

Article 91
Samples shall be taken in the blending facilities for the water 
quality of the original wastewater or sewage that an enterprise 
or sewage system reports.
Where wastewater or sewage contains substances harmful to the 
health as announced under this Act, the samples of such substance 
item shall be taken at appropriate locations before the 
wastewater or sewage of each type enters in the blending 

Article 92

Records reported by enterprises or sewage systems and the 
following documents shall be retained for three years for 
I. Photocopies of the bills or invoices for the cleanup of 
   wastewater or sewage by the enterprise or a third party firm 
   commissioned for such purpose;
II. Photocopies of the bills or invoices for the cleanup of
    sludge by the enterprise or a third party firm commissioned 
    for such purpose;
III. Water quality and quantity testing report;
IV. Photocopies of the bills or invoices on the purchase of 
    chemical agents;
V. In case of those that discharge wastewater or sewage into the 
   ocean through ocean outfall pipes, the monitored data of the 
   marine environment;
VI. Photocopies of the record and bills or invoices on the 
    calibration and maintenance of the measurement facility for 
    the measurement of water capacity on accumulative basis;
VII. Other matters designated by the competent authority.

Article 93
Enterprises or sewage systems shall report the data for the 
period from July to December of the previous year before January 
31 every year, and shall report the data for the period from 
January to June of the current year before July 31 every year. 
However, the following enterprises or sewage systems shall 
observe the reporting period and data specified below:
I. The management authority (agency) of the sewage systems 
   referred to in Article 71, Paragraph 2 shall report the data
   for the period from July to December of the previous year 
   before the end of February every year, and shall report the 
   data for the period from January to June of the current year 
   before August 31 every year.
II. The dedicated sewage system of a community that is exempted 
    from designating responsible persons for treatment of
    wastewater or sewage shall report the data for the period 
    from January to December of the previous year before 
    January 31.
In case enterprises and sewage systems apply for Permits
 (Documents) for pollution control measure plans, the date on 
which the Issuing Authority approves the approval documents or
  Permits (Documents) for water pollution control measure plans 
shall be the start date of the reporting.
Enterprises or sewage systems that fail to report within a given 
time frame shall correct by the deadline indicated in the notice 
of correction sent by the competent authority. If an enterprise 
or sewage system still fails to correct or fails to report prior
to the ruling issued by the competent authority, it shall be 
deemed to have failed to report.

Article 94
Enterprises or sewage systems shall report in hard copy, except 
when the competent authority announces that the reporting shall 
be sent via the Internet.

Article 95
Construction sites that submitted the runoff wastewater pollution 
reduction plan pursuant to the Necessary Measures for Reduction 
of Volume of Filterable Substances and Eroded Silt in Runoff 
Wastewater from Construction Sites and Earth and Stone Staking or 
Disposing Stations announced by the central competent authority 
on August 26, 2003 and obtained the approval from the competent 
authority shall apply to the competent authority for modification
of the runoff wastewater pollution reduction plan in accordance 
with Article 9 within 3 months after the implementation of the 
Regulations if the construction period would last for over a year 
after the implementation of the Regulations. However, if the 
construction site has difficulty in installing, the above 
requirement shall not apply, subject to approval from the 
competent authority.

Article 96
The requirements for improvement periods provided for the 
enterprises or sewage systems that shall carry out engineering 
work and install facilities, pipelines and signs to comply with
new provisions of the Regulations are stated as follows:
I. Improvement of the independent and exclusive cumulative inflow 
   water measurement facilities stated in Paragraph 2 of Article 
   12,the independent and exclusive cumulative water measurement 
   facilities stated in Subparagraph II and signs at sampling 
   points in Subparagraph III of Paragraph 2 of Article 28, the 
   independent and exclusive cumulative water measurement 
   facilities at the inflow and outflow ends stated in Paragraph 2 
   of Article 31, the independent and exclusive cumulative inflow 
   water measurement facilities stated in Paragraph 2 of Article 37, 
   the independent and exclusive cumulative inflow and outflow 
   water measurement facilities and measurement facilities with 
   automatic fluid level recording and storage volume displaying 
   functions stated in Paragraph 1 of Article 39, the independent 
   and exclusive cumulative water measurement facilities that are 
   recycled in Paragraph 2 of Article 37, the facilities, pipelines 
   and signs stated in Article 50, and the signboards at discharge 
   points stated in Article 55 shall be completed within three 
   months after the implementation of the Regulations.
II. For any engineering work and pipeline installation not
    provided for in the preceding subparagraph, enterprises or 
    sewage systems shall submit the engineering work improvement 
    statement to the Issuing Authority for its review within two 
    months after the central competent authority announces that 
    the approval documents or Permits (Documents) for the water 
    pollution control measure plans shall be renewed. Any and 
    all improvements shall be completed within six months after 
    the review. However, those that fail to complete improvement 
    within the period announced for renewal of approval documents 
    or Permits (Documents) for the water pollution control 
    measure plans may specify reasons and apply to the Issuing 
    Authority for the extension of the improvement period. An 
    improvement period shall not be longer than a year.

Article 97
An enterprise or sewage system that uses containers, tank trucks 
or means other than pipelines or drainage ditches to transport 
wastewater or sewage compliant with effluent standards into an 
area outside of the range of operations shall inform the 
competent authority by telephone or facsimile 24 hours before 
the scheduled transport of wastewater or sewage.
An enterprise or sewage system that uses containers, tank trucks 
or means other than pipelines or drainage ditches to clear the 
wastewater or sewage not complying with effluent standards into 
an area outside of the range of operations, shall perform 
clearance and follow-up disposal pursuant to the Waste Disposal
Where the enterprises or sewage systems established already 
prior to the implementation of the Regulations are in any of 
the situations stated in the preceding paragraph, the concerned 
matters shall be addressed pursuant to the Waste Disposal Act 
from January 1, 2008.

Article 98
The recycling plans that enterprises provide for record in 
accordance with the Industrial Water Pollution Control Measure 
Management Regulations prior to the implementation of the 
Regulations shall become invalid from January 1, 2010. In case 
the procedure of renewing Permits (Documents) or approval 
documents for water pollution control measure plans are 
completed, the recycling plans shall become invalid upon 
completion of the procedure.

Article 99
Enterprises established already prior to the implementation of 
the Regulations and included from July 1, 2007 into the scope of 
enterprises governed by the Act pursuant to the enterprise 
classification and definitions in the Water Pollution Control Act 
announced on December 6, 2005 by the central competent authority 
shall apply the Regulations from July 1, 2008.

Article 100
Enterprises or sewage system that make part of the plant (site) 
or equipment available to others or commission others to operate 
water pollution control equipment shall remain responsible for 
management of water pollution control measures and reporting of 

Article 101
The Regulations shall become effective on the date of 
Data Source:Ministry of Environment Laws and Regulations Retrieving System